Sorry just won't cut it.

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I ran through the woods calling out her name “Bliss come on please come out I’m so sorry!” I was now sober enough to remember everything that happened hours before. I had bumped into my ex Hazelette and she was celebrating her new job so Destery and I decided to celebrate with her. After about half an hour I was wasted, Destery and Hazel weren’t as bad as me so they drove me home where I bumped into Bliss. Being drunk and vulnerable I started to make out with Hazel and before I knew it everyone was out here looking for Bliss.

It’s been five hours and she could be anywhere but I have a feeling she’s still in the woods. She liked the quiet but not the dark so she probably had her phone and ipod with her two things she always had in her pockets. She had to be freezing it was only five out and she’s only in her t-shirt and skirt. Her heels would’ve slowed her down a bit but there’s no doubt in my mind that she hadn’t ditched them already.

“Bliss! Come out love it’s me!” I heard a boy with a thick Australian accent cry out. Who is he? I thought to myself. I saw something move out of the corner of my eye but it was just Ailsa and some blonde haired tanned kid. “Ashley any sign of her?” Ailsa said coldly, she was still really mad at me for doing this to Bliss apparently they were instant friends. “No whose the gay kid?” I asked pointing to the blonde boy “For one he’s not gay and two he’s Bliss and I’s new friend his name is Cody” Ailsa said holding his hand Destery isn’t going to like that I thought to myself.

Before I could say anything my phone started to ring I took it out and looked at the ID, my heart sank. It was Andy I was going to let it go to voicemail but I thought that Bliss might have called them and I don’t need a mad Andy on my voicemail. “Hello?” I asked as casually as possible “Ashley, where is she?” a melodic voice whispered “Anabella?” I asked “Yes. Where is she Ashley? Where’s Bliss she called me when she was getting on a plane what happened?” switching the phone from one ear to another I rattled off my story by now it was getting light out and I knew I had to tell everyone to try and find out where Bliss went.

“I have to go I’m trying to track her down I’m hoping she’ll come home, please Ashley don’t try and talk to her if I know Bliss she doesn’t want to talk to you.” At that my heart broke and I hung up, I walked back to the cabin and went straight to the bar I was going to drink my pain away and hopefully my memories will fade away.

*Bliss’s POV*

I was on a plane I was going home to people who actually love me, I called Anabella and told her as little information as possible. They clearly didn’t think I would’ve taken the private plane instead of an airline where did they think I got the money anyways? I had my iphone out and I was listening to Prove you wrong by He Is We while flipping through the pictures on my phone. I was close to the end when I noticed a picture I don’t remember taking I zoomed in and noticed that it was a picture of me drawing outside. A piece of my hair was behind my ear and I had my pencil in my hand, I was looking intently at my picture you could see the beautiful beach behind me and the sun was coming up. Ashley must have taken this the other morning I thought to myself, just thinking of his name broke my heart I so badly wanted to go into my albums of Ashley, pictures of us and of him at concerts and with the band. I just couldn’t get over him no matter how much he hurt me I couldn’t help but think that he was the one person who even when he hurt me I felt loved me the most.  I was deep in my thoughts when my phone started to go off drowning out my music I answered it without looking at the ID and right away I heard yelling and uncontrollable sobbing. “Why did you do it Ashley? Why are you such a screw up? You couldn’t have made her happy and make her feel safe could you? She’s gone because of you go ahead and drink some more” it was silent for a moment as I heard someone open a bottle and then I noticed that Ashley had called me and then it really struck me. He didn’t know I was on the phone. Being as quiet as I could I listened to him yell at himself, going on about how much he hurt me, how much he wanted to forget and then I noticed he was going to drink himself to death.

“Ashley!” I cried into the phone but he didn’t hear me he was too busy drinking away his pain. Hanging up I closed my eyes and I prayed that by the time I landed or somebody got back to the house Ashley would be safe and healthy.

Before the plane landed I called Anabella quickly telling her to pick me up right away “BLISS!” she screamed so loud I started to feel my head throb “Belles I can only make this conversation short. I’m going to be at the airport in fifteen minutes get there right away and get Ashley to call Destery James” I rambled off his number and she hopefully wrote it down “Why does he need to do that?” Anabella asked “Ashley wants to drink himself to death.” I said trying not to show any emotion and I hung up before she could hear me cry.

Fixing my hair and makeup I walked off the plane and made my way outside to see Anabella . Right away she spotted me and ran over her face was red and her eyes were puffy, her belly was sticking out from underneath her big sweater and then I noticed something. It was winter and I was freezing.

“Are you crazy you had us so worried! Andy has Destery on the phone and he’s trying to get a hold of Ash it’ll be alright sweetie, but you’re crazy it’s freezing out here get in the car right now!” I obeyed and followed her to the car, which was now fully assembled with car seat, baby proof things and baby toys surrounding the floor and back window. Once we started driving I got a text it was from Ailsa it said Bliss, Cody and I found Ash he was passed out in your room holding onto one of your shirts we have EMS here to look at him I’m sure he’ll be fine sighing I turned my phone off and put my head against the window and for the first time in a day and a half I fell asleep.

When I woke up I was in Andy’s arms being carried bridal style up into my room I continued to pretend to be asleep as Andy placed me on my bed and kissed my forehead. At least five minutes later I heard someone arguing with someone on the phone outside my door. “I don’t care if I’m not blood family he’s basically my brother and I want to know what’s going on with him he doesn’t have anyone but me and the rest of the band anymore you have to tell me his condition.” It went like that for a few minutes until finally the person outside my door walked down the stairs. I crept out of my room and snuck down the stairs listening to Andy and Belles conversation but I soon wish I hadn’t. “He’s not looking very good he’s in a coma and they have no idea when he will come out of it or if he ever will. I can’t lose him Anabella he’s like my brother, think of Bliss she’ll be torn more torn than the rest of us and that’s saying something I can’t lose him not after Lila not like this. Why can’t we all just be happy?” I heard Andy say, and that’s all I need to hear I ran back up to my room and into my bathroom where I took out my toiletries bag and fished around until I found what I was looking for. My hand hit something cold and smooth pulling It out I looked at my old friend. Some people cut to feel numb, some to feel alive but me I’m doing it for both. I watched as the razor danced across my skin and I smiled as I started to feel the pain lessen and lessen until everything went cold, until everything went black, until I felt myself fighting the urge to let the sudden darkness take over me.

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