Chapter 29

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"That was a close call today, wasn't it?" I mumbled to Rocky as I slid in bed next to him. He was reading our magic book, but not just the challenge for tomorrow. The book had tips for how to continue the spark even after we were done with the book. It almost seemed weird that soon we'd be on our own again. But we were certain we'd be able to make it.

"It was," he smirked and looked up at me. He was looking more and more like his dad every day. He was definitely aging well.

"Was it fun?" I asked him. I pulled the covers over me and scooted close to him.

"Oh yeah babe, up until the point that my partner almost walked in on you on your knees," he raised his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes. "It happens."

He chuckled and looked back down at the book. I let him finish his paragraph without further interruption and then he closed the book and set it on the table next to the bed. He turned back to me ran his hands through his hair. "Babe, we gotta talk about some of this before I implode..." I could see the strain and worry come across his face and I immediately thought of two things we could be discussing.

"There's a lot going on," I nodded to him tiredly. "Where would you like to start?"

"Well let's start with the most stressful because I feel like the less we worry about it the better it is for you," he looked at me concerned.

"Better for me?" I asked him.

"Babe- you know it's bad for you to be stressed out while you're pregnant. And this is a really important time in your pregnancy." He sounded as if he was really concerned.

"Okay. So let's chat," I agreed with him.

"Carter..." He sighed and shook his head. "Baby girl, I don't want him there in that school anymore."

"Well what are we going to do for the remainder of the year? We can't pull him out of school. And we can't move right now. There's too much going on right this second." I rested my head on his shoulder and he placed his hand on my midsection under the covers.

He rubbed it lightly and I smiled lightly. "Juliette, I don't want him there with those kids- with those dumbass parents and teachers who think it's up to us to handle bullying at home- when our kid isn't the bully! What the hell are we supposed to say to him? 'Son don't you get made fun of now'," He imitated.

I rolled my eyes. "I know, right. But I can't just not have him in school."

"It's almost April," he said.


"They get out in May, so why can't he miss a month?" he contemplated.

"Babe, he has texting in April. We can't pull him out," I tried to explain. "And starting him at a new school in April just to keep him away from mean people?"

"We can't teach him to run away from his problems, I know," Rocky replied.

"But we can't teach him that he should have to suffer through them without being able to fix things," I told him. "What about a counselor visit?" I asked.

"I called her this afternoon and she said she can't do anything if the school has dealt with both incidents already," he scoffed. "I'm telling you Jules, this school district is shit. The counselors are shit. Why aren't the kids in the same private school that Brooke and Alice are enrolled in? Ellington and Rydel always tell us that the kids love it there."

"Originally we had said we just didn't feel like paying for it was worth it," I reminded him.

"But now, babe," he looked over at me seriously, "It's worth it. Today, Carter gets pushed down and kicked into the dirt, and tomorrow they could be telling him he doesn't deserve to live."

Lovesick -- A Rocky Lynch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now