He cheats (Li and Lou)

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You slammed your car door shut and marched up to the front door. You twisted the key in the lock and stepped inside.

"Liam James Payne!" You yelled.

When you didn't receive and answer, you took off your high heels and carried them both in one hand.

You silently walked upstairs towards the bedroom. You pressed your ear against the door, only to hear some loud ass moaning.

You opened the door and stood there with your arms folded.

"Ahem." You cleared your throat, startling them both.

"B-babe! It's not what it looks like!" Liam stuttered

Sophia kept her head down and even tried to cover herself with the duvet.

"Oh really? So, you didn't invite your ex over, whilst I was at work, and let her give you a good fuck?!" You spat.

"Y/n, we didn't mean-" Sophia started, but you cut her off

"Shut up, bitch!" You hurled one of your heels at her head.

"Baby, listen." Liam got out of the bed, with his hands up. Good. The bitch should be scared.

"This." He gestured between him and Sophia. "Means nothing. At all."

"But this." He gestured between the two of you. "Means everything." His eyes glistened with tears.

"You weren't saying that when her fucking mouth was around your dick!" You yelled.

"Babe..." He started

"Don't 'babe' me! I don't know why you're crying! Your only upset because you got caught!" You spat.

"Bitch get up." You said to Sophia.

She got up, clutching her top in a bundle against her chest.

"I hope the two of you have a very cosy life together. I would kick you out, but I can't be asked to bleach these damn sheets."

"Y/n, listen...please." Tears rolled down Liam's cheeks.

"I'll be back for my stuff later in the week." You turned to walk out, but remembered something.
You walked over to Sophia and slapped her across the face. You picked up your high heel that you threw at her and slipped it on.

You gave Liam one last look before walking downstairs.

Once you were downstairs, you took a proper look around.

"I guess he owes me." You shrugged

You took his awards off of his shelf one by one and placed them into your bag.

Satisfied with your work, you made your way to your car.

You opened the back door and chucked the bag on the back seat. You got in the front and headed off to the pawn shop.


You knew already knew that Louis was cheating. He would always come home covered in hickeys and smelling like perfume. His phone was always ringing, no matter what time it was.

Right now, Louis was out with the 'boys' You knew he wouldn't be back until late, so you started your plan.

You sent a quick message to your cousin, who had followed Louis in her car, and slipped your phone into your back pocket.

You walked into your shared bedroom and one-by-one, you emptied out all of Louis clothes onto the bed.

You went into the bathroom and ran a steaming hot bath.

You skipped down the stairs and grabbed two buckets and a bottle of bleach. You carried the stuff up to your bedroom, and kicked the door shut with your foot.

You placed the buckets on the floor and split an even amount of bleach between each one.

You picked up Louis' clothes and put bundles into each bucket.

You then went to the bathroom and turned off the taps. You got all of Louis' electronics. All of them, including chargers and headphones. Once you were sure you had all of them, you chucked them all in.

Still not fully satisfied, you decided to redecorate his awards. You took a cheap bottle of red nail polish and all of his awards. You took each one and wrote 'CHEATER' in capital letters, on each one.

You put each one back in its exact place and went upstairs to pack your bags.

Just as you finished packing, your phone buzzed in your back pocket. It was your cousin.

BAEEEEEE: I'm outside. Did u do it?!

Me: Yes the bitch did.

BAEEEEEE: well hurry your royal behind up. He'll be here soon.

You slid your phone into your back pocket and picked up your suitcases. You nudged the door open with your foot and made your way downstairs. You slipped your shoes on and opened the front door. Sure enough, your cousin was in the car, blasting 'All the time' by Jeremih.

You opened the boot of the car and shoved your cases in.

"You ready, babe?" Your cousin asked

"Yeah, hold on. Lemme just send a quick message." You replied.

Me: Hey Louis! Left you a little present for when you get home from that hoe's house xx

P.S. Don't EVER call me again. As if I'd take your cheating ass back.

You pressed send and sighed a sigh of relief.

You slid into the passenger seat and ignored your cousin's shady look. As you drove off, your phone vibrated several times. You switched it on silent and sunk lower into your seat.

Payback is a bitch.

Yes, I know they're similar, yes, I know they're shit. DON'T SLAUGHTER ME! I promise I'll upload a GOOD (or at least decent) Chapter soon.

Oh, one more thing, you lot's comments give me life fr tho. Every time I read them, I always end up pissing myself laughing. My friends all look at me like I'm crazy, but I don't give a flying fook.

Anywhoooooooo that's all for now hoes xx

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