His child doesn't like you (Li) part 2

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"Y/n?" Liam placed his house keys on the side.

"What's going on?" He asked, in a stern voice.

"Liam..." you shielded Dylan slightly.

"Nothing happened. Okay?" You trembling hands seemed to be stuck by your side.

"Come on now, y/n." Dylan lazily slung an arm around you.

You harshly shrugged him off and looked at Liam.

"Can you just tell me what's going on? What is Dyl talking about?"

"Well, dad, your girlfriend and I had a very interesting conversation after you left."

"Okay...?" Liam leaned on the door frame.

"Well y/n and I have decided that we-"

"I kissed Dylan!" You cut him off, before he could cause any more damage.

"You w-what?" Liam was now stood upright.

"I kissed him." You mumbled

Liam was speechless. The playful smirk had been swiped off of Dylan's face. 

"Is this true?" His voice was no louder than a whisper as he turned to face Dylan.

"Dad, I-"

"Is it true?!" He barked.


You wanted nothing more than to tell Liam the truth, but he absolutely adored his son, and you didn't want to jeopardise that.

"Pack your bags." Liam still hadn't turned to face you.

"Li, please just-" you started

"Just pack your bags. Please." His voice cracked at the end.

"Dad, let me explain."

"Dylan, just go to your room." Liam sighed

Dylan looked up at you, eyes full of regret and shame. Anger rushed through you and you roughly barged past Dylan, into the bedroom.

You angrily shoved your clothes into a couple of suitcases.

"Really y/n?" Liam spat.

"Really what?!" You snapped, still forcefully shoving clothes into your suitcase.

"You kiss my son and think that you have the right to be pissed!"

"Whatever Liam. When you see who your son really is, then maybe - just maybe, you can call me." You pushed past him and made your way downstairs, shooting Dylan a nasty glare.

"Y/n?" Liam was right behind you

"Y/n?!" You unlocked the door, continuing to ignore him.

He grabbed your wrist and forced you to turn around.

"What?!" You yelled.

He cupped your face and smashed his lips to yours. The kiss was over before it even started.

You took one final look at Liam, before storming out of the house, slamming the door behind you.

You started to walk down the road, when you noticed a silver Lexus pull out of a driveway.  The car crept along beside you, so you sped up. You came to a small crossing, only for the Lexus to speed ahead and block you from crossing. The driver rolled down the window, and fixed their stone cold eyes on your warm, inviting ones.

"Get in the car y/n." Sophia said "I have a preposition."

"If you think I'm going anywhere with your dusty ass, then you're crazy." You took a step forward, only to feel a small piece of metal prodding your back.

You slowly turned around to see two burly men standing behind you. One had a gun aimed right at your chest.

"Sophia, you're fucking crazy!" You hissed over your shoulder.

"Oh you'll be fine...if you cooperate." She had a sly smirk plastered on her face.

"Get her bags!" She snapped her fingers, and the burly goon without the gun, roughly yanked your suitcases from your tight grip. Sophia waited for him to put them in the boot before giving the next goon an order.

"Get her in the car."

The man nudged you with his gun.

"What if I don't want to? It's the middle of the day, I'll scream." You warned her

"There are other ways to do this y/n." She adjusted her blouse

"Such as?" You cocked your eyebrow, not scared one bit.

Sophia gave a light cough, and you heard the gun click.

"It will happen, and it will happen now if you don't move!" She hissed.

The man pressed the gun into your stomach and walked towards you, forcing you to walk backwards. He shoved the gun into your stomach, making you stumble into the car.

"Now." Sophia rolled up the Windows "Let's go for a joyride."

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