Dear Mr.Purdy where have you been?

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After Bliss heard Hazel she went crazy. Well after Hazel went crazy actually. Hazel pushed past Anabella and made her way into the kitchen where I was trying to calmly hide behind the table for an unknown reason. To make this short let's just say there was arguing about why I left so fast a few weeks ago and where the little brat was. I pointed behind her and just as she turned around Bliss clocked her square in the face, her eye was starting to get black now although none of us like her Belles said we had to let her stay here until the next flight only four more hours to go. Bliss was up in her room, I had to go see what she was doing everyone was looking for her.

I knocked on the door and when she didn't open it I opened it myself and saw Bliss rolled up in a ball she was coughing and shaking "Hey beautiful what's wrong?" I asked as I scooped her up and put her in my lap "I hit her Ashley! I hit someone the very thing that used to happen to me I know what it feels like to be punched out of nowhere I can't believe it I'm a horrible person." She let out another gut wrenching sob, I shushed her and took her chin and tipped it up so she was looking into my eyes "You're not a horrible person she had it coming end of story now shut up so I can compliment you" I said and her eyes got wide "You Bliss are gorgeous, it didn't take a new look for me to figure it out I heard about Gerard and I want you to know you'll always have me, I'll never be him but I'll sure as hell try to be as good as him." I said slowly and quietly. I knew it wasn't going to end well but I didn't care I leaned down and kissed her she was quick to catch on and she kissed me back, she sat up in a more comfortable position and slung her arms around my neck without breaking the kiss I put my arms around her tiny waist and pulled her against me. She was breathing heavily when I pulled away "We can't keep doing this Ashley" she said she got up and looked out the window her long legs looked amazing, and of course so did her ass but hey I'm Ashley Purdy a guys gotta do what a guys gotta do right? She kept talking but I wasn't listening I walked up to her and spun her around crushing her lips into mine this time she didn't deny it.

We must've been together for at least five minutes before Bliss pulled away and walked into the bathroom I heard the sink go on, a moment later she came out her makeup perfectly neat as well as her hair. "We're going to go downstairs and we're going to act like this never happened, I'll sit with Cody and act like I did before this happened. Meet me outside at 12 everyone will be in bed Belles has this crazy Christmas idea that we have to be in bed by 12" Bliss said and then she stalked off to see everyone. I walked out her door but instead of going down the stairs I took a turn and walked down the hall to my room, I had to figure out what was going on and I had to do it now.

After half an hour of debating and a box of horrible Christmas chocolates I realized that I myself am a selfish dick who needs to stop eating candy from last year. Yes after half an hour that is all I could come up with what do you expect I'm a rock star not a rocket scientist. I gave up and made my way downstairs to see everyone eating and laughing and having a grand old time. Cody was looking at Ailsa along with Destery, Andy at Anabella, CC at Raven and then Bliss looked right at the stairs almost as though she was waiting for me to come down. She smiled and I winked at her before sitting beside Jake and Jinxx we're what people call "forever alone groupies" which to Jake seems alright but Jinxx and I know what love is and we crave it.


"You see this world has lots offer but in time it will go dark and if this love is what we say it is I'm sure we will go far and with a boy as sweet as you there's not much else I can do but fall for you" I heard someone singing from the front deck. I got up and walked out to the deck not even bothering to excuse myself from the conversation. I looked down to see Bliss sitting on the deck playing Cody's guitar and singing. She was unaware of me so I sat quietly and listened to her sing. After three songs she turned around to grab the blanket on the bench behind her and she noticed me "How long were you out here?" she asked me quietly "The past few songs, I didn't know you could sing or play guitar why were you letting Cody teach you if you already knew how to play?" she looked at me and laughed "Nobody really knows I can play, people definitely don't know I can sing I'm way too shy to show anyone"  It was my turn to laugh "You amaze me Bliss you really do you have so many talents and nobody even knows about them. Like drawing you can draw so well it amazes me you literally have unlimited talents and those aren't even the reason I love you" I said pulling her into my lap and burying my face in her hair "You Ashley Purdy have gone a long way since I first met you, where has the old Mr.Purdy gone?" Bliss asked me. I ignored her question and kissed her longingly but quickly because I heard someone give an impatient throat clear. I turned around to see Hazel her bag packed and her clothes as usual barely covering anything "If you're done being freaks I would like to leave and go to a hotel until my plane gets here your friends are so annoy almost like this little brat, next time you hit me you're dead" Bliss looked at Hazel and stood up "You wouldn't want to hit me for two reasons, reason one being you might break a nail and reason two if you even so far as come close to me after tonight I will break you now goodbye some of us are trying to keep our innocent minds innocent and the little amount of clothes you're wearing isn't innocent" this time I couldn't help but laugh and hug Bliss from behind. My girl had told Hazel off something everyone's wanted to do for who knows how long. Hazel just stalked off and left us standing there, Bliss checked her phone and said it was time to go inside because Anabella was going to make us all listen to the night before Christmas and then go to bed.


It's midnight and I'm standing outside of Bliss's door she said she had to get ready so I was waiting patiently outside her room. Ten minutes later she opened her door, I saw that she was now dressed in tight yoga pants, one of my hoodies and a pair of black uggs. Her hair was up in two tiny braids and she had no makeup on "You're gorgeous" I whispered in her ear and she swatted me off "Wait until we get outside" Bliss whispered and I nodded I pulled her onto my back and I gave her a piggy back down the stairs and out the back door. Once we were outside Bliss started to throw snowballs at me. The fight was on, after half an hour we walked down to the park and played on the swings like kids. It wasn't until I checked my phone and noticed that it was three am. We walked back to the house and we snuck around the kitchen and carried up nachos and salsa to my room where we watched Christmas movies until five am when Bliss fell asleep. I carried her into her room and she cuddled up into me when I set her down she clutched onto me and asked me to stay so I did. I laid down beside her and held her in my arms singing her gently to sleep. It seemed like seconds after I closed my eyes Bliss was bouncing up and down on my back shouting wake up it's Christmas! I turned over to my stomach and pulled her into a hug "Merry Christmas beautiful where's my gift?" I asked and Bliss giggled she gave me a long sweet kiss and then she jumped off the bed, pulled on her slippers that look just like uggs, girls with their weird fashions nowadays and she flew out of her bedroom and down the stairs where I could smell Anabella making breakfast. "This will be the best Christmas ever" I said to myself and walked down the stairs to spend the day with my family and the girl I love the most. 

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