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"Goodbye baby don't forget to text and call me everyday i'm gonna miss you so much but hey you're 19 and going on the road with your band what could go wrong? you'll have thousands of girls clawing their way to you just so hey can push themselves against you for pictures.Soon enough i'll see videos of you signing some sluts boobs or something online and you won't say no when they ask because all you have is a younger girlfriend back home" I said "Come on honey you know that's not whats gonna happen you know i'd never pick some slut up when I know I have you here and believe me I don't wanna leave you behind but you're only 17 you need to stay back and graduate grade 12" Andy replied and for some reason I believed his every word. "I know but you can't blame me for worrying it's just we're never this far apart and the longest we've ever been apart was the month I was up in Alexandra for my surgery but even when I was in the hospital you drove up and visited me." I whispered not looking at him my bottom lip shook a little. I won't cry not now I told myself crying is for later when i'm alone in my room and no one can see me I have to make Andy feel good about his decision "I know but I really have to go. I love you honey don't forget it i'll call you when i'm there" he said as he kissed me and got into the car driving away I watched the car until it was out of sight. He took part of me with him I thought glumly as I slowly made my way to my house so i could curl up in a ball and cut out the world.

I woke up sweating tears were streaming down my face i've had the same dream all month but tonight I relived the day my baby left me not even the day the exact minutes before he left me to go on tour he's a famour musician now. Seven months since he left and it was the day before-well actually morning of (it's 3:30am) my grade 12 graduation I knew I wouln't be able to sleep again and that's a fact so I got up and texted Andy "hey baby I know you just finished a show but I just had that dream again and I really needa hear your voice" he texted me right back saying "I alwas love hearing from you, the dream thing is starting to worry me promise me you'll go see a doctor aout it after grad tomorrow?" I went to reply back but my phone started playing The Morticians Daughter and my heart skipped beats that was Andy's ring I answered the phone quickly "Hello honey I miss you so much I wish I was there with you instead of on the bus with the guys" I could tell he wasn't lying I could hear the hurt in his voice and it made me frown. "Oh you know you can't stand it here that's why you're over there you couldn't stand the hater any longer but I miss you too, more than you can imagine." I replied tears prickled in my eyes "Honey believe me this is my dream but it won't be complete without you here next to me" he said "I love hearing your voice it's amazing" I said "I can honestly say the feelings mutual" Andy said trying to be funny "Darling i'm extremely and truly sorry but I have to go the boys are watching NY ink or something like that and i'm gonna lose service any minute now I love you good luck at grad i'm so proud of you try and get some rest" he said and then the line went dead.

After Andy hung up I paced around my room for an hour evenutally I drove myself crazy and decided to look at my grad outfit it was a strapless dress with a sweetheart neckline and it went just above my knees. It was a yellow and black zebra print, when I first saw it I fell in love with it but now I was doubting my choice I was happy when i bought the dress and now I just felt depressed if I wore it I would feel ike a fraud it'd be better if it was black and purple anything other than yellow I put it back in my closet and I was about to close the doors when I saw a piece of paper stuck to one of my shirts I picked it up and saw that it was a picture of me and Andy at my prom he was wearing a tux with a yellow rose that matched my dress it was a strapless dress that had jewels all over it and was tight at the top but flowy at the bottom. We looked so happy I can't believe it was only last month I put the picture down and decided to rest my eyes for a bit so I layed on my window seat and put in my headphones I picked Saviour by who other than Black Veil Brides and closed my eyes. Two hours later I heard the familiar lyrics to Fallen Angels by Black Veil Brides "we are the in between cast down as songs of war" I hit snooze on the alarm and went back to sleep.

"Anabella wae up you have a hair appointment in an hour" my mom yelld as she banged on my door I looked at my clock and it sid it ws 11:35 am. I rolled off my window seat and checked my phone I had 3 missed calls from my best friend Lila and a text from Andy I picked up my phone,towel and body wash then pushed past my pissed off mother and walked into the bathroom closing the door and turning on the shower full blast and let all the sounds of outside disapear I called Lila and she answered on the first ring she must have been waiting for me to call.shit. that couldn't be good "Anabella" she cried "You'll never believe what happened it's omg I can't process it ahh you're not gonna believe this" "OMG Lila just tell me what before I rip your hair out" I said annoyed "Okay so I was at school double checking things and I saw-" the line cut off and there was a banging on the bathroom door I wrapped a towel around myself and grabbed the doorstop ready to hit anyone who was outside the door I opened the door and frozeI couldn't believe who was standing in my bedroom doorway staring back at me.

Saviour (Black Veil Brides)Where stories live. Discover now