How he asks you out (Louis)

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"Y'know what?! Fuck you!" You screamed at your no longer best friend. She'd told your crush that you were gay so that she could go out with him instead.

"Y/n I'm sorry" she wailed

"Sorry doesn't cut it bitch!" Your fists were curled up by your sides to stop you from punching her.

"Just go y/ex/b/f/n. Just. Go" You said, just below a whisper. She huffed and turned on her heel but stopped to look over her shoulder.

"Y/c/n asked me out on a date this Saturday btw" she smirked and stalked off, leaving you wondering how you'd been friends with such a toxic bitch for so long. 

You rolled your eyes and yanked your locker open, almost forcing it off of it's hinges. To add to your annoyance your books fell out, assaulting you as they did.

"Shit!" You mumbled. You picked them up and chucked them back in. As you closed your locker a group of students ran past you yelling about some fight down the hall. Intrigued you followed them to see at least half of the entire school crowded around two boys. As you shoved and barged your way through to get a better view you realised it was
y/c/n and the school's bad boy Louis Tomlinson. They were yelling profanities at each other and landing very heavy punches here and there.

"Call her a fag one more time pretty boy. I fucking dare you" Louis spat, grabbing y/c/n off of the floor by his collar.

"Why do care so much about it anyway" y/c/n scoffed.

"It?! It! Let me tell you something. Y/n is the smartest, sweetest girl you'll ever meet so you can take your dumbass opinion and stick where the sun don't shine" Louis hurled him to the ground. Y/c/n stood up and dusted himself off. He chuckled before taking a swing at Louis.

"Stop it!" You ran in front of Louis taking the full blow to your face. You stumbled back, cupping your cheek not even surprised to see blood.

"That's it!" Louis yelled lunging at y/c/n. He continued kicking him before he was yanked upwards by Mr Crawley. The head teacher.
"Mr Tomlinson! My office now" his voice boomed throughout the hall shocking everyone back into reality, sending them scurrying to their classes.

"Miss y/l/n please report to the nurse. As for you Mr y/c/l/n I need you to go to the coach for a phone call with your parents." He said. A little quieter this time around.

"Yes sir" you both mumbled, going your separate ways.

Once you'd gone to the nurse she sat you down and stitched up the cut underneath your eye.

"Here hun. Keep this on it" she said handing you an ice pack. You mumbled your thanks and pressed the cool pack to your sore cheek. You rehearsed what you were going to tell your mum when the door burst open. Louis stormed in and slumped on the chair next to you.

"That bitch that you call a friend told everyone that you're gay, so that dickhead starts calling you a fag so I taught him a lesson." Louis turned to you and cupped your cheek, forcing you to look at him.

"Don't ever take a hit like that again" he whispered.

You could only bring yourself to nod.

"How 'bout a date to make up for all this. 'Cause let's be honest, you're as straight as a ruler." He smiled.

"Sure." You laughed.

He brought you face closer to his planting a sweet kiss on your lips before pulling away.

"Yum. Chocolate." He said before you both burst into huge fits of laughter.

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