Chapter 4: The Party

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"I don't know what I would do without you guys" I said as Lisa finished doing my hair. Emma was sitting on the bathroom counter with Scott standing beside her. Alice was getting ready to do my makeup. Lisa was wearing a purple dress that came the middle of her leg showing a little bit of skin. Scott was wearing a dark blue button up shirt with a light brown tie and jeans with nice brown shoes. Alice was wearing a big sweater and jeans with her hair pulled up into a bun. Emma was dressed in a short white dress and for once her hair was straight and she had bangs. But that would change soon. Emily was in the living room pigging out on cookies Lisa had made for Emma. Emily was wearing a dark blue dress with her hair curled.
"My turn" Alice said excitedly as she began to work her magic. Soon I had ruby red lips and not that much mascara. (I don't know much about makeup) It looked nice. I picked up Emma and we all got to the car. Well Lisa's car. Mines to small to fit everyone. Once we arrived at the large house where Chris and the others grew up at; we all got out of the car. I fixed Emma's jacket before we all began to walk toward the front door. Lisa opened the door and we walked inside. Not that many people were here just yet. Lisa and Scott wondered off to go mingle.
Chris's P.O.V
I was trying to figure out which cookie I wanted until I heard the door shut. More guest! Yay! I looked over to see Riley. I dropped the cookie just staring at her. She was wearing a short red dress that fit her perfectly. She smiled kindly at Shana as she went to go greet her. Emma was balanced on her mothers hip and she looked so happy. It's like time had stopped. It was like Riley and me were the only ones in the room. She was beautiful. Her laugh was just amazing. I've always had a crush on Riley ever since we first met. She was just an amazing person.
"Close your mouth you'll catch flies" I heard someone say behind me as I turned to see Alice, Riley's older sister.
"Hey Alice" I said as she walked over and rested her arm on her stomach.
"She's beautiful, isn't she?" She asked smiling.
"Can I be honest with you, Alice?" I asked.
"Of course Chris!" She said happily.
"I really like Riley. She's just different than the other women I've met. She's just-"
"You can't think of any words to describe her?" She asked.
"Exactly" I said.
"Take my advice, Chris. Ask her out. She's most likely to say yes. I read her diary. She's had a crush on you ever since you met" she said before walking toward Scott who was talking with my mom. I shoved my hands in my pockets. Alice was right.
"CHRIS!" Emma said as she ran over to me.
"EMMA!" I said picking her up. She's such a ball of energy.
"How are you?" She asked poking my nose.
"I'm great. And a little confused" I said.
"What are you confused about?" She asked. For a 2 year old who is almost 3 she can talk great.
"Well... I think I have feelings for your mom. But I don't know how to tell her" I said.
"Just ask her. Don't be afraid. If you want something, you go for it" she said poking my chest.
"You're one wise kid" I said.
"Well I was raised by the best" she said before I put her down and she rushed to go find her mother or Aunts. I thought about what Alice and Emma said. Soon I felt something wrap around my leg and I looked down to see Emma was back.
"Just a quick question" she said smiling.
"What's your question?" I asked.
"Can I call you Daddy?" She asked. I felt my heart warm up by that one word.
"Of course you can, Emma" I said before she rushed off again to do who knows what.
"Hey Chris" I heard someone say as I turned to see Riley. I froze where I stood and just stared at her.
Riley's P.O.V
"Earth to Christopher" I said waving my hand in front of his face. He shook his head before smiling at me.
"You look stunning" he said licking his bottom lip.
"You want stop Chapstick?" I asked reaching in my bag to find some Chapstick.
"Uh no I'm fine" he said as I bit my bottom lip.
"Okay" I said closing my bag.
"Uh Riley would you like-"
"RILEY! Is that you?!" asked a familiar voice interrupting Chris. I turned to see Hannah. My best friend ever since 5th grade.
"HANNAH!" I asked in disbelief. She was so pretty. She had long brown hair and green eyes. She was wearing a short green dress.
"OMG! I haven't seen you since Highschool!" She said hugging me. She was good friends with Scott.
"This is crazy. You look amazing" I said.
"Thank you. And you look amazing as well" she said.
"Let me see the ring" I said as she held up her hand. I heard she got engaged last month.
"The wedding is coming up soon. I'm still working on planning" she said.
"That is amazing" I said.
"Come on. I'll introduce you to my fiancé" she said.
"Oh well Chris was going to-" I asked turning around to see that Chris was gone, "-never mind." We walked to the living room and there stood a tall man maybe in his 30s. He had dark brown hair and blue eyes.
"Riley this is Brady. Brady this is Riley" Hannah said to the man.
"Hi" we said at the same time as we shook each other's hands.
"Riley has been my best friend since 5th grade" Hannah said.
"Oh cool. It's nice to meet you, Riley" Brady said with a kind smile.
"Likewise" I said returning the smile as I looked around to see where Chris went off too.
"Hannah has told be so much about you" Brady said.
"All good things I hope" I said.
"I promise all good things" he said laughing.
"Well enjoy the party" I said walking away. I walked over to Scott and tapped his shoulder.
"Hey Riley, what's up?" Scott asked.
"Where's Chris?" I asked.
"I don't know. Last I saw him he was with you" Scott said.
"Well if you see him tell him to come and find me" I said as I got an idea if where he was, "never mind." I walked up stairs and stopped at Chris's old bedroom door.
"You know you're a bad hider" I said opening the door and staring at him. He was laying on his bed.
"Can't blame me for trying" he said smiling as I walked over and laid down next to him.
"What did you want to ask me earlier?" I asked.
"Uh... Would you like to go on a d-date sometime?" He asked looking over at me.
"I'd love too" I said smiling widely.
"Yay" he said as he smiled at me. I interlocked our hands together with smiles on our faces. This will be a lot of fun.

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