Chapter 20

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(August POV)

"I Can't believe you made me leave Mustang Sally behind like that, they gone crush my boo thang."

"You'll be fine, you can't tell me you don't love this bitch!"

"Oh I aint say all of that now, Hell yeah I love it.

And I jus wanna tell ya thank ya mama.

" What you thanking me for? This was all apart of my dads vision for you. I'm just doing my job. No need for the thank yous. I supposed to make sure my "client" is straight."

"See that's just it tho, I know being a manager was not what ya wanted ta do, so I appreciate ya pulling out all the stops fa me . The clothes, the shoes, the jewelry,the studio session, this pretty mufucka, everythang ma!

I really do appreciate ya!"

"No it wasn't in my plans, but for real I didn't even have a plan. This manager shit is pretty cool, I know the business a little bit but I'm interested in learning more as we go along."

"We gone see if you still feel that way when shit get really real and hectic lol"

" Aye, I'm down for the challenges, don't play me weak now, I may be little but I'm built tough!"

"Alright Lil mama we gone see."

"I got a email this morning , Def Jam wants to meet with you about a record deal next week!"

"Bullshit !!! ya serious ma? Like a real sit down and everythang?"

"Yes I'm so serious !! This is it August, you're on your way . We gotta get you a PR rep, A stylist an assistant and everything."

"Ion know about the stylist part I can dress myself ma. And I don't need no assistant me and you can handle all of that."

"Of course you can dress yourself but when it comes down to doing shows and appearances you not gone have time to pick and chose or shop for what you want."

"I guess you right ,I just don't want somebody imma be bumping heads with."

" We got time,just hold tight I may just have the perfect person in mind for you."

"Iight ma, we gone see."

" Just trust me, have I let you down yet ?"

"You right and I do trust ya I trust ya ass with everything.

Our birthday is coming up. What we gone do?"

" That is right our birthdays are on the same day, I haven't even thought about it for real , I usually just lay in bed and sleep my birthday away, it's never been a big deal for me to celebrate my birthday."

"Girl if you don't get yo.... Man hush, leave it all up to me we gone turn all the way the fuck up!! Is you wit it??"

"Lol if you say so Mr. Alsina. But come let's go in here and get this last appointment over with, so we can get on the road."

"Can't wait to get away from me huh?"

"Not at all, its deeper than that."

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