He gets you pregnant *requested*

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Requested by 1Narry1Liam1Louis

You're 14, he's 22 and he gets you pregnant. Your family throws you out and he takes you in.

You wiped away a stray tear as you dialled his number into your phone.

"Hey sweetheart! What's up?" His voice was tainted with worry.

"N-Niall?" You tried to control your sobs. "I told them. I told mum and dad."

"That's...good, isn't it?" He asked

"No, Niall, it's not!" You yelled.

"Princess, calm down." He tried to soothe you.

"I'M FOURTEEN!" You screamed.

"Y/n..." he sighed

"Don't put this shit on me." You hissed. By now, the hurt and upset you felt had turned into pure anger.

"They're kicking me out." You mumbled.

"What?! They can't do that!" He shouted.

"They can, and they are." You said, sourly.

"Stay there." He said. "I'm coming to get you."


"No. I'm coming to get you. Now." he hung up, leaving you to think about the recent events.

You made sure your bedroom door was locked before you grabbed two of your suitcases and stuffed in some clothes. You grabbed a few pictures and school books.

You unlocked the door and side-stepped through.

The noise of your suitcases was what brought your parents out of their room.

"Where are you going?" your mum asked.

"You're kicking me out." You retorted. "Don't pretend you care."

"Don't get cocky with us when you're the fourteen year old that's been knocked up by a 22 year old man." Your mum bit back.

"Abort it." Was all your dad said.

"What?! No! It's my decision!" You shouted.

"Then leave."

"Fine by me." You shrugged.

"Y/n, wait." Your mum spoke up.

She handed you her phone.

"I need you to make a statement." She said.

You looked at the phone to see that she had called 999.

"Mum! What the-"

"It's statutory rape." She spat.

You shoved the phone back in her hands. Your vision was bleary so you used the back of your sleeve to wipe away the tears.

You pressed down the handle of the door and hoisted up your suitcases. You walked out of the door and turned to look back at your parents.

"I'm sorry." You mumbled. They closed the door behind you.

You turned and saw Niall leaning against the door of his car. He took your stuff, without saying a word, and placed everything in the boot.

He closed it firmly and stood silently for a moment or two.

"C'mere." He opened his arms, which you gladly ran into.

"It's gonna be alright." He softly kissed the top of your head.

All you could do was nod. This was your baby and you knew you had to bring him or her up properly. With or without your parents.

Yooooooooooooooooo, wassup?? No I am NOT high or drunk. My fucking nail polish decided to be a little shit so I took the whole thing off and now I'm pissed. Has anyone else seen those pics of Lou and 'Freddie'?????? Now I'm not saying this coz I'm a Larrie (shoot me) but NO WAY is that his baby. The night Lou supposedly got banana jungleworms preggo, he was with either Liam or Harry and Oli was with BJ. If you don't know who Oli Wright is he's Louis' 'friend' that NO ONE (including Louis) likes. He leeches on to Lou for his fame and it's fucking annoying. ANYWAY if you look at the 'baby' it's fucking ginger and so is Oli. Not to mention the dodgy photo Jay posted on FB. The baby is supposed to be two months but in the photo it's supporting its own head AND the baby seems MASSIVE compared to the last photo. You can blatantly tell that it's Photoshop. And how come all the photos are in black and white?????? To hide photoshop blemishes obvi. Babies don't hold their heads up at two months, and it's a SCIENTIFIC fact that boys take longer to develop than girls sooooooooooooooo how is this even possible??

But aside from all the BG drama, how are you guuyyyyysss? I hope none of u lot start to hate me coz I'm a larrie. Don't worry, I won't march around forcing you to ship L&H. I just hope you won't judge me coz of it.

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