Let love bleed red

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"Finally the signings over" I said sitting on the couch of the bus beside Anabella and Andy, Carolyn sat in my lap sleeping. "I know I love the fans but sometimes I wonder how many pictures we've signed within the past month." Andy said laughing. I nodded and looked down at the little girl in my lap, her curly black hair fell across her face and she seemed so relaxed and worriless. I moved a few of the curls out of her face and behind her ear, Anabella smiled at me "you'll make a great dad Ash" she said quietly. I didn't respond because I knew what she meant, she thinks I'm going to be with Bliss. "Can I hold her?" Andy asked and I carefully placed her into his arms, Anabella put her head on his shoulder and it honestly looked like a picture for a post card. I slowly got off the couch and took out my phone, taking a picture I posted it on twitter saying newest addition of the family baby Carolyn Logan Biersack. Right away there were people retweeting the picture and tweeting about her. I guess this was the first official picture posted of them. "Professional photographer now Ashley?" Bliss asked as she entered the bus with Cody. The rest of the boys had gone out for a drink so it was just Andy, Carolyn, Cody, Bliss, Anabella and I. "Just thought it was a cute moment" I said sitting down on the floor with my back against the couch. "Bliss I have to go now, I have a show in the morning but I'll see you when you get back this weekend okay?" Cody asked Bliss "Okay, bye have a good show" Bliss said giving him a quick hug. She waved as he walked off of the bus and into the car waiting for him.

A few minutes later I got a text from Bliss asking if we could talk, I looked at her and nodded. She then got up and motioned for me to follow her outside. When we were away from the bus and no one could hear or see us she started to talk. "What's wrong with you Ashley?" she asked "What do you mean I'm fine." I said defensively "You're not fine. You haven't been fine for the longest time. I'm not sure if I should leave because I'm hurting you or not. You're drinking again. You promised me you'd stop drinking!" as her sentence came to an end her voice got softer and her shoulder began to shake. Without thinking I took her in my arms and started stroking her head "Shh, it's alright. Just breathe. You'll be alright" I said kissing the top of her head. "I miss you Ash" she said after a few minutes. "I miss you so much, you couldn't imagine how much I want to be in your arms every second of the day." At that I stopped stroking her hair and looked down at her. Her big brown eyes filled with pain told me it was the truth.

What happened next was unforgivable but I did it anyways. I leaned down and kissed Bliss, it wasn't  a sweet kiss it was rough and needy as though if the world had ended at that very moment we wouldn't have even noticed. I pulled her close to me and she wrapped her fingers in my hair and pulled me closer. We were both out of breath when it was done, I pulled her onto the ground and she placed her head on my bare chest above my heart.

"What do we do now?" I asked after a few minutes, "I don't know, keep it a secret. Keep us a secret." Bliss said not once getting up to look at me she just laid there, her head on my chest. Her hand in mine. "What about Cody?" I asked "I'll break it to him.  I have some friends who are interested in him. He's known all along I was never good at hiding my feelings about you" Bliss said softly. "You fooled me" I whispered into her hair "You've always been blind when it came to love Ash" She said sitting up and kissing me. This time it was sweet and gentle. "I'll never hurt you again Bliss I promise" I said stroking her cheek "I love you" she said back to me and I was taken aback "I love you too Bliss, I love you so much" I said as I listened to her breathing slow down and then watched her sleep for the rest of the night, her head on my chest and her chest going up and down as she dreamed of a world that was much different than this.


"Ashley?" Bliss said quietly and I opened my eyes to see that we were in the same field as we were last night. Bliss was shivering from the cold and I noticed it had snowed and we were wearing only a blanket over our bodies. "It looks like Anabella found us" I said nodding to the blanket. Bliss laughed "I guess she did, let's go get dressed and then go out for breakfast I'm starving" Bliss said standing up and shaking her now wet hair.

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