Chapter 5

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(Raven's POV)

Man it's been a real crazy week to say the least, after I dropped Janiya off at home, I headed to the grocery store to grab a few things, I decided after everything that had occurred, that I would stay in the house for a few days just to get my mind right and focus on what I need to do for me.

Going up and down the different aisles picking up all my favorite things, and some household necessities,I decided to grab me some beer I already had bottles of liquor at home, I thought about the coke and weed I had back at home and thought how drinks always goes good with those treats. I just wanted to be alone and get fucked up, those demons was making an appearance again so I gotta drown them out somehow.

After grabbing everything I needed I headed over to the pharmacy to pick up my prescriptions,knowing I was almost out of my medications.

While standing in line I felt a slight tap on my shoulder I turned around to see the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen.

"Um hi." I said with an awkward smile

"My names Jason, I'm new to the city so, sorry to just creep up on u like this,but I saw you and thought that you were very beautiful, and I was wondering if I could have you number? You know maybe you could let me take you out sometime, when you're free. I mean that's if you're single,I don't wanna step on nobodies toes or nothing."

" It's nice to meet you,I'm Raven,I don't give my number out to people."

"Oh, well, I understand that,can't blame a guy for trying tho, you're very beautiful.
And I would have kicked myself if I didn't at least try."

"Don't give up so easy now lol, give me your number and I'll give you a call."

"Cool, here you go, and please if you ever wanna get out,hit me up. Don't forget about me ma."

"I will, it was nice meeting you Jason!"

"You too pretty lady, have a good night!"

He seems nice, but.... I don't know,I'm just not ready for that yet.

After getting my meds and checking out I was headed home,to lock myself in for a few days.

While passing the Circle K I saw a familiar car,matter fact I saw two familiar cars, parked side by side kinda off to themselves, so I got the idea to double back and park across the street to see what this was about.

After sitting here for ten minutes, I pulled out my iPhone and went to record mode and zoomed the screen so I could see up close.

Thank all the Gods in heaven for the creation of this wonderful apple device and it's impeccable camera feature, yasss God!! Amend!!

It really made me feel like I was sitting front row of this hot mess that was happening.

Here I was sitting here watching Kyra's head bob up and down in the lap of my ex, Ryan.

Now it all makes sense to me, that's what all the weirdness was about. Lol of course I know it's more to it, I just don't know what,yet. But this is major news, and I have it all recorded,from her sucking him up to him punching her in the face to her getting out of his mate black Challenger holding her jaw, to her getting in her bum ass Honda Civic.

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