Forever and Always

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I thought about giving up and going home but something told me to keep looking, so I did. About ten minutes later I saw Anabella perched up on a rock looking at a little stream. I tried to be quiet but with my long gazelle legs it didn't work and she heard me. "Oh Andy!" she said quietly. "Hi Belles" I said nervously. "I'm really sorry about earlier it's just I don't know, the whole thing of you guys being away all the time and not being able to see my girls I just can't take it sometimes, then I'm stupid and when you're finally here I yell at you guys." I hung my head down and looked at my feet, avoiding any sudden eye contact.  "Andrew Biersack, I get mad at you too, when I see you I want to be mad at you for leaving us but I missed you so much it's hard to be." She said as she gently stepped onto the ground and made her way toward me. When she was right in-front of me I grabbed her by the waist and kissed her. When the kiss was done I whispered in her ear, "I love you Belles, forever and always."

She broke away from me and tugged on my wrist, I followed her down the path and into the car. She watched me as I put the key in the ignition and smiled. "Let's go see our baby girl." She said smiling. I pulled onto the main road and took Anabella's hand in mine she smiled gently and then put her head on my shoulder. Closing her eyes she drifted to sleep with a smile on her face.

"Come on Belles it's time to get up, we're here" I said gently shaking her. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep" she said abruptly sitting up.  "No it's alright, come on let's go see Carolyn" I said getting out of the car. I walked up to the bus and opened the door. I walked into the back room and it was dark except for the glow of the tv. I turned on the light to see Bliss asleep in Ashley's arms. Beside the bed was Carolyn in her portable crib sleeping. "Damn Andy" Ashley hissed "Don't wake the girls up" I turned the light off and then walked over to Carolyn's crib. Gently picking her up I went into the livingroom motioning for Ashley to follow me.

A minute later Ashley was standing in front of me with his arms crossed over his chest. He looked slightly happy to see me and Anabella together. "I see you found her" Ashley said. "I did find her" I said back to him. "That's not what we need to talk about though Ashley it's about you and Bliss." I said and almost simultaneously his eyes were filled with pain. He winced as though his thought of what I could say hurt him. "I think you and her should sit down with Ananella and I and work out everything. I'm her older brother I don't want her hurt. I don't want to see you hurt either Ashley." I said sighing. "Oh. When do you want to talk with us?" Ashley asked just as Bliss came staggering out of the bedroom rubbing her eyes. "Now will be fine" I said getting up and sitting beside Anabella on the love seat. I watched Ashley pull Bliss into his lap on the couch. The way they looked at each other gave me a pain in my chest. It was the same way I looked at Anabella. I closed my eyes and rubbed the bridge of my nose with my free hand. This was going to be hard to do.

                                                                                *Ashley's POV*

I watched as Andy pinched the bridge of his nose, he looked pained and I was scared about what was going to happen. I looked down at Bliss who was oblivious about what might happen, she looked up at me with love in her eyes and I kissed her forehead. She put her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around my waist like a little girl. At times like this I almost forget how little she is until I see her skeleton like arms wrap around me.

"Ashley and Bliss we need to talk." Andy said and I took a deep breath in. I could do this, no matter what he says I have to be strong for Bliss. "What about Andy?" Bliss asked quietly. "You and Ashley" Anabella said, her voice was soft and caring. "We think you need to know the boundaries if you're going to be dating. You obviously know that what you're doing is illegal so you need to keep it low key. Don't go around where anyone might see you kissing or holding hands. The last thing we need is a lawsuit." Andy said. "We also want you to be happy but not too happy, Bliss you're young so I don't want you doing anything you'll regret" Anabella said and it took a minute for it to sink in that she thought I would try to get Bliss to sleep with me. "I'm not going to sleep with Bliss." I said my voice came out bitter but I was actually in pain. My jaw clenched when Andy gave me a look of doubt. I looked down to see Bliss looking at my hands that were placed in her lap. "I know you won't but it's just something we have to go over" Anabella said giving us a warm smile. "We'd like to know where you're going from now on so what happened this morning never happens again okay?" Andy asked and Bliss and I nodded. "Good now go do whatever you two do" Andy said.

I got up and carried Bliss outside. We sat in the backseat of one of the cars just looking for each other for a while. When I knew Bliss wasn't going to say anything anytime soon I leaned over and kissed her. She kissed me back with no hesitation and she smiled against my lips. "I have a place I wanna show you" I said getting out of the back seat and into the driver side. I put the key in the ignition and started to drive away, I smile at Bliss in the mirror and she smiled back. She looked flawless, her black skinny jeans were covered by one of my sweaters and her uggs were pulled up over her pant legs. Her brown hair was left down and messy, she had a frame of unmanageable curls around her face but to me she's never looked as beautiful. We drove for a good half an hour before we got to where we were going. I saw Bliss's eyes widen when she saw the stretch of trees surrounding the field. Their branches were bare but covered in icicles and snow giving them a winter feel.

I opened the door and then walked over to Bliss's opening it and take her hand we walked away from the car and toward the woods. The sun was setting now and I wanted to get to a certain spot before it was too dark to see. I started to walk faster and I felt Bliss speed up just to keep up with me. When we got to the stream I saw Bliss smile. The stream was frozen over but there were small flower petals frozen into the ice giving it a romantic warm glow. The sun was setting and I took my jack it setting it on the ground. I lied down on the ground and motioned for Bliss to lie beside me. She placed her head on my chest and I gently stoked her hair as we watched the sun set. I felt myself drifting off when I felt Bliss kiss me. Sitting up a little more I kissed her back. This time with passion and emotion, I felt Bliss tugging at my shirt and I pulled it over my head revealing my bare chest. She traced my tattoos and kissed me gently. Sitting up she took off my sweater and sat in front of me with her bra. I was hit with the sudden realization of what we were about to do. "Are you sure you want to do this Bliss?" I asked "Positive" she said and I gave in to my emotions, letting myself do the one thing everyone told me never to do with Bliss.

                                                                                *Bliss's POV*

I woke up wrapped in Ashley's sweater and coat. He was lying beside me with his arm draped over my stomach. I moved myself closer to him, I could feel his breath on my ear and I could feel the heat from his body on mine. I fell asleep once again not even bothering to realize what I had done and what it means.

I woke up a second time that night to Ashley trying to dress me without waking me up. "What are you doing?" I asked still slightly groggy from sleeping. "Well I'm trying to put your pants back on you but skinny jeans are hard to put on a sleeping person even when they're too big for them." Ashley said. I laughed and pulled my pants over my legs and up to my hips. I buttoned them and then looked back at Ashley. "You make it look so easy" he said. I laughed and then pulled him back onto the ground with me. We fell into a light sleep and didn't wake up until the next morning when the memories flooded back to us. 

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