Baby Carolyn Logan Biersack

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I opened my eyes to a sharp pain in my stomach, I looked at the digital clock above my tv it said that it was 2:30am. I tried to ignore the pain but it got worse and worse as the time went on "Andy, Andy wake up" I said gently shaking him he opened his eyes and looked at me "What's wrong Belles?" he asked but sat up once he saw the pain I was in "Is it the baby?" he asked and I shrugged my shoulders. He got out of bed and walked around to my side and helped me walk but the second I was in the hallway my water broke. "Stay here I'll tell Ashley we're leaving and for him to listen out for Bliss I can't believe my baby girl is coming!" Andy said and ran off to Ashley's room. I tried to hold in a cry of pain as another sharp pain ripped through my stomach. It happened again but this time I couldn't hold it in, I whimpered in pain just as Andy reached me. Without talking he managed to get me down the stairs and into the car, half way to the hospital I noticed he was wearing no shirt and it was the middle of December "You're gonna freeze babe" I told him "I don't care my baby girls coming that's all I care about" he said softly as he entwined his fingers in mine.

*Ashley's POV*

I rolled out of bed and hit the floor with a thud, I got up and crept into Bliss's room being super quiet I sat on the end of her bed and listened to her breathe, her chest went up and down with every breath and I couldn't help but stare at her. She tossed and I jumped off the bed hitting my toe against a notebook underneath the bed. I bent down and picked it up, it was Bliss's journal. I didn't want to intrude but I wanted to see if she mentioned me, I opened it and saw that it wasn't a journal but yet a sketch book at first there were pictures of Andy and Anabella but then there were sketches of me ones of me just sitting outside, one of my asleep on the couch, one of me with anabella on my lap pretending to be Santa and one in my stage gear. They were amazing I wanted to take them and hide them and keep them to myself.

"There's more if you're wondering, although what I'm wondering is what you're doing in my room at 2:30 in the morning." I jumped and turned around to see Bliss sitting up her blankets wrapped around her tiny waist. "What oh um sorry about this it's just you're so good and oh yeah your sisters having the baby her and Andy just went to the hospital they're going to text me when she's born" I stammered, she laughed and got up draping an extra blanket around my shoulders "You're freezing" I said and took her hand, I led her down the stairs and into the living room where I started a fire and Bliss sat in my lap, blankets wrapped around our Body just sitting there paying no attention to the movie we put in.

Three hours later I got a text from Andy telling us to go to the hospital, the baby was born Bliss was asleep on my shoulder. "Baby we need to get up and get dressed we need to go to the hospital" I whispered in her ear and kissed her on the forehead. She got up and pulled me by my hand into her room "What exactly do you wear to see your sister in the hospital at 5:30 in the morning because she had a baby?" Bliss asked me laughing "Uhm Skinnies, one of my sweaters and shoes?" I said wondering what you really would wear it's not exactly a greeting card occasion. "Sounds good now go get some clothes on" Bliss said to me and then pushed me out.

Ten minutes later she was knocking on my door I opened it to see her wearing Black skinnies, black uggs, a purple tank top and a black scarf "Where's my sweater Purdy?" she asked me I turned around and grabbed my sweater I put it on her and she smiled, stretching on her tip toes she kissed me on the lips and broke away. "We should get going" she said and I nodded. My head still buzzing with a million questions with no answers.

*Anabella's POV*

My baby girl was finally born, after three hours of labour I was finally holding my baby girl. She weighed three pounds six ounces. At first I was worried about the size but the doctors assured me that she was perfectly healthy. Andy was asleep beside me still holding my hand. I used his phone to text Ashley telling him to take Bliss here. I looked down at my baby girl, we changed her name at the last minute she was now going to be called Carolyn Logan Biersack.

"Knock knock" I heard a familiar voice say I looked up to see my sister and Ashley holding a pink bunny "Where's my Niece!" Bliss said excitedly I held her out and she picked her up in her fragile arms "What's her name?" Ashley asked me "We decided to name her Carolyn Logan" I said quietly "She's perfect, she looks just like you Belles" Bliss said to me, beaming a proud smile towards Andy and I "She has your hair well your old hair" Ashley said to me and I laughed she has light blonde hair and Andy's deep blue eyes, she's the best thing that's happened to me, tied with meeting Andy of course. Speaking of Andy "Hey babe, Bliss and Ashley are here" I said and he gave them a little wave "How's our Carolyn?" Andy asked me "She's amazing perfect health, she has your eyes" I said and he got up, Bliss handed him the sleeping baby and I swear I fell in love with him all over again. Seeing my family all together was perfect "Has anyone told Jinxx, CC and Jake about the baby yet?" I asked they all looked at me and shook their heads "I'll do it" I said and got out of bed, there was a payphone at the end of the hallway so I stopped there. None of the boys answered so I left them all messages "Hey it's Anabella, I had the baby it's 6 and Bliss, Ashley, Andy and I are here with baby Carolyn if you want to visit" I then hung up and walked back to my room to see Carolyn was crying "What's wrong honey?" I asked Andy "I think she might be hungry" he said and I laughed "okay I'll feed her" I said and everyone turned and started talking to each other.

Around 7am the rest of the band was here along with Raven, Destery, Ailsa and surprisingly Cody. I know Bliss and Ashley are back together just by the way they look at each other and I'm not going to stop it but she has to tell Cody. "omg she's so cute!" Raven and Ailsa squealed "Her names Carolyn Logan, she has Andy's eyes" I said and he kissed me quickly. The rest of the way went on with more guests and congratulations but after everyone was gone I was exhausted "Hey Belle" said a person at my door I looked up to see my dad standing there with flowers in his hand "Where's my granddaughter?" he asked me and I pointed towards the incubator his eyes widened and he picked her up "She looks just like you did as a baby" my dad said and his eyes started to tear up "Aw, daddy don't cry" I said getting up and wrapping my arms around his neck "You're all grown up, have you seen Bliss? Well of course you've seen Bliss but she's so much different now, I miss you girls so much and you're getting married. Not only married but to a rockstar he'll be gone so often of Belles please don't do anything like Bliss especially now that you have this beautiful daughter." I started to cry and he placed Carolyn back in the incubator and led me onto the bed "Daddy I missed you so much, I'm so scared I'm not ready for this! Andy's going on tour at the end of the month this isn't going to work" I sobbed into his shoulder he soothed me and rubbed my back until I was calm again "You can do this because you're strong, the marks on your arms might make you think you're not but you are you've been through so much for a nineteen year old girl. I'm moving down to help you, Bliss will of course help you and I'm sure Andy's parents will come down Mrs.Biersack wouldn't be able to stay away now wipe away those tears and tell me my granddaughters name" I laughed and kissed his cheek "Thanks daddy, her name is Carolyn Logan Biersack she has Andy's eyes you'll see when she wakes up. She was three pounds six ounces but apparently that's a good weight for her so she's healthy. I missed you so much dad!" I said and he ruffled my hair "I missed you too baby girl, I missed you too"  

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