The big reveal

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 I looked over at Bliss as she ran towards the door to see who it was. She opened it up and I had the familiar sound of an Australian accent. "Cody, Ailsa decided to come visit. You remember her right?" Bliss called from the entry way, quickly I hid the test beneath a cushion on the couch and picked Carolyn up in an attempt to make myself look busy. I heard feet hitting the carpet and a few seconds later Ailsa was standing in front of me. Her hair had gone from purple and white to a light pink color. It was down to her shoulders now. She had it half up in a clip, the rest of it flowed down her back in soft waves. Her nose was pierced and she wore little makeup. "Ailsa, hi, it's been so long. Come and give me a hug" I said handing Carolyn to Bliss. She had put on a sweater between the time she left for the door and now, probably to cover up her stomach. "You've gotten taller Cody, I can barely see eye to eye with you!" Ailsa said laughing. I sat down on the couch and motioned for Ailsa to sit down. She sat down on the love seat across from me beside Bliss. "So, how's Destery?" Bliss asked. "He's alright, we haven't seen each other a lot lately. I miss him" she said quietly. "I bet you do, how about we go upstairs and watch a movie" Bliss said standing up and pulling Ailsa off the couch. She handed me Carolyn and then lead Ailsa upstairs to her bedroom. I took the moment to lift up the couch cushion and look at the test again. The little sign was a pink line, not a plus sign. I couldn't believe it. I was overjoyed for Bliss. Taking out my phone I texted Bliss. 'You're not y'know. Probably just sick.' and then sat down to watch more tv with Carolyn. 

*2 hours later* 

I listened to Ailsa's breathing slowly turn more slow and even, knowing she was asleep i slipped off the bed and walked to the other side, gently pulling a blanket over her. I tiptoed out of the room and downstairs to where Cody was sitting on the floor with Carolyn, a bottle in her mouth. "You didn't have to do that Cody" i said sitting down beside him. "I wanted to, really Bliss. You needed some time with Ailsa to relax after everything that's happened. Although i don't know why you're feeling like this if nothing is wrong." he said gently taking the bottle out of Carolyn's mouth and walking across the room, setting her down in her play pen. I stood up and walked over to him, looking him straight in the eyes i sighed. "Cody, in some ways i wanted to be pregnant. I didn't want to lose Ashley, i'm so scared i'm going to lose him." I said, my cheeks burning red. He looked down at me and sighed. "Bliss, you're so beautiful, if Ashley decides to leave you it's his fault for leaving the most beautiful girl i've ever met." He said brushing a piece of hair out of my face. Before i knew what i was doing I was leaning in to him, standing on my tip toes. He leaned down and suddenly his lips crashed into mine. Neither one of us pulled away, we just stayed there for minutes. Realizing what happened Cody pulled away, his cheeks a bright red. "Bliss, oh god Bliss, you don't want this. You want Ashley and i'm sorry but i can't be a rebound anymore. Let's just pretend this never happened. I'll take you to the doctors tomorrow and see what's wrong. In the mean time let's not spend too much time together. How about you go upstairs? i'll take care of everything for the rest of the night." then he turned away, but not before i could see the pain and tears welling up in his deep blue eyes. That's when i knew i had to stop hurting Cody like this, I had to talk to Ashley.


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