His sister/brother causes your breakup

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Liam pt 2

You sat on the small step outside of the Panye's front door. You'd past the point of crying, right now you were mad. Really mad.

Ruth had made it out as if you'd aborted Liam's child, when in fact you had the abortion at 16. Six years ago. Not only did your boyfriend take your innocence, he also lied about using protection.

Your best friend was the only person that knew about the baby. She came with you to the clinic as well. Your parents still didn't know to this day. Neither did Liam or his family. As for your sleaze of an ex-boyfriend, he'd apparently been arrested for substance abuse. Drugs.

"Y/n?" Liam's dad, Geoff, stopped right in front of you, his hands full of shopping bags.

You sniffed and quickly wiped your eyes. "Hey Geoff." You didn't look up to face him.

"What's the matter, sweetheart?" He placed the bags by the front door, just behind you.

"Hmm? Oh nothing." You tried to smile but you burst into tears.

"Oh, darling!" He sat down beside you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. "What happened?"

You took a few shaky breaths and explained what happened. From start to finish.

When you finished you saw that Geoff was still as silent as before and his eyes were glossed over with tears.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered. "About Ruth but especially Liam. He should've given you a chance to explain." He got up and held out his hand. You gladly excepted and got up.

You helped him carry the shopping bags in and packed the stuff away into the right places.

"Hi pops-y/n?!" Liam looked at you in utter disgust.

"What is she doing here?" Liam asked Geoff

"She was crying on the steps by the front door because your sister has started causing trouble!" Geoff spat.

"Dad, she killed my child. Scratch that! She cheated and then had the nerve-"

"I didn't cheat." You mumbled. "Why would I cheat on you?" Your voice got louder

"So then what happened y/n?" He smugly asked

"I got the abortion when I was sixteen." You said, barely above a whisper.

"Yeah right." Liam scoffed.

"My boyfriend told me that he would use protection...but he didn't. When I told him, he laughed at me. He accused me of cheating. Just like you..." You fumbled with your fingers. Liam had remained silent the whole time and Geoff stepped out to give you two some privacy.

"I was scared Liam! I was still a virgin and he promised, he fucking promised! And I just..." You trailed off, once again bursting into tears.

You heard Liam sniff and soon you found yourself crying into his chest. He kissed the top of your head and kept muttering apologies over and over again.

"Aww how sweet!" Ruth bitterly said from behind you.

Liam kissed your head once more and slowly pulled away. He turned to face his sister.

"Ruth." He said. "What is your problem?"

"My problem?" She chuckled. "My problem, Liam, is that you still seem to listen to that bitch instead of your own sister!"

"She's not good for you, Li. You should get back with Sophia!" She whined

"Last time I checked." You spoke up. "I am not a bitch, I did not cheat and last but not least, Sophia is the one that cheated. Not me!" You clenched your fists by your side.

"So she speaks?" Ruth rolled her eyes.

"Ruth, stop! Just stop!" Liam massaged his temple. "You have no right to talk to  the woman I love that way! If you're so offended by us, then leave." He snapped.

Just as Ruth was about to speak, Karen came back in.

"So sorry it took me so long. I picked up the wrong album and then I had to go into the attic just to find the right one." She laughed

"I'm leaving!" Ruth snapped. "Have fun playing happy families!" She rolled her eyes. She stomped out through the front door and slammed it behind her.

Liam wrapped his arm around you and pecked you on the cheek.

"What?" Karen asked. "Did I say something wrong?"

Ok SO. Let's skip the part where you guys slaughter me for how shit this was. I'm aiming to update my H.S fanfic soon. HOPEFULLY today. But yeah.

Thank you guys so, so, sooooooooo much for putting up with me and my lazy ass. I love all of you to pieces 😘

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