the funeral .

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*Ashley’s POV*

It’s been three days since Lila died and every ones in denial I don’t want to believe it but sadly it’s true. Her funeral is in an hour but I don’t know if i’ll be able to go , I mean maybe if I had Bliss but people don’t know about us, hell I don’t even know what’s going on between us this isn’t the best time to be debating though. I walked out of my room and knocked on Bliss’ door I heard a muffled “Whoever it is go away I wanna be alone” but I walked in anyways. Seeing Bliss upset was like being punched in the gut a constant pain that seems to never go away until the deed is done.  I walked over to her bed and wrapped my arms around her, “Oh Ash I miss her so much!” Bliss choked weeping into my shoulder I gently rubbed her back and said “Shh sweetie I know, I know I miss her so much but we have to get ready for the funeral” she looked up and nodded going across the room, picking up a dress off the floor and walking to the bathroom. Two minutes later I heard the shower turn on and I left the room quietly to get my suit on.

*Bliss’ POV*

I got out of the shower and started to get ready for the funeral. I debated whether to tease my hair first or get dressed after ten minutes of debating I thought I should get dressed first.  My outfit consisted of thin black tights under a short black dress with lace sleeves and an open back. I slipped my black Stilettos on and started to tease my hair. That took me about fifteen minutes and I was finally close to ready all I had to do now was put on my makeup. I put on a thick layer of black liquid eyeliner on my top lids and then some mascara, black eye shadow, a blood red lipstick with lighter red lip liner. I looked in the mirror and noticed something was missing so I walked back to my room and stepped around all the papers and piles of clothes to get to my bed, I reached my hand into my pillowcase and moved it around until I felt a cold metal object I held it in my hand and walked to the bathroom. I put on the necklace and looked in the mirror it was a red pendant on a shiny black ribbon Lila had given it to me when I was younger she saw I was upset and said the pendant was suppose to keep me from the ‘forces of evil’ in other words it’s adorable and chicks would love it. On the back of the pendant it says ‘Belle’ which means beautiful. With one last look in the mirror I was off but within seconds Ashley was there beside me “Hey beautiful we should probably leave now Andy and Anabella are already gone” he said leaning down and kissing me “Okay and hey what did Lila say to you when you were leaving the hospital I heard her say something about not breaking someone...” at that Ashley turned his head and my heart broke. It was what I thought Lila knew about Ashley and I, I didn’t know to feel scared or relieved that someone else knew about us. Of course she knew about you my inner voice yelled at me I quickly told it to shut up and then it dawned on me that I was a complete psycho for arguing with myself “Ashley” I said quietly “Lila knew about us didn’t she? She knew about us and she told you not to hurt me because I was young didn’t she?” he looked down at me and nodded “Yes but I wouldn’t your age doesn’t matter I swear I love you Blissy I love you so much when I see you smile it’s like I have my own personal sun. You’re beautiful and amazing and I don’t want anyone else Bliss I swear I won’t ever hurt you.” His voice cracked at the end and for this first time since I met him, since Lila died, since everything. He cried Ashley Purdy cried. I wanted to be mad at him, I wanted to scream and yell and ask him why my age doesn’t matter but we can’t tell anyone I wanted to demand the truth but I just couldn’t do it. He was so miserable I just wanted to hold him so that’s exactly what I did I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him I told him everything would be alright and just when I thought it would be I heard someone behind me and turned around there was Jinxx standing in the stairwell watching Ashley and I intently “how long were you there?” I asked “I saw it all” Jinxx whispered and I looked at Ashley who looked relieved yet horrified at the same time. “You’re going to tell everyone aren’t you?” Ashley asked his voice cracking “You’re gonna tell everyone about us, you probably think we’re disgusting and horrid or i’m taking advantage of her but age doesn’t matter okay? I know how much you loved Lila or Skylar or whatever you call her but I love Bliss the same way it doesn’t matter if she’s at least ten years younger than me or the same age as me I won’t ever stop loving this girl” Jinxx looked form Ashley to me and then down to the floor “I won’t tell anyone you’re like my brother Ashley and Bliss you’re already like my little sister you were both extremely close to Skylar well I guess you guys call her Lila but I just miss her so much, I wish I had the chance to be close to her like you were. I mean I was close to her but she would often keep things from me.” Jinxx said his shoulders shaking “Jinxx she only kept the thing she didn’t want you to worry about to herself. You had a one night stand a month ago right?” I asked he nodded his head “She was pregnant, she was gonna name her Jaquline. She was yours did you read the note? It explained it all. I know you didn’t read it but I honestly think you should she would have wanted you to know. Anabella’s naming her baby after Jaquline because she loved the idea of you two, Skylar was gonna tell you today. You were going to be a daddy Jinxx remember that she wanted to be happy with you and your little girl.” At that he just broke down his eyes puffy and red tears streaming down his face I made my way down the stairs my hand entwined with Ashley’s and then hugged Jinxx and then I remembered where we were supposed to be “come on guys we can’t be late.”

*Jinxx’s POV*

I sat in the front row and watched everyone cry, I wanted to cry I just couldn’t I cried all week even at our concerts I cried. The preacher was about to make a speech that I didn’t want to hear, he didn’t know Skylar. Barely any of these people knew Skylar, well really knew her like I did there was so much more to her than her looks and her clothes. Andy, Mrs.Biersack, Aabella, Ashley and Bliss were to my right and CC, and Jake were to my left. Skylars mom was standing beside the preacher bawling her eyes out as her husband held her. “We are all gathered here to remember a sweet, kind, loving girl she was always happy and was soon to be a mother. Skylar O’Regan had such a bright future but today we are here to give our loving regards to her, her family and her friends. Her two best friends are going to give a speech about Skylar now. Come on up girls” the preacher said and then Anabella and Cat Beck stood up and took the stand “Hi i’m Anabella as most of you know and this is Cat. We are both mortified about Skylar she was such a good friend. It’s horrible to know that her life was stolen from her when she hadn’t lived even half of it, it’s hard to think that every time I go to call her I can’t or whenever I want to see her face I have to watch our old videos from youtube. She was like a sister to me, a sister to everyone really she didn’t deserve this but then again who does? Thank you so much for being here today to remember her, I love you Sky you were the best friend a girl could have and this isn’t goodbye it’s simply farewell for now. “Anabella said and tears welled in my eyes. “Well i’m cat and i’ve known Skylar since I was five except she never wanted to be called Skylar she wanted to be called Lila so that’s what we all called her except jinxx because he just loved to bug her by calling her Skylar. I loved Skylar, I really did she was like my sister. I can’t remember even once that we fought that’s how close we were, growing up with her was like something you would imagine in a movie we did reckless and stupid things for fun because that’s who we were. Who we all were. She loved us all especially Jinxx, Ashley she loved you too just like you all loved her. She never wanted to fall in love with a rock star but I guess some things are just better when you least expect them too. She was going to be a mother, she was pregnant with a little girl she was going to call her Jaquline. I want to call the father of this wonderful girls baby up here to say something. Come u here please jinx she’d want it that way. I love you sky baby you really were the best anyone could ever get.” I got up and wiped the tears on the back of my arm and took the stand but before I could say anything there was a screaming at the back of the church “She was a slut, a lying whore bitchy slut. She didn’t deserve Jinxx or Ashley or Andy or Anabella or Cat or any of them she deserved the death she got.” My head shot up and I dropped to my knees and yelled as loud as I could until the person stopped screaming and everyone was looking at me.

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