Chapter 9: Piano

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We woke up the next morning, Emma was snuggled into Chris's chest while Chris had his right arm draped over my waist. Me and Emma are much smaller than Chris so it was very comfortable. Chris's blue eyes were open and he had a smile on his face.
"Morning" he whispered tiredly.
"Morning" I responded with a smile as Emma cuddled deeper into Chris's chest. She was probably having a nightmare, "wake her up."
"Emma" Chris said nudging her and she made a small noise, "Emma." She woke up with a small jump and looked at us with a scared expression.
"I had a nightmare" she said wrapping her small arms around me.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked hoping to calm her.
"No" she mumbled and buried her face in my stomach. Chris rubbed her back gently.
"I'll go make your favorite thing for breakfast" I said.
"Chocolate chip pancakes?!" Emma asked with wide eyes.
"Oh yeah" I said.
"Yay!" She said as I climbed out of bed.
"Chris, do me a favor and get her something to wear" I said before exiting the room.
Emma's P.O.V
I hopped off the bed as mommy walked downstairs. I ran over to Mommy's bag and search for a spare pair of clothes she always packs. Chris walked over and picked me up and the bag. He set the bag on the bed.
"So Em... What happened in the nightmare? You don't have to talk about it of you don't want too" Chris said.
"Promise you won't tell mommy" I said.
"I promise" he said.
"Pinkie promise" I said holding out my pinkie finger and we locked pinkie fingers. I took a big breath, "my nightmare was that you left mommy and she was really upset, but then Loki showed up and bad stuff happened!"
"I would never leave your mom. And if Loki showed up: I'd protect you and your mom" he said.
"Really?" I asked.
"Of course. And don't tell your mom but I'm gonna pop a big question" he said and I gasped with excitement.
"Really?!" I asked with excitement.
"Well I'm gonna pop this question on Christmas morning" he said.
"Best Christmas present ever!" I said with excitement as Chris set me down on the bed.
"You can't tell her" he said tapping my nose, "Boop!"
"You're silly" I said laughing as he picked out an outfit.
"I know" he said tickling me. He turned around and allowed me to get dressed. When I was done I looked at the pjs.
"I'm done!" I said as he turned and tried to put my hair into a ponytail. After he was done, he picked me up and balanced me on his hip with a smile. We walked downstairs and the delicious smell of chocolate chip pancakes. I squealed with excitement before Chris put me down and I ran to the table. I climbed onto the seat and grabbed my fork and dug into the chocolate heaven.
Riley's P.O.V
After breakfast, Chris agreed to teach Emma the piano. Well try to teach her. Chris tried something simple but she decided to make her own song. She tapped one key multiple times while Chris played a tune. She watched his fingers as he played. Her face lighting up with amazement. I sat down on the other side of Emma and joined in. Chris and me practiced the piano when we were little kids. It was a lot of fun. His mom also taught me how to tap dance.
"You two are meant to be" I heard someone say as we both turned around to see Scott with a smile.
"SCOTT!" Emma said as she hopped off the piano bench and ran to Scott.
"Hey Emmy" Scott said picking her up and kissing her cheek multiple times.
"Sup" Chris said as I got up to go make Scott some coffee.
"Well I got bored. You know I think we should make a video for youtube" Scott said smiling.
"Once Emma goes for a nap" I said giving Scott a cup of coffee.
"Thanks Speedy" Scott said, since I'm younger than both Chris and Scott they just have to pick on me. Scott likes to call me speedy because when I was little I would run past Scott and Chris during track at school and yell "bye slowpokes!"
"I will push you" I said.
"In your dreams" Scott said as Emma poked his nose. I looked back at Scott with a serious face.
"Don't mess with me" I said yawning, "I'm gonna go get dressed." I walked up the stairs and back into the room. I looked through my bag trying to find something I could wear. I found a pair of Chris's sweatpants on the floor. I found my black tank top in my bag and then one of Chris's "lumberjack" button up shirts. I didn't button up the shirt because it takes to much energy. I sound really tired right now. I walked back down stairs.
"Are those my sweatpants?" Chris asked as Emma and Scott went to go play.
"Maybe. They're really comfy" I said smiling.
"And is that one of my flannel shirts?" He asked.
"Maybe" I said as I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my head in his chest.
"Maybe we should, decorate your tree today?" He asked.
"Hmm. Or we could just stay here for Christmas?" I asked with a smile.
"My tree still needs a few touches to it" he said as he rested his head on top of mine.
"Okay" I mumbled.
"Let's have some fun" he said.
Soon I was sitting on the porch drinking hot chocolate as Emma, Scott, and Chris played in the snow. Emma threw a snowball at Scott making me laugh. Too cute. Chris walked up on the porch.
"Are you sure you don't want a jacket?" He asked. I was cold. He unzipped his jacket and without warning I ran to him wrapped my arms around his waist just as he went to take off his jacket. I felt warm when I hugged him.
"Zip the jacket" I mumbled and he gladly zipped the large jacket. It was like a blanket. But I was trapped in the middle of Chris and his zipped up jacket.
"You know you're really short" he said. He always picked on me because I'm shorter than him and Scott. I lifted up his shirt and placed my cold hands on the bare skin on his back making him shiver at the touch.
"Don't call me short" I said as I slowly removed my hands from under his shirt. He planted a soft kiss on my head.
"But you're beautiful" he said.
"Nope" I said looking up at him with a smile.
"You are very beautiful. And I'm gonna win this argument" he said.
"Shut up, Dorito" I said making him chuckle.
"Right back at ya, Cinderella" he said with a smile. Maybe we were meant to be. I mean it was like we were made for each other. This sounds really cheesy.

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