Chapter 5

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I figured it would be important to read the paragraph that went with each day and Rocky and I would take turns on doing the tasks for each day. Day one was mine. Mason woke up early Monday morning and while usually I would pray he'd just go back down, I knew he wouldn't. I grabbed him and brought him onto our back porch so Rocky and I could have our morning coffee. We put him in his swing while I read with my husband and the house was quiet.

"Day one," I read aloud. "Spend one hour focused on each other and nothing else. Touch each other and enjoy spending uninterrupted time with your spouse. Turn off all electronics, noise making devices, and distractions. Talk to each other and reconnect on the things you know best about each other. Ask about career goals, ask about the in-laws. If you struggle with conversing about only your children, try not to mention them if it brings you further apart." I looked up to see Rocky looking at me intently, so I continued. "Suggestion: Try cooking a meal together and eating it to bring you closer together with no music."

"No music?" Rocky questioned. "That's like... not possible."

I gave him a look and laughed as I rolled my eyes. "I think you and I can manage talking for an hour tonight."

"What are we gonna do with our kids?" he asked. "We didn't call that babysitter yet..."

"I'll give her a call and see if she can come by tomorrow afternoon... Maybe let her meet the kids first. But for tonight Rydel said she'd take them," I assured him.

"Also babe," Rocky looked at me, "I have to be in the studio at 8:30 so I figured I can drop off the kids for you this morning."

"Oh that'd be great. Then I can actually get myself ready and run some errands with Masey." I smiled at the boy. "And maybe give him a bath too..." I laughed at him.

I read the rest of the chapter on what to discuss and things we could use to connect with each other. I looked at the clock and saw it was time to wake up our other two to get them ready for school that. "I'll run by the grocery store to get some stuff for tonight," I told him.

"Sounds good to me," Rocky smiled. "I'll fix him some breakfast if you'll get them up.."

"I can do that." I walked inside and up the stairs, into Carter's room and rubbed his back. "Baby you laid your clothes out last night, so let's get dressed and get ready for school please."

I waited for him to sigh and stir before I walked into Avelyn's room. She slept with her Barbies and two books in her bed with her even though we didn't even read last night. I smiled and shook my head, placing my hand on her arm. "Baby do you wanna pick out your clothes or do you want me to pick them out for you? It's time for school."

"You pick..." she mumbled as she sighed.

"Okay," I laughed and stood up. I went over to the little girl's closet and I grabbed out a denim skirt with tights and a silver top for her. I added her favorite white ballet flats and her sweater. She stirred and sat up in her bed, making her way over like a zombie to me. "Carter!" I called out.

"I'm up Mom," he called back.

I got Avie dressed and downstairs to eat alongside her two brothers as I ran through the everyday routine of fixing lunches. Rocky got dressed for his day at the studio and I kissed him, along with each child, as they walked out the door to go to school. I waved bye to them and grabbed my messy baby out of his high chair. We went to the bathroom and I gave Mason a quick bath before I did my make up and my hair for the day as he played at my feet with some toys.

I ran around for the day to get groceries and other things we needed for our household. I put Mason down for his nap and cleaned up around the house, even getting the opportunity to do a couple of loads of laundry in between. I picked the kids up from school and helped Carter and Avie with their homework until about 4:30, when my loving husband finally walked through the door.

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