He insults you

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Lima bean:

You and Liam were at Louis' house along with the others. Louis originally invited everyone the house for a pool party but because of the weather everyone had to move inside and watch a movie.

"Y/n?" Louis called you over to the DVD case.

"Yes, boo?" You rested your arm on his shoulder.

"Choose a film." He said

Your eyes wandered across the various shelves full of different films.

"What about Poltergeist?" You picked up the case.

"Sure thing sweet cheeks...if you're not too scared." He teased

You shoved his shoulder playfully and slid the disc into the DVD slot.

You walked back over to Liam and sat down next to him. You rested your legs on his lap and snuggled down into the sofa.

"Finished flirting?" He hissed

"What?" You sat yourself up, on your elbows.

"Oh, nothing." He said. "You just seemed a bit too friendly with my mate." He shifted on the sofa so that your legs slid off of his lap.

"And what exactly are you implying?" You sat up fully

"That my girlfriend is a slut." He replied, sternly.

"Payno, was that really necessary?" Louis spoke up

"Louis it's fine." You said

"When you know how to fucking respect me, then maybe you'll maintain at least one stable relationship!" You spat. You got up off of the sofa and stormed towards the front door.

"Oh by the way, Liam!" You yelled over your shoulder "Don't wait up for me. If I'm such a slut I'll find another guy to replace you." You said, slamming the door shut behind you.

Hubby (a.k.a Louis)

"Babe, get me another drink?" Louis' warm breath tickled the back of your neck.

"Sure, boo!" You yelled over the music.

You pushed your way through the mass of sweaty bodies on the dance floor.

The club was the busiest it'd been for a while. You reached the bar and managed to get the bartender's attention.

"Can I get a beer please?" You asked, politely

"Sure thing, beautiful." He winked

You rolled your eyes and tapped your fingernails on the counter.

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing, drinking beer?" He placed the drink in front of you.

"It's for my boyfriend." You grabbed the drink and walked off.

"But have you have seen how she's dressed!?" Louis was talking to Niall

"Mate, I think she looks bloody brilliant!" He exclaimed

"Of course you would! You dog!" Louis rolled his eyes

"For crying out loud! Is she trying to embarrass me? Why is y/n dressed like a hooker!?" He spat

You looked down at your short, white dress that fit you perfectly.

You marched up to Louis and tapped him on the shoulder.

He turned around and his face immediately went red. You poured the lager all over his head.

"Oops." You shrugged.

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