Chapter 1

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"Mommy?" I heard a voice.

"Hmm? Five minutes.. Go back to bed..." I mumbled, rolling over.

"Mommy, we have school," my daughter said to me.

My eyes shot open and I looked at the alarm clock that didn't go off. "Oh my god, Sweetie, why didn't you come get me sooner?" I asked her, rushing out of bed. "Rocky, babe, you gotta get up, we slept late and the kids are gonna be late for school."

"Mhm," my husband mumbled, it only took him five seconds to register what I said before he shot out of bed too, "I'm up, I'll go get Mase-," Rocky jumped up.

"Thank you!" I called, running into the kitchen with my 6 year old daughter in tow. "Is your brother up?" I called to her.

"Hey Mom." My 9 year old waved to me as he got down the cereal bowls for him and his sister.

"Carter..." I sighed, hugging him, "You're amazing." I kissed the top of his head.

"You should thank Avelyn, she's the one who woke me up." He pointed to his sister.

"Thank you Avie," I kissed her cheek, going quickly to the cabinet to fix lunches as I did every morning.

"Mason is still sleeping, no wonder we didn't get up." Rocky came down stairs, running his hands through his hair. "He's our alarm clock."

"Sounds right to me," I laughed pathetically. "Will you just help Avelyn get dressed?"

"Yes!" Rocky grabbed his daughter and she giggled as he held her. They ran up the stairs.

"Are you dressed Car?" I turned to look at him. He was fully dressed and smiling with his big blue eyes and his hair that got darker like his Dad's every day.

"Yes Ma'am,"he said. "I made me and Avie breakfast," he told me.

"Thank you baby, why don't you go put it on the table for when she comes down stairs," I told him.

"You got it, I'll get my backpack ready," he told me. "I know you're tired Mom."

"Thanks baby," I laughed tiredly and put their lunches together quickly.

"Okay! Avie is dressed and ready to go." Rocky brought her downstairs. "Go eat!"

Avelyn ran to the table and sat down to eat her cereal quickly. Carter joined her and Rocky helped me fix lunches and get back packs together. I looked at my phone and saw that we were running wayyyyy late. "Guys come on let's get in the car!"

I ran to grab my keys as I heard my youngest cry out, "Mommaaaaaaa,"

I sighed and looked at Rocky. "I'll take them baby, don't worry. Go see about him." Rocky kissed my cheek and I smiled at him weakly, handing him my keys.

"Thank you." I walked to the stairs and called out, "Love you guys! Have a good-" The door slammed, "Day..." I sighed.

I took a deep breath and ran up the stairs to see my little boy. "Hi Masey," I picked him up out of his crib and hugged him tightly. "How's it going baby boy." I put my one and a half year old on his changing table and changed his diaper. "You look more and more like your Daddy every single day..." I sighed, smiling at the little boy. I brought him downstairs and put him in his high chair.

I fixed his fruit and dry cheerios, placing them on his high chair as I cleaned up from the kids' breakfast. I cleaned up their lunches and hummed to myself as Mason babbled in his own language that we hoped would turn into English sooner rather than later.

I sighed and sat down on a chair, trying to catch my breath from the most insane 20 minutes of my year so far. I heard the garage door open and Rocky came through the door seconds later. "Hey Mase, how's it going?" He kissed his head and smiled at the little boy. He turned and looked at me, "Well good morning," he laughed at me.

"I'm sure I look like a crazy woman..." I smiled at him as I stood up.

"You're fine." He gave me a peck on the lips that I wish had lasted longer.

"Can I go take a shower?" I asked him.

"Yeah, for sure. I got him," Rocky said to me, starting himself a cup of coffee. "Also, I think we forgot that Carter's 3rd grade spring program is tonight at 7," Rocky reminded me.

"Oh my god," I covered my mouth. "Thank you so much for saying that... We would have forgotten."

"I got reminded via Vice Principal Bull Horn this morning," he laughed.

"Oh god... That woman is too strict to work in an elementary school," I told him.

"Agreed," he called back.

I started the shower water and quickly made our bed up, trying to at least make it looks decent. I showered at a normal pace and then got out to get dressed and didn't bother drying my hair.

I looked to see what time it was and saw a text from Rocky's sister Rydel on a group message with all of Rocky's siblings and myself on it. "Happy 10 anniversary losers!! Hope you're not having too much fun already you old people. See you tonight at Carter's play!" My eyes widened.

I checked the date, March 25th... "Oh my god..." I sighed, rushing out of the bedroom just as Rocky looked up from his phone. He sat on the floor with Mason playing with a train toy. "It's --" I gasped.

"Happy anniversary..." he chuckled, standing up.

"Oh my God, baby. How could we forget?" I laughed, wrapping my arms around him. I kissed him, but again we ended it too soon. It had been too long.

"I'm not sure, but somehow we managed to forget and Rydel remembered first." Rocky rolled his eyes.

"I know, Rydel remembers everything." I shook my head. "Do you have to go into the studio at all today?"

"Some." He looked at the time, "I'll go take a shower if that's cool with you."

"That's fine," I sighed. Rocky kissed my cheek and accidentally grazed my ass as he walked away.

"Oops, sorry," he laughed to himself, walking into our bedroom.

I sighed and sat down next to Mason. "Most action I've gotten in months."

Lovesick -- A Rocky Lynch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now