This is my life.

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It's been a week since the incidents and both Ashley and Bliss are up and getting better it's Christmas eve and I'm getting anxious Andy keeps talking secretly about things and constantly smiling at me I don't know what's up with him but I don't know if I want to know because honestly if he's cheating on me I'll be meeting Bliss in the hospital I wouldn't be able to handle that.

He's gone to pick Ashley up from the airport and Bliss from the hospital, I'm nervous to see what's going to happen although I haven't heard my baby sister talk in weeks I'd love to know what was going on between her and Ashley. She's only fourteen she couldn't have been with Ashley he's 26 almost 27 it's illegal it's just not right. Although it might seem like it was the right thing to do I wouldn't be able to get mad at them for it, love is love and he didn't hurt her physically just emotionally not that that's any better but it's not like he forced her against anything I just want everything back to normal, and almost on cue the door popped open and in walked CC, Jake and Jinxx who were followed by a petite girl that looked no older than me she was holding tightly to CC's hand.

"Hey guys" I cried wobbling over to them and giving them a hug, my stomach made so many things hard to do nowadays "Hey Belles" the boys said in union "This is Raven she's the photographer for the bands shoot and she is also my new girlfriend" CC said giving her a kiss on the forehead. She had long wavy dyed orange hair, she was skinny and pale with big grey-green eyes and a nose ring. "Hi Raven I'm Anabella, Andy's girlfriend we're just waiting for a few more people so make yourself at home I'm sure you're used to CC's ways and if you're not beware he's not calm with sugar he's kind of like our little boy" Raven laughed and nodded her head then followed the boys to the couch they were already playing xbox..

I laughed and watched the boys play xbox with Raven for an hour before I heard the garage door open, I quickly excused myself and ran into the garage to meet Bliss when I saw her I ran, well hobbled over to her and gave her the biggest hug I could. I wasn't allowed to see her until she was done her healing emotional and physically, having her home for Christmas was one of the moments I'll remember.

"I missed you so much!" Bliss cried into my shoulder "I missed you too Bee I missed you too" after we were all done our greetings we went into the living room to meet the boys and Raven but when I walked in I saw a girl with blonde and purple hair and a sweet smile sitting beside a boy with blonde hair and then there was someone I recognized very well from Skype messages. It was Destery and I assumed Ailsa and I don't know why but the blonde boy looked like Cody Simpson.

"Ailsa, Cody, Destery!" Bliss screamed when she saw the three guests and my questions were answered. They all ran over and gave her a hug "Love we were so worried about you" Cody and Destery said their Australian accents combining together to sound like music. Although she seemed happy to see Bliss Ailsa seemed to be a little off almost debating whether or not to go up to Bliss with the boys.

"Bliss this is Raven, CC's girlfriend" I said and Raven gave a little wave from behind CC. Bliss seemed to be smaller than when she was in there but I guess she wasn't really into eating I wouldn't be if I was In her place. "CC got a girlfriend? Is she blind? Oh I see she's stupid! I'm just joking you know I love you CC you're like family I'm allowed to do this to you. I love your hair by the way I'm still waiting for someone to let me dye mine. *cough* Anabella *cough*" Bliss said I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen, I saw Ashley sitting at the table eyeing the liquor fridge. He's been eased off drinking but I'm sure just being here tonight was hard for him. "Ashley Purdy what are you doing sitting here! I never even got a hug, I was so worried I missed you so much. I want you to know I don't care what happened between my sister and you I just want you both to be happy again." I whispered, he looked at me and then stood up walked over to me slowly and pulled me as tightly to himself as my bulging stomach would allow him.

"I loved her Belles" he said into my hair "You love her." I corrected him and he looked down at me his eyes filled with pain "I do, I don't think I'll ever stop." Nodding my head I pulled him close again and sang quietly to him until his breathing was even and his imaginary tears stopped. "There's a room full of people out there probably wondering where we are right now so let's go and act as sane as we can act" he said at last and I nodded happy that he was showing at least a little bit of his old self again.

"We are here your life is complete" Ashley cried as we walked in, Destery let go of Ailsa's hand and walked over to Ashley pulling him into the most awkward hug that someone could probably manage "I'm glad you're okay man" he said "thanks, so what does Andy have you guys doing in my house for fun?" asked Ashley trying to get off the topic. "Xbox!" the boys cried and all the girls rolled their eyes. Ailsa, Bliss and Raven were in the corner flipping through Bliss's pictures with all the stars and her pictures of her friends from school.

I've always been proud of me sister. She's smart, pretty, funny, nice. She's athletic the captain of the cheerleading squad and she has so many friends. She's not like me at all. I might have appeared outgoing but I wasn't, I could never be able to pull off cheer squad, sure I might have been smart enough but all I ever had was my voice and my ability to act and no one ever cared about that. Andy was ever my only boyfriend we were together since the sixth grade and as you can tell nothing has changed. Finding out I'm having a baby really changed everything but being here tonight with everyone old and new friends I learned that although I wasn't like my little sister I'm me for a reason. I would've never been able to hold this relationship together if I was like Bliss because unlike Bliss I speak what's on my mind most of the time and when I don't it's for the good.

"This is so pretty!" Raven cried and I looked at the picture she was looking at. It was of Bliss and I standing outside her dorm room dressed for her birthday party last year. My dress went down my thighs and there was no back to it, it was purple and black floral print. Bliss on the other hand was wearing a silk pink dress that went down to her hips and then ruffled and puffed out at the bottom. Our hair was curled and held up in ribbons that matched our dresses. I had taken her out that night to see a ballet she always loved them but no one ever wanted to watch them with her.

Andy kept looking over at me and then his watch. Before I knew what was happening the girls were surrounding me "Let's go upstairs! Put this on!" Bliss said sticking those things you put over your eyes to go to sleep with over my eyes and then they whisked me up the stairs. Eventually they pulled the eye thing off and they attacked my face and hair with things. After about fifteen minutes of plucking and curling my hair and face was done and I was looking at the most gorgeous outfit I've ever seen in my life. I was a then forced into the outfit and pushed in-front of my mirror. My naturally wavy hair was now curled and piled onto of my head held in place with a clip. My pale complexion was covered in glitter, eyeliner and eye-shadow. My lips were painted a deep red and I was wearing a sparkling red strapless dress with nude heels. The last thing I noticed was the necklace around my neck. It was Bliss's necklace that Lila has given to her, I would recognize it anywhere. The shining black ribbon hung around my neck, the red pendant dangled. I picked it up and surely enough there was the word Belle elegantly etched onto it. The girls rushed me out of the room and down the stairs to the living-room where everyone was sitting around Andy who was standing in-front of the Christmas tree. He looked adorable with his hanging in his face, his deep blue eyes peeking out from underneath his hair. He was wearing a black dress shirt that matched his black skinnies. His shoes matched my dress and his smile was contagious once I was across from him he got down on one knee and pulled out a box. He opened it and there was a glimmering ring "Anabella Mai Peterson, I love you so much. I've been with you since the sixth grade and I don't ever want to leave you. You're the light of my life, the mother to my child, my whole world I can't imagine my life without you. You've been with me through everything, you've dealt with my job and you love me for me, you loved me before my fame and you'll hopefully love me after it's died down a little. I guess I'm trying to say will you marry me?"

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