Valentines day (part 1)

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I looked at the sleeping girl beside me, her brown hair shining as the light reflected off of it. There was some sort of interview of me on tv and I just couldn't watch it, I was tired of seeing myself on the tv, I was tired of hearing myself on the radio, I was tired of walking down the street and hearing girls call my name. I want to be normal, I'm not saying I don't like my fans but I miss my old life where I could date a girl and nobody followed us around, Bliss didn't deserve to be bombarded by even more questions she was already being questioned she couldn't go anywhere without hearing "What's it like living with Black Veil Brides? And What's it like being the aunt to baby Carolyn and being the sister in law of a famous rockstar" she just didn't deserve it.

She started to stir and I looked down "Hi" she whispered and I smiled "Hi hun" I said sweetly "What time is it?" she asked suddenly worried "It's around 1am I called Belles and she said you could stay here tonight, she said you needed the sleep" her eyes seemed to be filled with worry that her sister would be mad. "Alli put out some pajamas for you on my bed you can go get them on if you want" I said and she got up, I heard her phone ring and I wondered who could be calling at this time. I didn't want to eavesdrop but she sounded upset "Seth leave me alone, I'm happy now, yes without you. I'm not coming back, you can't hurt me anymore the bruises are gone, my scars are fading I'm trying to forget you" there was a pause and she started to talk again "Shut up, don't bring Cody into this he actually likes me, why do you love to see my pain, go hit somebody else I'm tired of being your punching bag it's not right" and then I heard a muffled sob and something hit the ground, my guess was that she threw her phone.

She walked out in a pair of plaid black and white pajama pants and one of my shirts, I never noticed how skinny she was until I saw my shirt on her. Her eyes were puffy and her nose was red but she clearly didn't want talk about it so I wasn't going to force her to. "You heard didn't you?" she asked me after we were sitting down on the couch, her head was in my lap and I was playing with her hair. I nodded slowly and she sighed "My ex Seth called me, wasn't the best relationship I've ever had and I was too scared to leave. When I came to visit Anabella and Andy I didn't think I'd be staying, I haven't seen him in months but I still worry that he'll find me. He'll try and finish what he started." My eyes were wide and I could see tears threatening to spill out of hers "Shh, it's okay baby, don't need to cry I'm here, I won't let him hurt you, I'll never hit you" I wiped a tear from her face and smiled down at her "You'll always have me you know that. I love you" and that was the truth. I felt myself falling for Bliss Peterson more and more each day.

*Andy's POV*

I flipped through the pictures on my phone, all of them being of Bliss, Carolyn or Anabella. My family. My beautiful wonderful family, I missed them so much, none of the guys understood but Jinxx and sometimes I wish Lila and him never met, the poor guys been through too much. I went to call Anabella but remembered it won't help anything she'll get upset again and I already know from Bliss's constant tweets she was at Cody's for the night. Most people wouldn't let a 15 year old girl stay at a boys house for the night but I knew Bliss and she wouldn't do anything. 

"Andy!" I heard Jinxx say and I looked up to see him standing over me "You miss them I know, only a few more weeks and you'll be home" Jinxx said I could see the pain in his eyes, he had nobody but the boys and I to go home to. "You'll find love again Jinxx, Sky would've wanted you to" he sighed and sat down beside me a bottle of whiskey in his hands. "I know but you all have somebody, I have nobody my somebody is gone, I can only visit her grave, look at old pictures. It's hard to find love people look at me like an abused puppy or something" he sighed again and I felt my heart break. "We don't mean to Jinxx, you're just so sad we don't like it" I said quietly. He sighed and got up, going to his bunk and I knew this was going to be a long night. Jinxx was in his bunk, CC and Jake were playing xbox who knows how long it's gonna take them to stop and Ashley was passed out somewhere on here.

I gave into the nerve and called Anabella, the phone rang a few times and I thought it was going to go to voicemail when her bright voice said hello "Andy!" she said brightly "Hey Belles, how's  Carolyn?" I asked casually "She's sleeping soundly" Anabella said quietly "So uh how are you?" I asked trying not to show the worry in my voice. "I'm actually doing well, no more nightmares I'm thinking they're just my subconscious mind telling me I miss you to pieces" she said and I laughed "Well I know I miss my girl to pieces" I heard a loud crying and I pinched the bridge of my nose "I know you probably have to go but maybe after she's done crying and you get to bed, when you wake up we can skype?" I asked hope filling my voice. "I'd love that sweetie, goodnight" and then I heard the too familiar sound of dial tone.

I laid down on the couch I was sitting on and set up my laptop beside me where I watched the videos of Carolyn, the boys, Bliss, Anabella and I. My favorite videos of Christmas came on and I smiled, trying to grab the feelings I had that night just once more. I fell asleep dreaming of the wedding and of seeing my girls again.

Waking up to the boys fighting over the xbox isn't uncommon but it's a pain in the head. "Would you guys shut up!" I cried and threw a pillow in their direction "No!" the boys cried in union and I looked out the window dying for the second the bus stopped and I could get a smoke into all this mayhem. I promised Belles and Bliss I would try and quit but I just couldn't not when I was on tour everything was too stressing, too many things giving me headaches and making me worry, I just want to spend today with my family. Checking my phone I saw that it was 7:00am and Anabella would most likely be awake already I logged onto skype and there she was I asked her to chat and I was relieved when she accepted.

"Hi hun!" she cried and I smiled when I saw her beautiful face "Carolyn say hi to your daddy" and I smiled even more when she brought Carolyn over to the computer and held her up, she was wearing a little Black Veil Brides dress my mom managed to put together. "Hi baby, who's a cute girl? Is that daddy on your shirt? Yes it is!" I said and then the boys all looked at me, I looked back at the screen and Carolyn giggled. "Daddy's here just in time for breakfast yes he is" Anabella said and she picked up a bottle from the table beside her and gave it to Carolyn. If I wasn't watching through my tiny computer screen I would've sworn I was home right now everything felt so right. "So I got you something" I said remembering the one crucial part of was valentines day. Her eyes lit up and she waited patiently for me to go get it from my bunk when I got back and held it up for her I saw tears glisten in her eyes. "It's beautiful" she said wiping the rims of her eyes. I got her a diamond necklace, on the back it had Belle and Andy sketched elegantly. "I can't wait for you to come home so I can wear it!" she said brightly "I love you Belles" I said softly "I love you too Mr.Biersack, we both do" and she kissed Carolyn's head. I smiled, happy that even though I wasn't physically there with them I was still going to be with my family every step of the way.

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