A *short* break

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So, I won't be updating for about a week. Reason being that I have a shit load of exams coming up. They start this Tuesday and finish next Monday. I haven't updated recently because I have been revising...A LOT.

Once my exams are all done and dusted I should be doing a lot more updates for you hoes. I'm actually really nervous for these exams 😁😁. All I can do now is pray.

But anywaaaaaaayyyy I'll see you crazy people later.

Peace out 😘😘

P.S if you want a request just pm me. Don't be shy, I'll hunt you down and kill you if you try and get all shy on me 😈. But seriously, just pm me whenever if you want a request. It's really helpful if you're as detailed as possible when giving your request xx

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