His child doesn't like you (Li) part tres

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Bonjour mon amie.
¡Hola mis amigos!

Part threeeeeeeeeeeee


The car ride lasted for at least two hours. The entire journey consisted of you being threatened by Sophia's goons and Sophia blasting some shit country music.

She stopped outside of a seemingly normal house and patiently waited whilst her goons shoved you out of the car.

"Sophia! What the fuck is all of this?!"

"All in good time darling." She smiled.

"This bitch is actually crazy." You muttered.

'How can I go from protecting so dumbass child who kissed me, to being kidnapped by his psychopathic mum?' You thought to yourself.

Sophia led the way and came to a stop at a chipped red door.

"You two can leave now." She waved off the two men by your side. She walked up to the man with the gun, and slapped four fifty pound notes in his hand.

"You guys did good today. Make sure you actually share the money this time."

The man grunted in response and made his way to the exit, with the other one hot on his heels.

Sophia watched them leave before roughly grabbing your arm. She led you to a narrow passage and shoved you in front of her.

She felt along the walls and came to a sudden stop. She pushed several bars across and unlatched the heavy metal door. 

"This." She spun around with her arms out "Is your room."

"I'm sorry. What?!" You asked

"Sit down Y/n" she gestured towards a small single bed.

"Let me tell you something-" you started

"Sit. Down." She took two steps towards you.

You muttered a string of curse words before sitting on the edge of the bed.

Sophia flipped a nearby switch, causing you to immediately squint your eyes. Your eyes slowly adjusted to the light, so you opened them fully.

"Sophia, why am I here? Yeah I get the fact that your kid hates me, but why-"

"You have something that belongs to me." She crossed her arms.

"Are you gonna let me finish at least one sentence?!" You tutted.

"You just did." She grinned

You rolled your eyes and kept your balled up fists by your side.

"As I was saying. You took something from me, and I want it back!" She yelled

"What do I have that belongs to you. You crazy bitch!"

She grabbed your jaw and dug one of her polished nails into your cheek.

"Liam." She hissed

You jerked your head out of your grip.

"You're kidding right? All this for some guy who you broke up with?!"

"I'm serious sweet pie." Sophia's eyes looked grey and lifeless. She walked away from you and grabbed a rope from underneath a broken table in the corner.

She grabbed your arm and yanked you up. She wrapped the rope around your wrists and tightly pulled on it. You heard her give a low chuckle when you yelped in pain.

She tied the rest of the rope to the metal headboard on the bed. She shoved you onto the bed and squatted in front of you.

"You're gonna help me get my baby back." She whispered

"Or else what?" You spat

"Don't fucking test me!" She pulled out a pocket knife out of her back pocket.

She waved it side to side, taunting you.

She got up slowly and walked towards the door.

"You see y/n, I was always spoilt when I was younger. I always get what I want."

She flipped the lights off and left. Shutting the metal door with a heavy slam.

You turned on your side to avoid rubbing your wrists raw against the rope. What felt like hours, passed by, yet you were still wide awake.

A smoky smell wafted its way towards you. It stung your eyes and your nostrils. You eyelids slowly began to get heavy, and you were finally pulled into a restless sleep.

A/n: I don't know how or why this escalated so quickly, but WHATEVERRRRRRRRR. I know it took me long to update, but I'm back now xx

P.S: please forgive me for this shit that is an update. I LOVE YOU GUYS XXXXXXX

One Direction interracial imagines/PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora