He hits you

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"Y/n move over!" Niall huffed. You two were playing Just Dance, well, you were dancing, but Niall was flailing his arms about like a mad man.

"Niall, oh my gosh, if you don't stop waving around like you're signalling Superman or some shit, I'm actually gonna wring your fucking neck!"

"Babe calm down, s'only a game." Niall nudged you.

"Here comes the spin!" You yelled, blatantly ignoring him.

You started to turn around, when you felt the Wii control hit your knuckle. Hard.

"Motherfucker!" You screamed, jumping up and down.

"Princess, I'm so sorry!" Niall bit his lip to prevent him from laughing.

You clutched your throbbing hand and glared at your giggling boyfriend.

"I'll get some ice." He said through his laughter.


"You're overreacting y/n." Liam rubbed small circles on his temple.

"Overreacting?! Liam, people are saying that you're cheating on me with your ex, and you have the nerve to say I'm overreacting?!" You yelled.

You'd just gotten home, when your cousin sent you a link to an article that had way too many photos of Liam and Sophia in nightclubs, restaurants, theme parks e.t.c

As soon as Liam got in you confronted him, only to have him deny everything and say that you needed to 'chill out'

"Liam, I'd rather you be straight with me, rather than chat a load of complete shit!"

"I already told you y/n! I'm not fucking cheating on you!" He banged his fist on the table, causing you to jump back. But nonetheless, you stood your ground.

"Y'know, Liam, everyone thinks that you're so sweet and innocent, but it's pretty obvious that you're just another mindless prick!" You hissed

"Oh don't be such a whiny bitch." Liam groaned.

"God! You're such a fuckboy! S'funny how everyone thinks that Harry's the manwhore when it's actually you!" (This is false information! I love Harry and he is a ball of sunshine, not a manwhore)

"Y/n..." Liam warned through gritted teeth.

"No, Liam, I'm sick and tired of this shit!"


"Will you shut up for a second?! I want the actual truth, and I'm obviously not getting it from you-"

"For fucks sake!"

Your cheek stung and your eyes watered

"Liam. Fucking. Payne! I know you didn't just put your hands on me!" You shouted

"Baby, I'm sorry." He tried to hug you, but you shoved him away.

"Save it. I want you gone in the next five minutes before I beat your fucking ass!"

"Babe please." He wailed

"Go back to Sophia, you bitch!" You flipped him off before storming upstairs to your room.

"Y/n, I'll never do it again. I'm sorry!" He cried. You cut off his pleading voice by slamming your, once shared, bedroom door.


"I told you to have it sorted by today!" Louis yelled into the phone

"I don't care if you're stuck at boarder control, I gave you two months notice! Two months!"

"If my stuff doesn't arrive within the next 2 hours, you better provide me with a full refund."


"Whatever! You've got two hours!" He hung up the phone and tossed it onto the coffee table.

"Lou?" You finally spoke up from your spot at the kitchen door.

He only grunted in response.

"What happened boo?" You slowly walked over towards him.
"The damn order got messed up." He sighed

"Well, what did they say?" You asked, softly rubbing his shoulder.

"I don't wanna talk about it." He mumbled

"I'll call them back if you wan-"

"Y/n! I don't want you to do anything! Are you bloody deaf?!"

"Just give me some space!" His hand made a sharp connection with your cheek, jerking your head to the side.

"Oh my God." He whispered.

You let a tear slip and Louis instantly embraced you.

"Shh don't cry baby. I'm so, so, so sorry." He gently swayed you side to side, as you softly cried into his shirt.

"Oh Gosh, I'm an awful boyfriend aren't I?" His voice cracked as he spoke.

"Y'know I'd never hurt you? I really don't know what came over me."

"Please don't leave, I love you
y/n." He sobbed

"Louis." You gently pulled away "If I stay you have to promise me this shit won't happen again, because if it does y/b/n (your brother's name) will jump on your ass." You sniffed and gave a light chuckle.

"Darling, I swear on my life I'll never out you in harms way again." He murmured.

He kissed your cheek and hugged you tightly. Making sure to never let you go.


"Ow Harry! Let go!" You whined

"Well if you weren't so eager to use the glue gun, this wouldn't have happened." He laughed

"It's not funny!" You would've crossed your arms, but that was the problem...you'd accidentally stuck your hand down on the table.

Harry had checked several online websites before running to the chemist to get the right glue remover. (Idek if that's a real thing 😂) Right now Harry was kneeled on the floor, tongue poking out, gently rubbing the remover on your hand.

"Harry, ouch!" You nudged him sharply with your foot.

"Sorry baby." He teased

"Shut up!" You rolled your eyes.

Eventually, you felt your hand slowly coming up from the table.

"Haz, look, it's working!" You beamed

"Yeah, I can see that babe."

"Oi! If you're gonna mock me, just shut up yeah?" You giggled

Harry looked up at you, forgetting about your hand, when his fingers slipped, hitting you on your left boob (that shit hurts)

"Fuck!" You yelled. You cupped your boob with your now glue-free hand. The underwire of your bra didn't help much either.

"Aww Kitten I'm sorry." Harry looked at you with concern.

"I'm fine. It's fine yeah?" You fanned him off, but still cupped your jolly tatas ( don't even ask 😂)

"Hmm, I don't believe you." His eyes had a mischievous glint in them.

"Let me kiss it better." He whispered

He kissed your lips softly, then began to suck your neck.

"Get your clumsy, horny ass away from me!" You giggled, pushing him lightly.

"Your no fun babe!" He groaned

You chuckled and stood up.

"Maybe later Styles." You softly stroked his bicep before walking off. You made sure to sway your hips as you went.

A/n: why do I feel like this chapter was absolute shit?
ANYWHOOOOOOO thank you guys for all of the votes!!!!

Love ya xx

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