Chapter 33

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"As you can see, we have updated classrooms so that we're up with the latest technology," Vice Principal Houser was explaining to us. "The kids here are well rounded in all of their studies. Over on down the left hallway is the lower level fine arts wing. That's where they'll be taking art, music, dance, anything of that sort." She smiled down at the kids.

Avie clung to Rocky's hand and hadn't said a lot. Carter was quietly walking alongside me and listening to Ms. Houser as she talked us through our tour. Mason rested on Rocky's free arm comfortably and kept himself entertained with Rocky's necklace he wore. "Our school does run all the way through the high school level, meaning they would graduate through us if you choose to have them attend."

"How does your staff handle bullying here?" Rocky asked her.

"We take it very seriously," she assured us. "Our students are taught that bullying will not be tolerated and we do work hard at hiring approachable staff that our children can come to if an issue arises."

"That's good to hear," Rocky looked at me for approval and I nodded.

"Well how are you two feeling? Would you like to go through with the deposit and paperwork today or wait on it a bit?" Ms. Houser stopped in front of the main office and looked at us.

"Will you give us a very quick family meeting and we'll be in shortly?" I smiled at her.

"Absolutely," she nodded and disappeared inside.

"Avie, Car," I looked at them both and sat them on the bench. "Talk to us. What are you thinking?"

"I like my school," Avie said to us. "But this one has a swing set... And our old school doesn't."

Carter sighed and looked at me. "Mom, I like this school. I don't want to be around those boys anymore."

"It's about what you want," Rocky assured him. "If you guys don't like it here, we won't go through with it. But we're thinking that, in the long run, you guys will love this school. And you'll always be in the same school as each other. And some day Mason, and then way later this one," he pointed to my fairly un-pregnant looking stomach.

"Mommy when can I see the baby?" Avie changed the subject.

"When it comes out in a few months," I told her with a laugh.

"No, I mean in your tummy. It's not in there yet. I can't see it." She poked my stomach lightly.

"Baby, it's in there. Just give it a few weeks and I promise you'll start seeing it. Okay?" I reassured her and led her and Carter into the office.

"Have you all decided?" Ms. Houser smiled up at us.

"I think we'll go ahead with the deposit," Rocky told her and took a seat in front of her desk and handed Mason to me. I sat down next to him and allowed the kids to read the books they had brought on the bean bags in the corner.

"Sounds great," she said to us happily and looked at Mason. "Is he going to be coming into our nursery school or will he start in kindergarten?"

"Umm..." I looked at Rocky. "I've kept our kids home with me until they go to kindergarten, but do we need to decide right now?"

"You can make your choice at any point before August 1st. That's when registration ends. And because you have two enrollments, you'll be first choice to get him in if you so choose. May I ask why you need some time?" She tilted her head and smiled at me.

"Can I ask too?" Rocky kind of laughed and took my hand.

"Well, it's like..." I looked at Rocky and then at the Vice Principal. "I'm pregnant," I told her.

Lovesick -- A Rocky Lynch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now