Chapter 14

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I woke up and the room was completely dark.
I slowly lifted Hunter's arm off of me and wiggled to the edge of the bed, I got up and grabbed my phone.
The time read 2:48 a.m. Alright, I'm gonna go get some food.
I silently made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen.
I looked through everything and couldn't find anything I actually wanted to eat.
What sounded good was pizza. I got onto my phone googled "24 hours pizza delivery"
I soon found a number for a place called "Louis' Famous Pizzeria".
I called and ordered a large pepperoni pizza, a family size breadstick, and extra cups of garlic because why not?
I sat at the island and pulled my laptop close to me.
I clicked the YouNow app and it pulled up, I think I'll watch some people.
I typed in the tag "MagcobJr" since that's what I saw several fans had been calling they boys.
Twelve broadcasts popped up. I clicked the top one.
It was a girl talking about our Meet and greet.
She talked about how she was upset she didn't get to meet Blake, but was trying to get tickets for today's.
I frowned, today's was sold out.
She continued talking and she was really funny and then someone commented "OMFG WILLOW IS WATCHING!!"
I laughed as people kept saying hi to me and asking if Hunter was with me and everything.
I commented and said "Hey, you're really beautiful and funny and if you give me your number I'll call you and we can set up plans for you to get in even though the tickets are sold out. :)"
She screamed and started shouting her number. I grabbed a pen and wrote it onto my hand.
I quickly picked my phone up off the counter punched in *67 and then her number because Blake told me I didn't want my number leaked because it definitely wasn't good.
She picked up instantly and I saw her silently scream as I said "Hey, it's Willow! I wish I could have one of the guys talk to you too, but their all asleep. I'm just waiting on my pizza to get here."
She laughed and we continued a conversation. I asked for her Instagram and said I'd dm her about tomorrow, to make sure she got to meet Blake.
She thanked me and I hung up just as the door bell rung.
I grabbed my wallet and ran to the door, I opened it to see the boy I had taken a picture with at the amusement park standing with my food.

"That's me." I smiled sheepishly.

"You live here? Huh. Well, that's $27.15." He said while he handed me the food.

"Uhm, come in for a second. I need to put this down first."
He followed me while I walked into the kitchen and sat everything down.
I grabbed my wallet once more and rummaged through it and handed him $30.
     "Keep the change as a tip."

     "So, Willow..Uhm.."

"You can tell me, I don't bite." I laughed.

     "I never heard from you after that day, I thought you know.." he trailed off and looked at the floor.

"Oh, Calum..I'm sorry, it's just Hunter and I.."

     "Oh, I get it. But uhm, Willow, here's my number for when the dumb kid breaks your heart." he handed me a small piece of paper with his number on it and walked out the door, shutting it behind him.
    I tossed the paper on the counter and watched as it skidded behind the toaster.
     I sat at the island after grabbing a paper plate and loaded my plate with three breadsticks, two slices of prices and a couple cups of garlic.
     What the hell ever, no one was gonna break my heart. I rolled my eyes at what he'd said and grabbed my phone and plate of food and headed to the living room.

"3 a.m is definitely gossip girl time." I said as I sat on the couch and pulled Netflix up onto the tv screen.


Fighting Fame(Jacob Sartorius, Blake Gray, Hunter Rowland, Mark Thomas, Brandon Rowland FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now