He stereotypically insults you (Niall)

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You and your boyfriend Niall have been together for 1 1/2 years. Everything was great and you couldn't ask for a better relationship. At first there were some struggles with you and Niall's parents accepting you two, but they were happy once they saw how much you loved each other.

Of course you loved Niall, but as of right now you were fuming. He'd gone out with his friends saying he'd only be a couple of hours, but yet here you were at 3 am waiting for your boyfriend who'd gone out at 9 pm. You made a start to get off of the sofa but stopped short when the front door swung open and in stumbled Niall.

"Y/n babyyyyyy." He slurred

"Niall where the fuck have you been for the past six hours?!" You snapped.

"Babe I told you. I went out with the guys." He caressed the wall

"First of all, I'm over here. Second, Niall you were supposed to call me not have me stressing out over where you are!" You screamed.

"Oh for Christ's sake y/n your not my fucking mum! Just let me go to bed. You can talk to me when you're being less of a bitch." He snarled, barging past you.

"Excuse me?! So because I was worried I'm being a bitch?"

"Isn't that just what I said?" He said, turning around to face you.

"Y'know what?! I'm so fucking done with your bullshit Niall!" You yelled.

"Whatever y/n. If it wasn't for me you'd probably be a working in McDonald's or you'd be a damn stripper!" He growled.

"What. Did. You. Say?" You asked through gritted teeth.

"Don't play dumb. You know how you black girls are. You'd do anything even anyone for money." He smirked.

You were shocked at what he just said, but tried to remind yourself that it was just the alcohol speaking.

"Fuck you Niall! I actually thought that you were different from all those ignorant dumbasses. Obviously not!" You seethed. You grabbed your car keys and your coat.

Niall, who'd finally realised what he said, latched onto your leg.

"Baby don't go! I need you! I need my princess!" He cried

"Niall get off!" You tried to shake him off but he only gripped on tighter.

"I'm sorry princess! I'll stop drinking! I'll stop going out with the guys! Anything!" He wailed.

Due to his drunk state you easily peeled his hands from your leg.

"I'll be at y/b/f/n house if you eventually come to your senses." You mumbled quietly.

"Baby...please." he sobbed

"Bye Niall." You said, closing the front door behind you.

A/N I'm sooooooooo sorry for this shitty imagine, but it's my first argument type imagine. I'll try and upload the rest of the boys tomorrow. If you have any suggestions don't hesitate to either leave them in the comments or message me.

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