CHAPTER 42 {Very Long Update}

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It took me an hour to write this. Over 2500 words so hope you enjoy.
I know I haven't been updating a lot and I'm sorry. But I have lost loads of readers because of it. So in recognition of that as a New Years resolution I am going to be updating every other day.

If anyone could give my story a shout out or just a mention that would be great. And I will do it back on both my stories and profile page. And if your reading this please vote and comment if you enjoyed it so I know.

thanks so much :-)

I dont have a proof reader so I'm sorry for the spelling mistakes. I do try to correct my mistakes but its so hard because I'm concentrating more on updating then spelling, so if you see a mistake can you leave a comment and i will fix it thanks x.

CHAPTER 42:  Change of heart or change of schools?


{ONE HOUR LATER after the show}

To be honest, I hate acting. I just don't like it.
And I only did it for Glimmer.
"What's up honey?" Glimmer glides over to me.
"Nothing." I respond.
"Tell me." She replies clearly not convinced.
"It's nothing."
"Marvel! Please tell-"
"Nothing is wrong. Jeez." I snap.
"Well that's not very nic-"
"I'm just angry." I blurt out.
"Tell me why."
"No." Sometimes I don't wanna talk. So she gets up and goes to leave. She turns around before she goes and looks at me.
"But-" she begins.
"I said no."

And the convocation is dropped.
But something is wrong. When I first met glimmer six months ago I was crazy about her. But recently it seems like we are drifting apart. And I don't know what to do.
Oh why am I complaining.

"Sup Bro," Finnick jumps up behind me. "Can you believe its almost Spring break?"
"Is it?!" I question.
"Yeah you wanna do something?"
"Hell yaaaaa." I exclaim and jump to my feet trying to think about anything else.
"Dude chill," Finnick hisses. "Don't embarrass me"
"Well now you said that.." I reach over to the table behind the sofa; And grab the paper cup of water.

I then bring it to my lips, take a sip. Then 'accidentally' spill it over Finnicks trousers.
"OOPS!" I snigger. "Now that's gotta be embarrassing,"

"MARVEL!!" He screams.

I jump up and run through the curtains. my only option is to run across the stage. as so I do. there are still a few groups of people clearing out the auditorium since the play has finished. I still cant belive that katniss, Clove and Jo, Annie and Glimmer got a card from a dance agent.

The only thing thats bad about this is that they will have to move to the dance academy school. And i don't want that. The girls are a major part of this group.

And i wonder here they are now.

I dash down the auditorium stairs and run through all the crowds of people. I can sense that finicky is at my heals so i take a sharp turn and sprint up the stairs. When i reach the top i don't hear finicky following. He probably had to stop chasing me because people where laughing at him because he wet his pants.

I trot back down the stairs and make sure Finnick isn't there before I sprint to my dorm. I see glimmer along the way just briefly. Our eyes lock. I smiled.

She smiled softly, but this time it was different. Her face smiled but her eyes didn't.

I get to the 3 floor where out dorms are. But When i get there things arnt going well. I walk in on Katniss and Gale arguing.

Mockingjay academyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें