23: Offer

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Being 5 months pregnant is hard. The Oscars were coming up and Chris convinced me to go with him. He wanted to let the media know that he was engaged to his best friend who he's known forever. He was really excited when I agreed to go with him. I said we would have to find Emma a babysitter. He said Tom could do it. I agreed so Chris texted Tom asking about it. Of course Tom said 'YES!'
It was early in the morning and I was trying to get some sleep. The doctor told us that the baby would start kicking. I guess our baby boy is gonna be a soccer player because he wouldn't stop kicking. I was laying in bed with Chris's arm around me. The doctor also told us I would get backaches and that the baby's hearing starts to develop. I looked over at my sleeping fiancé. He looked so peaceful when he slept. I decided to ruin that peacefulness.
"Chris!" I said slapping his stomach making him groan in pain.
"What?" He groaned burying his face in my hair.
"I can't sleep" I said.
"Why?" He asked.
"The baby is keeping me up" I mumbled as I slowly sat up.
Me and Chris got out of bed a few minutes later. Well he helped me get out of bed. I know I'm fat! Chris speed walked to the kitchen and started making breakfast. I may be 5 months pregnant but I will help him make breakfast. I walked over and started helping him. He gave me a look basically telling me to go wake up Emma. I returned the look before giving up and going to wake up my baby girl. I walked into her room and poked her gently. She picked up her head a little bit and smiled.
So later in the day Chris was giving Emma a bath. Since Chris was in the bathroom I decided to make myself a pancake. I was still hungry. After I made my pancake I put strawberries all around it and a mountain of whipped cream. I stared at the mountain of the cream and shook my head.
"More" I mumbled to myself and put more whipped cream on the pancake. I put a strawberry on top of everything with a smile. When I was just about to take a bite of the delicious creation a high pitched squeal was heard. I turned my head to see Emma wrapped in a yellow towel. She hid behind me and peaked around the corner of my legs.
"Emma come back here!" Chris yelled walking around the corner. I snickered slightly at his soaked shirt. Emma ducked back behind me. Chris must've seen Emma duck behind me because a smirk crept up onto his face. He walked over to me with a smile.
"Have you seen Emma?" He asked.
"Not that I know of" I said staring up into his blue eyes. I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing at what I was about to do. I sprayed the whipped cream onto his beard, "run Emma!"
"Not cool, Riley" Chris said grabbing a towel and rubbing the whipped cream off of his face. The sound of Emma's little feet slapping the ground as she ran made me smile.
"I think you should go catch her" I said smiling.
"I'll be back" he said running after Emma. Moments later he came back with Emma tucked under his arm. I stood there watching as Chris carried Emma into her bedroom. I guess I never told him that she can be pretty difficult when it comes to bath time. I couldn't help but laugh as I watched when Emma came back out wearing her Iron Man footsie pjs. Chris walked over to me exhausted.
"Don't hug me yet. Go get a dryer shirt on" I said smiling as Emma ran around the house yelling that she was Iron Man. But as if on cue Robert had walked in. Chris probably called him earlier.
"What?! There's another Iron Man?!" Robert asked as he shut the door.
"Robert!" Emma said running over into Robert's warm embrace.
"Hey kiddo!" Robert said with the biggest smile as he picked up Emma and hugged her tightly.
"Hey man" Chris said as he walked back out of the bedroom with a dryer shirt on his chest. Robert put down Emma allowing her to run over to me as I put the dirty dish into the sink. I picked up Emma and balanced her on my hip with a smile. I put Emma's hood up for her which was like the Iron Man mask. I put her down and she ran into the living room to play.
"Hey Riley" Robert said with a smile.
"Sup" I said as he walked over and gave me a small hug.
"How's the baby?" Robert asked.
"It's a boy" I said walking into the living room.
"You could name him Robert" He suggested making me and Chris laugh a little bit.
"Hey Riley how would you feel playing in Captain America: Civil War with me and Robert?" Chris asked, "I sent the director one of your audition videos and he said that if you wanted to play the role you could."
"No way!" I said shocked completely.
"Yeah. I'm actually really excited about it" He said.
"You play as Pepper Potts's little sister" Robert said.
"Do you have any more information?" I asked smiling. Chris handed me his phone and I looked through the character's information.

Name: Caroline Potts
Age: 28
Family: Pepper Potts
Hair color: blonde
Occupation: level 3 agent at Shield
Personality: can be fun, sarcastic, and a good person
Love Interest: Steve Rogers

I can see why Chris wanted me to accept the offer. It says that Caroline is pregnant which while make it easier for me to portray the role. I decided to agree about doing the role. Chris and Robert were excited about me agreeing to do it. Emma was excited as well. I told her she could come to set and see mommy and daddy work.
Later Robert had to leave so I decided to have another snack before helping Chris with lunch. He told me not to but I didn't listen. I like helping. I'm not helpless. We planned to go to DisneyLand or the beach here soon. We'll probably go to the beach. Then we'll go to DisneyLand once the baby is born. We were actually going to walk around down town tomorrow. I was really excited about it too.

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