Chapter 9

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"Come oooooooooonn," I could hear Ryland arguing with Rocky as I swiped my lipstick over my lips.

"I told you man, it's nothing against you," Rocky told him.

"I'm just not responsible enough?" Ry cut him off.

"That's not it dude, it's just that even I, their dad, have a hard time handling all three of them together and we'd rather someone who has experience with kids be here to at least guide you if you feel like you can do everything," Rocky assured him.

I nodded to myself at what Rocky said and walked out into the living room. Rocky's eyes flickered from his brother to me and never left. "Wow..."

"Wow?" I asked him.

Ryland nodded and smiled. "Damn you look good."

I rolled my eyes and looked at my husband. "Wow," he said again.

I kissed him and he smiled at me. "It's so fun seeing us all dressed up and looking nice..."

"Yes it is," I told him. "I'm excited... Although I wish you'd tell me where we're going."

"It's a surprise." Rocky raised his eyebrows. "You'll like it though. I promise." He had told me it was a nice place we were going to; I'd need to wear a dress I could dance in, heels, a happy attitude, and he said he'd be wearing a suit.

The doorbell rang and I went to answer it. "Hi Karlee," I smiled at her and invited her in. She greeted us and waved to Rocky as Ryland pouted in his room. Mason lit up from his place on the floor as Karlee walked through the door. He giggled and she picked him up.

"The other two kids are outside on the swing set, and they're okay to be out there alone as long as you keep these windows open," I started to tell her. "One addition I hope you don't mind about," I paused and she looked curiously at me. "Rocky's brother stopped in for an unexpected visit. He might be here," I explained to her, "or he might go out. We never really know what his plans are and he certainly doesn't tell us. So if he's here, he's a good helper. But he can't do diapers even if he says he can. He also won't do his own dishes, but you don't have to do those. Just leave them in the sink and I'll make him do them when we get home."

She nodded her head and furrowed her brows. "Okay, but is he a kid or...?"

I laughed out loud and shook my head. "No, no he's 26. He's an adult."

"Oh," she smiled. "Okay, that's fine with me if he's here. I'm sure the kids will like having a familiar face around for the first time I'm alone with them."

"Yeah," I told her. "I'm sure they will." I heard the bedroom door open and Ryland stepped out and into the living room. "Ah, Karlee this is-"

"I'm Ryland," he cut me off.

I sighed and Karlee stuck out her hand to greet him. "I'm Karlee," she said sweetly. "Nice to meet you," she said to him.

Ryland's gaze softened and he smiled at her. "Nice to meet you too..."

"Okay..." I broke the awkward silence. "The older kids will tell you when they're hungry, but Mason eats at 6:15," I told her. Karlee broke her gaze from Ryland and looked at me. She nodded and I continued. "He'll probably need a bath and his little tub is in our bathroom in our room. He goes down at around 7:15 or 7:30."

She nodded at me and looked outside. "What time for the older kiddos?" She smiled at them as they played.

"You can put on a movie for them if you want to, but only after Mason goes down. If you give him a bath and... Wait- Ryland are you leaving or staying in for the night?" I asked him.

Lovesick -- A Rocky Lynch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now