25: Baby Boy

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So it's been a few months and I look like a ate a watermelon. Alice has been picking on me about that for a while since I picked on her about when she was pregnant with Kyle and Dylan. Also me and Chris have been thinking of baby names for our son. We've also been working on Civil War. So it's been three months so that means I'm eight months pregnant. I'm about to pop any day now. We also changed the date of the wedding as well. It was suppose to be in April but we changed it to August.
I was sitting in the living room eating some strawberries as I watched TV. I was really comfortable too. But I guess the baby didn't want me to be comfortable. I quickly sat up and looked over at Chris who was in the seat next to me with Emma on his lap. She had fallen asleep not long ago.
"Chris?" I asked in a whisper not wanting to wake up Emma.
"Yeah?" He asked looking over at me.
"The baby is coming" I said getting up quickly. Chris got up quickly waking up Emma instantly. He rushed to go get the bag quickly. Emma looked around confused but she got her shoes on.

So that day we welcomed Thomas Christopher Evans into the world. He had brown hair just like Chris and ocean blue eyes that sparkled in the light. He was so tiny too. Once he was born they cleaned him off and got some clothes on him. It was a cute Captain America onesie that we had brought with us. I also put a pair of blue socks on his little feet and a light blue hat on his head.
Thomas stretched out his little arms and yawned as I held him. He looked at me with those blue eyes that reminded me of his dad. It was too cute. We named him after Grandpa Thomas. I thought it was a cute idea. Chris sat beside me with Emma on his lap. She had fallen asleep after Thomas was born. She seemed pretty tired. She was excited when her baby brother was born.
There was a soft knock on the door and my sisters came into the room. Emily walked over and looked at Thomas. "He's so cute and little," she said with a smile.
Alice smiled and looked at Thomas, "he is the cutest baby I've seen in a while."
Chris smiled and nodded as he rubbed Emma's back gently as she slept. Emily smiled and held her hands out for Emma. Chris handed Emma to Emily slowly. Emily balanced Emma on her hip and walked around the room as her favorite niece slept.
I looked down at Thomas as he let out a small yawn which I found adorable. Alice took a picture of me, Chris, and Thomas. I moved some of Thomas's brown hair from his face and smiled slightly. I looked at Chris and gave him the biggest smile before kissing his cheek.
"Our baby boy" I said looking at him.
"We're going to be the best parents in the world" he smiled kissing me softly. I nodded in agreement.
"Of course" I said smiling. We were going to have one fun journey.

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