He gets jealous (NH)

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Your POV

You burst out laughing as your old friend, Jonathan, told you about his embarrassing experience at a summer camp he volunteered for, a few months ago.

"She actually made a tart out of her shit!" His face automatically cringed at the memory.

"What did you expect, Jo?!" You tried to hold in your laughter, but you failed. Terribly. "You showed a group of eight year olds 'The Help' God, you're a bit of an idiot aren't you?"

"Shut up!" He pushed you lightly, whilst smiling.

"How's the Mrs?" You asked.

"Good, good. We're trying for a baby actually!" He smiled even brighter than before, making his dimples pop.

"Jonathan! I'm so happy for you!" You exclaimed, before practically suffocating him into a hug.

You heard a loud cough from behind you and abruptly turned around, cutting the hug short, to see your scowling boyfriend.

"What's wrong Niall?" You asked, walking towards him.

"Who's that?!" He vaguely gestured to Jonathan.

"Hey...I'm Jonathan. I'm an old friend of y/n's" He held out his hand towards Niall, but slowly put it down once he saw the look in Niall's eyes.

He awkwardly laughed and looked toward you.

"I was just telling Jo how happy I am for him and his wife! They're trying for a baby!" You clasped your hands together in a very over-dramatic manner, as an attempt to lighten the mood.

"Hmm. Is that so?" Niall trailed off, not believing you.

"Well, it was nice meeting you Jonathan, but sadly, we have to go now." Niall grabbed your things and tugged your arm, making you follow him out of the building. You could only smile apologetically at Jonathan as you left.

Once you were outside, you yanked your arm from his grip and started to give him a piece of your mind.

"Niall fucking Horan! What the fuck was that?!" You yelled.

"What was what?" Niall distracted himself with loading the car.

"That childish ass behaviour in there!" You were fuming by now.

"He was getting a little too friendly..." Niall mumbled.

"Niall you're joking right? He's married! He's trying for a baby with the woman he's married to! And you're sitting pouting like a five year old!" You rolled your eyes and got in the car, making sure to slam the car door behind you.

Niall got in on the driver's side and looked at you guiltily.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled.

"Whatever, Neil. Buy me a a couple doughnuts and I'll think about forgiving you." You said.

He chuckled lightly and began to drive off.

Um. Hello. LISTEN, I'M SORRY!! PLEEASE DON'T KILL ME!! So as you know, my friend Kiyah was gonna take over for me, but she
had exams and she's been diagnosed with an overactive thyroid. Sooooo I basically told her not to bother with this, and focus on her health instead.

Don't forget to PM me if you want a request and comment if you want a part two/three to one of the imagines, and which one.

It feels so good to back!!

Saranghae putas
Kayah x

OMG YOU THOUGHT THAT WAS IT 😂😂😂 So a couple of my friends have gotten me into KPop,  and now I'm in love with BTS 😭😭 So look out for my BTS AMBW imagines which I might drop tonight...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2017 ⏰

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