Valentines Day (Part 2)

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I slowly lifted Bliss's head off my chest and laid It down on a pillow, I was going to make her breakfast and then we'll go get her lip pierced later, Anabella's gonna hate me but hey what my girl wants is what my girl wants. I went around the kitchen getting supplies and dishes and when I was done the counters were covered in pots, pans, ingredients for pancakes, bacon, ham and a bunch of toppings for the pancakes. I cooked and mixed and fried until everything was on the table and all tidy, Alli was out with her boyfriend already I never noticed how late it was. It was noon when I was dressed and woke Bliss up "Hi honey" I said sweetly she smiled and took my hand in hers "What time is it?" she asked me "Noon" I said pulling her off the couch and dragging her into the kitchen as she protested that she had to go get dressed because she looked bad. Once she got into the kitchen and saw breakfast or well lunch now she gasped "Did you make this for us?" she asked and I nodded, giving me a quick kiss she then sat down cross legged on a stool and began to drink some of the juice I put out for her. She slowly ate her pancakes, carrying on with my bogus conversation that I would never actually have with somebody other than Bliss. "I have a present for you" I said and she clapped her hands "Yay what is it?" she asked bouncing around in her seat "Close your eyes" I said and she did so I pulled out a sheet of paper with my newest song lyrics and then a box with a chain necklace with a heart on it. "Open your eyes" I said and she squealed in delight "Is this song about me? Oh my god this necklace is so nice omg thank you thank you thank you Cody" she said getting up and giving me a hug. I was happy that Alli my mom and my dad were all gone because they'd probably tease me about this for ages. "I'm gonna go get dressed" Bliss said and then she bounded up the stairs still smiling from ear to ear. I was cleaning up the dishes when I heard a vibrating I looked down at the counter to see Bliss's phone going off. I didn't want to spy but the message was displayed right there for me to see it said "Bliss, I miss you please talk to me I just want to hear your voice" it was from Ashley. Although I was angry he would have the nerve to text me girlfriend something like that I know the empty feeling of being on the road especially when the girl you love is at home with someone else.

"Hey Cody" Bliss called out, I dropped her phone on the counter and tried to make it look like I was just putting away dishes when she walked in. "Yes love?" I asked as she wrapped her thin arms around my waist "Maybe instead of getting my lip pierced we could just go for another walk maybe go to starbucks and just hang out for valentine's day" I let out a sigh of relief at the fact she wanted to just be casual today because I was nervous Andy would cut my head off if he found out I had been responsible for the hole in Bliss's lip. "Of course whatever you'd like now here's an idea why don't you call Ashley you know just to say happy valentine's day it'd be nice" I said hoping to avoid suspicion. "Yeah I will thanks for the idea, oh and Andy wants you to call him he's got some important news to tell you" and then she was gone as fast as she had arrived. My fingers shook a bit as I typed in Andy's name in my phone and hit the call button, soon enough my heart was racing as fast as a cheetah waiting for him to answer "Cody just the man I wanted to hear from" Andy said, my hands shook as I remembered how deep his voice was. "Aye Andy how's tour?" I asked calmly "It's great but I need you to do me a favor I need you to get Anabella, Carolyn and Bliss on a plane to Canada within the next two hours could you do that" he asked me "May I ask why?" Andy laughed and said "I'm surprising them with a concert specially for them, they'll be surrounded by fans and I'm planning on even getting Bliss and Anabella to sing for me" I couldn't stop the smile that crept onto my face when I heard that "I can do it, where in Canada are they going to be?" I asked already on my computer bringing up the closest airport. "Just in Toronto, I already have tickets for you, I'll send them to your phones once everything settled now I need to go but please make sure my girls are on the plane on time" Andy said and then hung up. "Bliss love I need you to come here a minute" I yelled hoping she was in the house "Okay Ash I love you too stay strong, bye" I heard her say "Cody did you call me?" she asked as she hung up her phone "Yeah go home and get your clothes packed you, Anabella and Carolyn are going to Toronto for a special concert of mine Andy bought the tickets for you guys even though it wasn't necessary so we should probably get going we have two hours to get to the airport" her eyes lit up but she simply nodded and got on her coat and boots smiling once again from ear to ear.

*Ashley's POV*

"Okay Ash I love you too stay strong, bye" I listened to the dial tone and sighed Bliss just got off the phone with me. I could tell she was at his house just by the way she was talking, not fully being herself to me. The only good thing about today is the surprise concert Andy's putting on for the girls even if Bliss isn't my girl anymore at least I get to see her. "Ashley it's time to start setting up" Jake said as he walked into the bathroom, I must have looked like a mess a bottle of whiskey in my hand sitting on the side of the toilet staring at the wall in-front of me. "You'll see her tonight bro, she wants to see you" Jake said I looked at him and sighed "But she'll be with Cody she couldn't have loved me she loves him so much more" Jake sighed and then took the bottle from my hand "Don't give up on love Ash it won't get you anywhere make sure what you're thinking is right if you let her go now you'll never forgive yourself if she still did love you" and then he left leaving me stunned and confused.

About an hour later Andy came into the bathroom "We finished setting up the girls should be here any minute now so you better start getting ready." And then he walked out not even bothering to look in my direction because he was scared about what shape he would see me in. I got off my ass and started to put my war paint on but it wasn't long until there was a pair of skeleton sized arms wrapped around my waist giving me a hug.  "Bliss" I said turning around, shocked at the girl standing in-front of me "Hi Ash" she said quietly biting her perfect nails "Oh Bliss what happened you're still so skinny you said you were gaining weight" I said, then mentally kicked myself for having this conversation now as it'd probably be the only conversation I'll have alone with Bliss. "I started dancing again so I'm eating healthy and everything losing weight the healthy way, I could swear you're quite a lot smaller as well Mr.Purdy" she said poking my side "I haven't been feeling well lately" I said glumly turning around to finish doing my war paint, I couldn't look into those big brown eyes anymore. My time alone with Bliss was up when I heard someone come in behind me and say "Aye Bliss there you are, hello Ashley" putting on my best smile for Bliss I turned around and shook Cody's hand "Hey Cody, I see you're taking good care of our girl congrats Andy won't want to kill you now" he laughed at what he thought was a joke so I laughed with him, laughed at the fact that if I found out he did anything to Bliss I would hurt the little punk just as bad as Andy would.

"I guess we should go now but there's someone else here who wants to see you" Bliss said giving my hand a quick squeeze and then left. "Someone wanted to see uncle Ashley" Anabella said as she turned the corner holding a giggling Carolyn. I took Carolyn in my arms and smiled "Did you miss me? Did you miss uncle Ashley of course you did" Anabella smiled at me and I smiled back feeling my heart warm up at the sight of her. "I missed you Ash" she said taking Carolyn back in her arms "I missed you too Belles" I said trying to ignore the warm tears welling up in my eyes, threatening to spill out onto my cheeks. "We have to go now but Ashley I will tell you this she still loves you, the time will come when you guys will be together Cody's just here for the moment" and then she kissed my cheek wiped the tears off my face and turned around to be with Andy before he went onstage leaving me feeling a small bit better. 

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