The Funeral (part 2)

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*Jinxx's POV*

I stared at the girl my eyes burning into her I felt rage instead of sorrow now "What are you talking about!" I screamed "Skylar was amazing, she was an amazing girlfriend, an amazing friend, an amazing sister, daughter and she would have been an amazing mother you know nothing about her" She looked at me and shook her head "Jinxx Jinxx Jinxx my sweet Jinxx don't be blinded by this she really wasn't all that great when you were gone she flirted with everyone. I told her should should stop because you're a great guy and nobody wanted to see you hurt but she wouldn't listen, come back to me I won't hurt you like Skylar did"

*Jake's POV*

I watched Jinxx stand there just inches away from the girl. She was beautiful not like Sky was but her red hair was pinned half back the rest hanging across the front of her black sweet heart dress that puffed at the waist and went just above her knees. She wore black fishnet leggings underneath and paired it off with black pumps. She wore a black fishnet veil that covered one of her eyes and ended on her cheek bone. "What do you think you're doing here? she loved me more than anything and I loved her we were going to be a family we will never happen again it was a one- time thing it didn't work out please just go home and let us mourn over Skylar we all loved her unlike you now leave." Jinxx said to the still unknown girl "Well what's the fun of that? I came here to get you back Jeremy and all you want is that dead skank over there! Too bad she's dead isn't it? Ever wondered who killed her or were you too busy feeling sorry for yourself to even remember that your beloved was murdered. I need to go but I'll call you later sweetie maybe we can make dinner plans all this love is making me sick." And at that she turned on the tip of her toe and sauntered out well more like strutted out. 'Jake!' my mind screamed at me you can't even think she's hot listen to what she was saying about Skylar, Skylar was your friend, she was murdered and you just sit here and think about how hot that girl was? Get a hold of yourself. "Who was she?" I asked Ashley who looked near ready to punch somebody's face in but cry at any moment. "Jinxx's ex girlfriend they had a thing a little while back after a concert and they found out that they were from the same place they hit it off but Jinxx broke it off a few months after when he met Skylar that was years ago but I guess she still holds a grudge her names Carmella" Ashley replied rubbing his temples. Carmella I thought to myself you're obsessed with the wrong band member.

*Bliss' POV*

Carmella! My mind screamed who does she think she is? Walking in here pretty much telling Jinxx to get over Skylar it's the poor girls funeral can the slut have enough decency to at least wait until she's buried to do this? I've always hated Carmella. She always wanted Andy before Jinxx came and she constantly tried to start things with Andy to get Anabella mad at him so she could have him. The girl has to make up her mind like seriously who does she think she is?  Some people don't even deserve love her being one of them they just play with it like it's a toy and then once they're not interested anymore they throw it away, moving onto something newer and better. Anabella and Cats faces were in complete shock their jaws were open so big that it looked like they would both eat a whale and their eyes so filled with pain that it actually hurt to look at them. Skylars mother was sobbing so hard I was surprised she wasn't drenched, Andy looked about ready to snap some ones neck and Ashley my poor Ashley was actually crying his shoulders shaking uncontrollably and you could hear him hiccup every few minutes something I recently learned that happened when he cries really hard. "Ashley, sh sh it'll be alright. Hush baby we have to go now. She's a bitch but we all know none of the things she said about Skylar were true let's go" I said and then Ashley turned around and did something I couldn't believe he kissed me I went to pull away but he pulled me back in and seconds later I wasn't fighting anymore. "A-Ashley, B-bliss what are you doing?" Asked someone behind me I turned around and there was Andy standing there his cell in one hand his other was gripped onto the wooden pew. "You know exactly what we're doing Andy, believe it or not Bliss wants this too. No one else is here right? I don't wanna look up." I heard Ashley say his lips brushing the top of my head as he buried his face in my hair. "No one else is here except Jinxx and by the looks of it he already knew, Ashley and bliss this is illegal you can't be doing it I know it seems like you love each other but it could just be a thing I don't want anybody to get hurt." Someone started to yell at Andy and it wasn't until the screaming was done I knew who it was. "What do you mean this could just be "a thing" I love Ashley with all my heart you may not like what we're doing but I can't imagine being without Ashley we all need to stick together more than ever now and you just come in here and tell me who I can and can't love. There's so much more to me Andy you don't know half of it please don't send me home. I'll be good. I'll stay away from Ashley just please let me stay I can't go back." By now I was crying and Ashley had his arms wrapped around me. Everyone was silent until Andy's phone started to go off. "What? Yeah sorry baby we're on our way. Bliss just wanted to fix her makeup a little. I love you too see you there." Andy looked at me and gasped. I had wiped my face with a tissue forgetting about my makeup on it and by the sounds of it my black eye was showing along with a matching purple-yellow bruise on my left cheek. "What happened" Asked Andy and Jinxx in union "I'll tell you after the funeral just please don't tell Anabella about this and if you tell me I should tell her I swear Andy I will come at you" he nodded and I took Ashleys hand and walked down the aisle to the front doors into Ashley's car.

"That was some speech you gave in there" Ashley said his right hand linked in mine while he drove with his left. "Thanks but now Andy knows too and when I say Andy knows I mean I have to tell him everything I thought just once band member knowing would be enough to worry the shit out of me but now that andy AND Jinxx know what's going on they're gonna go beat Seth and I can't risk that because I can't keep hiding from him." I cried no actual tears were coming out because I honestly don't think I had any left. "Anabella!" Ashley said I just stared at him "What did you call me? It's Bliss not Anabella I thought you were over my sister Ashley how would you do this to me now? Don't say it was a simple mistake I saw how you looked at her before." I yanked my hand away and pulled out my ipod putting it on shuffle was a bad idea though because every time I changed the song I would end up back to where I started, A song that reminded me of Ashley.

*Ashley's POV*

I can't believe I said that. What's wrong with me? I don't even like Belles anymore I love Bliss more than I love anything in the world. I promised her I would never hurt her and here I am now I've known her for at least two weeks and I already hurt her. I don't care if she's young which makes me sound like a pedophile but I don't age doesn't matter when it comes to love and I honestly love bliss. So why does this feel so weird? The look on her face ripped my heart out so I can't look at her anymore she keeps hitting her ipod telling it to shut up with "those songs" If I had any tears left I would have cried. I can't lose Bliss I just can't Skylar was enough I can't risk losing Bliss too. I need to make it up to her. I really do. I spent the next twenty minutes trying to figure out what to tell Bliss how to get her to come with me. I had the perfect plan. Once we were at the graveyard Bliss rushed right out and hugged Andy he stroked her hair and Belles asked her what was wrong Andy shot me a 'if you hurt her I promise you I will kill you' look and then took Bliss to the side while Anabella stood there staring at me "Ashley! I need you to see if you can get Bliss to talk she's been refusing to talk to anyone but you and Jinxx since Sky died and she needs to talk to someone I want you to take her out to your cottage in Australia do you think you could? You don't have any concerts for the next few weeks so that could work would you do it please? I just I really don't want her to get depressed again. It was horrible the first time seeing her note that she wrote was devastating." Anabella said to me in a hushed tone and my face dropped. "she tried to kill herself before?" I asked quietly "More than once she's always been depressed ever since Gerard died I just want her to be happy she can't end up like me don't get me wrong I love Andy and our baby well it's going to be wonderful but the touring and being depressed isn't good please don't ever tell Andy I'm depressed but I am I just keep thinking he's going to find some pretty younger girl and want her." She started to cry again and I hugged her and whispered that it was going to be alright in her ear but I honestly didn't know if it was going to be. Everything was falling apart.

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