Chapter 22

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(Raven's POV)

I woke up this morning alone, Jason or his dad came back last night . I was sitting at the table scrolling Instagram while I ate some fruit loops, when I came across a picture from three hours ago that Jason was in and tagged too.

The picture was of a guy in a hospital bed with Jason leaning over the side posing in the picture throwing up the duces. The caption read " That was yet another close one,I gots to do better with taking care of myself,but thanks to my long time partner in crime @Jason_Love for being here for me once again . pray for me!

I also saw in the picture somebody else but only their arm was visible, but i knew just from the watch it was Jason's dad.

I wonder why he just didn't call or text me to say he was okay and what he was doing .. I would have understood, hell I didn't even know he knew someone from here.

I jumped out of my thoughts hearing the refrigerator open it was his sister .

" Did I scare ya?"

"A little bit, have you talked to your dad or brother this morning?"

"Nope! Dad text me earlier but that's about it."

"Okay... Did he say where they were or when they would be back?"

"Not really."

"What do you mean not really? He either did or didn't lol, why you being so short with me all of a sudden?"

" Look you don't go with me so you don't have a reason to be questioning me. They'll be back when they get back."

I was just about to open my mouth to cuss this lil bitch out, then the front door open .

"Wassup ma, what you in here doing?

"I was eating but forget all of that, where you been ? And why didn't you call me?"

"Raven lower your voice ma, come outside and talk to me."

I looked between him and his sister then went out the door ahead of him. My attitude was on 10 for 3 different reasons. First off his lil sister done completely changed from how she was when I first met her. Then he comes up in here as if nothing was wrong, thirdly the look in his eyes told me something was wrong.

"Okay Jason out with it. Where were you?"

"While we were out last night I bumped into an old friend from back home, we started chilling and drinking then all of a sudden he passed out. In the mix of all of the commotion I forgot to grab my phone when we left to get him to the hospital.

I'm sorry ma, I just never seen him like that before and I was panicked that's all , please don't be mad at me ,it was a honest mistake."

"Okay Jason I have no choice but to take your word for it, I ain't never had to question your honesty but I will say this, you need to talk to your sister, I don't know what her problem is but her lil ass got one more time to get smart with me and imma KO her ass, sister or not."

"I'm pretty sure I know what that's about. She's not a morning person at all, she don't care who it is if it's early morning her mouth becomes real smart. But I'll talk to her."

"Well you better cause I got a smart mouth and these hands work at all times of the day."

" Easy killer.. You ready for today?"

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