Chapter 1

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What's Done
In The Dark, Book 1


" I know without a doubt that I'm on to something with bringing you in. It's no coincidence that you were on the very scene that a shooting happened at, and your "Ex" just so happens to be our prime suspect."

"It's like I said before, shit happens. I have no clue what went on and it is a coincidence. I don't and I haven't delt with Ryan in over two years."

"So you say, just keep in mind that I have eyes on you. I know that it's only a matter of time before you slip up, and I'll be right there with my handcuffs with a smile ready to bring you in here for good."

"Dang, you act like I'm just out here with a long criminal record." I laughed standing and gathering my belongings to leave. "In the mean time while you're waiting for whatever this slip up you speak of, try to have a better night .... And lighten up for Pete's sake, you're always so uptight." I taunted on my way out of his office.

I quickly made my way out of the police station and hopped in the first cab that I saw, ready to get the fuck away from the city.

I silently reflected back over tonights events as the cabby drove through traffic to my destination. Truthfully I really didnt know why things happened the way that they did, but I did in fact whiteness the whole thing, and knew who did what.

I shook my head as I flashed back to the very beginning.

"I don't know why you playing like I won't kill you Raven,where the fuck you at?"

"Why is that all of a sudden your concern Ryan. I'm where I'm at, which is not your business."

"You talk tough shit cause you know I'm not close to you right now, but don't get it twisted, I'm closer to finding you than you think."

"Ryan what is it? I'm kinda busy."

"I thought your tone would change, let me come holla at you. Where you at?"

"Come see me?? Come see me?? Are you serious right now? You had all the time in the world when you had me,to see me, but what did you do? I'll tell you what you did.

You fucked me over every chance you got my nigga, from beating my ass every chance you got, to cheating on me all the way down to robbing my stupid ass blind.

I kept warning you, I told you the first chance that I got to get away from you, I was gone take it and never look back.

I couldn't imagine what it is that you need to see me about, but I'm not Interested. It's been two years almost three now, continue doing what you been doing and leave me alone."

"I see you wanna play tough shit, I got you Rae. You can believe that, when I catch you I don't wanna hear no begging, keep that tough talk."

Ryan disconnected the call, leaving Raven sitting on the toliet in the bathroom of the hotel room she was in, with her iPhone still to her ear. A million thoughts ran through her head.

She kept a front up as if she wasn't afraid but on the inside she feared for her life every single day. The life that she lived was a dangerous one and not only that, there were some pretty serious people after her.

The sound of a man's voice and a knock on the bathroom door shook her out of her thoughts and also made her remember what tonight was all about.

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