I never meant to be the one .

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"HOLDY SHIT" I cried there was the one and only Andrew Biersack standing infront of me smiling while I stood there with my mouth wide open looking at him in a towel "Hello to you too" Andy said walking towards me "I'm sorry for yelling but this has to be a dream" I said pinching myself "Hey now don't hurt yourself it isn't a dream when I got off the phone with you last night or well this morning I was driving to the airport to get here I literally just got off the plane the boys went to the school ahead of time but I went straight here expecting you to be happy to see me not ready to chuck a metal doorstop at me" replied Andy chuckling "Sorry..again it's just I can't believe you're really here I mean like wow you really did suprise me did you come all the way here to see my grad?" I asked hopefully "Not only for your grad" Andy said and my face fell "I'm also here to take you to the doctor because you're not very good at actually going because you don't like hospitals" at that a smile crept on my face and I gave him a half hug one hand holding my towel onto me "Now that I know this is real I must make you leave me alone because I need a shower and then I have a hair appointment" I said pushing Andy into my room and then I walked back into the bathroom and got into the shower.

"Lila O'regan are you going to stop running around my room looking for the pair of sunglasses that are on the front of your dress so I can get up without falling over anytime soon?" I asked it was about 4 hours later and I was at my house getting ready for grad with Lila. We made Andy leave so he'd be suprised when he saw me at school and when I say we I mean Lila because I wanted him to stay sometimes I wonder how we're best friend I mean she doesn't understand Andy and I's relationship like our other best friend Cat Back she understands our relationship perfectly although she's never dated a star before and Lila's been in love with Jinxx for like ages but that's not the point the point is that I never get to see Andy and when he just visits me out of the blue I usually don't take the time we have together for advantage like she thinks I should. "Oh my god they've been here the whole time thanks for telling me Belles but down to the serious stuff are you gonna wear the dress or am I gonna have to look through your closet and find the perfect dress for you" Lila said rolling her eyes before I even had a chance to say anything she was in my closet picking through all my clothes muttering things like "not good enough" and "what the hell where did you get this your great grandmothers closet" I got up and looked in the mirror my red hair was straightened and had one part braided and then there was a pink bow ontop of my head "Perfect" muttered Lila I turned around to see that she was holding a purple dress that I have never wore in my life because to tell you the truth it just wasn't my style it was a simple dark purple colour with a sash around the waist. Lila chucked the dress at me and helped me get it on so I wouldn't mess up my hair we were running low on time and I needed to make a speech in half an hour we ran down the stairs to Cats car and drove to the school.

"You look beautiful" said Andy as I approached him "Awe no I don't shut up but omg sorry I have to go speech time I love you" I said and pecked him on the cheek as I walked to the stage I heard him say something about my lipstick being on the side of his face I rolled my eyes and walked onstage my heels making a clicky clack sound ther emust have been at least 800 people here and I was really nervous i've never done something like this before and to tell you the truth I was scared "Ladies and Gentleman give it up for miss Anabella Peterson" said my principal Mr.Scott everyone started clapping and I gave my hand a little wave "Thank you everyone I really appreciate that the students and staff wanted me to make this speech I know we all gathered here today to see eachother graduate and I know that this means a lot because my boyfriend Andy is here he flew out here all the way from London to be here so thank you so much for this honey I love you. Graduating from highschool is a big step I mean this is where we have to make all the bigger decisions are we going to go to school? are we going to stay home and take college online? the choice is yours because your plans now have probably changed completely unless you're like me and have always wanted to do one thing well in my case two: sing and act and i'm going to do that so you should follow your dreams too thank you I wish you all the best in the future" everyone clapped and then Lila, Cat and Andy started chanting sing a song sing a song. Mr.Scott gave me the mic and I said "Well then I assume everyone knows the song here comes the sun by the beatles?" everyone clapped and cheered so I started to sing "Here comes the sun, here comes the sun and it's alright" after the song ended and I sat down everyone started to get their names called after everyones name was called and we all met with eachother and did all that great shit Andy pulled me to the side and kissed me "Baby you're amazing but we gotta go I already made you an appointment they're taking us in twenty minutes" Andy said handing me a bouquet of roses I smiled and nodded to him then followed him to the car and we drove to the hospital.

"Well miss Peterson how are you today?" asked the Dr. "I'm allright I just got back from my grade 12 graduation actually" I replied "Well that's great let's get you checked out what seems to be the problem?" she asked "Well i've been having the same nightmare for the past two months or so and i've been having horrible cramps" I said she looked at me and then at Andy "Is this your boyfriend?" she asked "Yup" I said holding onto Andys hand tighter "Well then I think we should get you checked" the Dr. said "For what?" I asked "Anabella dear I believe you might have a slight chance you are prgnant" my face fell at that "What no a while ago I had a surgery they said beause of it I could never have kids" I said and started to panick "Sometimes you can though now let's get you checked" the Dr. said taking me outside the room into another one where she handed me a robe and left me to get ready once she was gone I broke down on the bed This can't be happening I thought but something inside told me it was and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

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