24: Jekyll & Hyde

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Before I start this chapter I just want to make it clear that I have no idea if Chris was ever in this play or if he played as Jekyll/Hyde. But I saw the play not to long ago and I really liked it so I thought about putting it into a chapter where Chris and Riley are in the play together when they were in Highschool. I thought it would be kind of fun.


I stood there in front of the character list wondering who to audition for. I knew Chris was auditioning for Dr Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde. I was either planning to audio for Emma or Lucy. If I played as Emma then I would sing a lot. But Lucy is one of my favorite characters. Plus she has a few duets with Hyde. I decided to write down my name for Lucy.
A small sigh was heard behind me and I turned to see Chris with a smile on his face as he looked at my name next to the character name, "Lucy is such a good choice for you Riley."
Scott ran up and looked at the auditions, "I guess I'll take Simon."
I held in my laughs, "what about Spider?"
Scott didn't seem amused but his favorite was always John. But that role was already taken by Tyler Scottsfield. Scott rolled his eyes before walking away from me and his older brother. Chris chuckled before placing his hand gently on my shoulder.
"Good luck with the auditions, Ri" he said before walking away. I walked into the auditorium seeing two girls auditioning for Emma. I sat down and waited for Mrs Taylor to tell who was next to audition.
"Alright next we have Riley Matthews auditioning for the role as Lucy!" said Mrs Taylor. I heard a few claps. I knew those claps belonged to either Chris, Scott, or my lovely sister Emily. I walked up on stage slowly and stood there nervously. I saw Chris in the front row with a smile on his face. 'Go on' he mouthed with a smile. I nodded to my best friend before I began to sing.

A New Life -
What I wouldn't give
To have a new life!
One thing I have learned
As I go through life:
Nothing is for free
Along the way!

A new start -
That's the thing I need,
To give me new heart -
Half a chance in life
To find a new part,
Just a simple role
That I can play.

A new hope -
Something to convince me
To renew hope!
A new day,
Bright enough
To help me find my way!

A new chance -
One that maybe has
A touch of romance.
Where can it be,
The chance for me?

A new dream -
I have one I know
That very few dream!
I would like to see
That overdue dream -
Even though
It never may come true!
A new love -
Though I know there's no
Such thing as true love -
Even so,
Although I never knew love,
Still I feel that
One dream is my due!

A new world -
This one thing I want
To ask of you, world -
Once! - Before it's time
To say adieu, world!
One sweet chance to
Prove the cynics wrong!

A new life -
More and more, I'm sure,
As I go through life,
Just to play the game -,
And to pursue life -
Just to share its pleasures,
And belong! -
That's what I've been here for,
All along!
Each day's
A brand new life!

Chris, Scott, Emily, and most of the people in the auditorium began clapping like mad men with smiles on their faces. I smiled awkwardly before walking off stage. Later that night I wondered if I got the part. I laid awake listening to the rain hit the roof softly. I was so excited for tomorrow to know who got the part has Lucy. I probably wouldn't get the part. I knew I most likely wouldn't.
The next day at school I arrived and Chris had ran up to me pulling me toward the board for the cast. He pointed at my name beside the other name: Lucy. I GOT THE PART! I screamed happily and hugged Chris tightly. I was so excited. After learning our parts we began practicing right away.

I took a peak at the full house. My nervousness growing as more people arrived. I was a nervous wreck. I felt an arm on my shoulder making me turn around. Chris was wearing a suit that would've been from the time period when the play takes place. I was also wearing a red dress from the time period. My blonde hair was curled in a bunch of curls. My lips were ruby red and they had used a little bit of makeup.
"Stop being so nervous, Riley. You're gonna do great" Chris said.
"Says the person who kills me close to the end" I said with my arms crossed, "talk about a back stabber."
"You're really good at making references" Chris said with that adorable smile that would make any girl melt.
"I know" I said.

I ran out on stage and waved before standing beside my sister Emily who played as Emma. Chris ran out last and bowed with a smile before running over standing next to me. We all bowed to the cheering crowd. WE DID IT! I did it! I'm surprised I didn't puke on stage. When the curtains closed we walked off stage. Chris and Scott pulled me into the biggest hug.
"I told you!" Chris said with the biggest smile.
"Whatever" I said giving them a big hug as well.

Forever & Always (Chris Evans Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora