Age is just a number...right?

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*Anabella's POV*

I sat across from Bliss she was listening to her ipod and she looked deep in thought she had her legs up by her chest and her arms were wrapped around them she hadn't said much when she arrived she just wanted to know where her room was and where she could shower and that was the last i heard from her she's been too quiet. Maybe Ashley or Andy can get her talking i'll just try once more.

"Hey Blissy Boo get ready we're gonna go out for dinner" I said smiling at Bliss, she took her headphones out and asked "We're? like just you and me or like you me and Andy?" I looked at her and started to laugh "You, Me, Andy and Ashley silly he's just as much part of the family as Andy is and so are the rest of the boys so yah get ready and wear something nice we're gonna go somewhere fancy I dunno where but we'll find somewhere" I said getting up and leaving the room.

*Bliss' POV*

I opened the closet I had stuffed my clothes into and started flipping through my dresses I eventually found the one I was looking for it was one of my hell bunny dresses it was a pink dress with green zombie unicorns, black stars and green skulls I absolutely loved it I quickly put it on and then I heard a knock on my door. "Whoever it is come in" I called and then walked into the bathroom and took off my cover-up so I could apply new stuff "Oh ouch what do you keep in here rocks?" asked a voice I didn't recognize when I walked out I saw Ashley sitting on my bed rubbing his big toe "Oh sorry no that's just my books and note pads and pens and stuff like that i'll move it" I said hurrying to go and pick up the bag and move it to the corner. "So what was it you needed?" I asked Ashley and turned around "I wanted to know if you were" he started to say but then stopped when he saw my face and arms.

*Ashley's POV*

I looked at her with my mouth wide opened she had cuts and bruises everywhere "What happened to you?" I asked in a whisper "What oh nothing I uhm tripped and fell on my face i'm a clutz like Anabella what can I say? It runs in the family" Bliss said and ran into the bathroom "Bliss if something's happening you know you can tell me" I called through the door "Everything's fine" she yelled but her voice broke off at the end. I knew something was wrong and I was going to get it out of her I picked my phone up from the bed and texted Andy "Hey man Bliss and I will be down in a minute she wants me to help her with her hair I think she needs me to straighten the back of it" Andy texted me back saying "Okay good cause we're not ready yet Anabella keeps going on about how nothing looks good on her with her baby bump anyways so it could be a while" I nodded my head in agreement and sat on the bed. Ten minutes later the bathroom door opened and out came a puffy eyed Bliss "Before you say anything I want you to know whatever you tell me if you ever tell me anything I won't t tell anyone unless you want me to" I said giving her a smile. "Oh Ashley it's horrible my boyfriend Seth he hits me when he's mad we got in a fight the other night at school he pushed me onto the pavement and I got scratched up" Bliss said I felt my heart break "Is that all Bliss?" I asked "No he's sixteen and he always says he "wants to fuck me" but I don't wanna. I'm too young I say and he gets mad and beats me" said Bliss and then she took off her dress and stood in her bra and underwear. She had bruises and cuts all over her stomach too she looked almost like a bruised peach nearly every inch of her was covered in bruises and these were only the ones she didn't cover up. "Oh my god Bliss i'm so sorry" I cried she put her dress back on and started to cry I pulled her into my lap and stroked her hair "shh it'll be alright sweetie I promise i'll do something about it don't worry" I whispered into her hair. After about twenty minutes Bliss stopped crying and was ready to leave

We walked down the stairs and smiled like nothing was going on. I was good at that and by the looks of it Bliss was too "Belle bee! Andy!" Bliss called "We're ready let's go!" I laughed at Anabella's nickname and Bliss shot me a 'what's so funny' look I just shook my head and sat down on the couch. "Hey guys I think we're going to go to Covent Gardens does that sound good?" Andy asked "Fine with me" Bliss and I said at the same time. She blushed and looked away and I just smiled "I'm going to go get the car around i'll be back" I said and left the room. When I walked to the garage I gave myself a little talk 'You can't like her Ashley she's 14 she's in grade 9 for gods sake it's illegal just get her help with her boyfriend she doesn't like you anyways' I thought to myself but then my mind drifted to those big brown eyes and my heart started to beat faster there was no way to deny it. I'm in love with a 14 year old girl. I'm going to hell.

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