How he asks you out (Liam)

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You and Liam had always been those typical friends that act like a married couple. You were both sprawled out on the sofa laughing at some corny joke in SpongeBob. Your head was placed perfectly in the crook of Liam's neck as he fiddled with your box braids.

"Why are you so obsessed with my hair Li?" you laughed

"It's addictive alright? Don't judge" he smiled.

You cuddled closer completely blocking out the TV and focusing on his detailed features instead. You were playing with his scruffy stubble when his chocolate brown eyes met yours.

"Earth to y/n. Hello?"

"Yeah. W-what?" You stuttered, scared you'd been caught checking him out.

"I asked if you wanted to do some baking." He said.

"Oh. Yeah sure." You grinned. You untangled your legs from his and sat on his chest using it as a launching pad to haul yourself up.

"Oi!" He chuckled running after you. He grabbed your waist and spun you around to face him. You were less than and inch away from his face and found yourselves inching closer. Your lips almost connected before you lightly placed your hand on his chest.

"I'll, erm, set up the stuff yeah?" You hurried away before he could reply. You took out the ingredients, setting them on the side when suddenly a handful of flour was dumped down the back of your shirt. You yelped before whirling around to face a smirking Liam.

He looked around whistling before making eye contact with you.

"Oops?" He shrugged cheekily.

You grasped an egg behind your back and slowly approached him.

"It's alright." You said rubbing his bicep up and down. He tensed under you but you ignored it. As he opened his mouth to speak you smashed the egg on his head, causing him to flick egg whites everywhere as he tried to rub it on your top.

"Liam stop!" You shrieked. He threw you over his shoulder and placed you on the island table in the middle of your kitchen. Unable to control yourself anymore you bundled his shirt in your fists, dragging him closer to you. Your mouths moved in unison and for a minute you forgot about  the flour in your shirt and the egg in Liam's hair.

"So." He breathed pulling  "How bout we go out to eat instead of chucking the ingredients at each other?" He asked

"Li, I'd love to" you smiled. "But." You motioned to his hair "That needs to be dealt with first" you added.

He felt his hair before grimacing at the texture. He pecked you on the lips before jogging off to wash his hair.

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