Chapter 12

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"Babe, where's the book?" Rocky called loudly from our bedroom. I had just gotten home from taking the kids to school, and he had volunteered to stay with Mason for a little bit before heading to the studio. I tossed my keys onto the counter and ran up the stairs two at a time and hurried down the hallway to our room. I saw him shuffling through piles of papers on the dresser. "I think we lost it."
    I shook my head and made my way over to him, pulling him away from the dresser by his belt loops. "You're going to be late for work," I said with a small smirk.
    He squinted at me as a smile slowly crept over his lips. "Where did you hide it, Juliette?" he asked.
    "It wouldn't look very professional if you were late," I responded, pulling him further towards the door. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his scruffy cheek. "Have a good day, sweetheart."
    A warm laugh filled the hallway as he finally gave up and made his way out. "I know you're up to something, baby girl," he said.
    "I don't know what you're talking about!" It was fun to tease him like he teased me. A dose of his own medicine would do him some good. "I love you," I hollered from the top of the stairs.
    "I love you too." Then the door shut behind him.
The house was nearly silent, if it weren't for the toys in Mason's room tinkering around. I peeked my head into his room and saw him in the gated area playing. When he caught glimpse of me, he raised his arms up and whined. That was his way of begging to be held. "Hi Masey," I said, swinging my leg over the gate and making myself comfortable on the floor. He rolled me a ball and I rolled it back, watching his eyes light up when he caught it each time.
I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and towards the room, and Ryland appeared with a backpack on over his shoulder. "So, Ross got back to me. I'm heading over to his place to stay for a while."
"That's great," I said. I was trying to be supportive about him and Karlee, but everything was moving so fast and I was still worried about it all backfiring. I was over lecturing him about it. "You're not going to be a stranger, are you?" I asked
"I could never stay away from you guys. Your kids love me too much. It's a real ego boost." He grinned widely and waited for me to roll my eyes, which I did. "Thanks for letting me stay, Juliette. I really do love you."
"Love you too, Ry," I sighed with a smile. I got up to hug him goodbye, and he hugged Mason as well. Then within a minute, he was gone again. I listened to the car engine start and hum as he pulled out and drove towards downtown.
When Mason's nap time rolled around, he went down without any fuss. I used the time to take care of the task for the day. I pulled out my cell phone and scrolled through my text message conversations until I found Rocky. My heart was pounding and I chewed on my lip as I typed a message to send.

    Juliette: I can't stop thinking about you.

    Nervously, I shoved my phone into my pocket and started to search through my underwear drawer until I found a nice black lace set that Rocky had gotten me one year. I pulled off my shirt and the sports bra I was wearing, tossing it aside before pulling the skimpy black bra on. I nearly jumped a foot in the air when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and read the words on the screen.

    Rocky: Me neither, baby. You looked so sexy this morning.

    He knew exactly what I was up to now, and from what I could tell, he was on board. Part of me was worried that he would be too busy at work to reply to my texts. This was all new to me, though. The last time we had a text conversation like this, it was the first year of us dating. I was afraid that I was going to get rusty.

    Juliette: I wish we could've done what we did yesterday morning...

    I hit send on my next message and tossed my phone on the bed. It was official: I was going through with this. It was exciting. I peeled my jeans and underwear off, replacing it with my matching black ones. Then I dimmed the lights and picked my phone up again, turning on the camera. First, I took a couple of shots of my bare shoulders, showing just enough of the top of my lace covered breasts to tease him. The phone buzzed.

    Rocky: It felt so good to be inside of you.

    I felt myself get wet and my heart started to beat even faster, if that was even possible. Now was my time. I hit the picture message button and picked the sexiest photo I had taken, staring at it for a moment before hitting send. It wasn't even a minute later when Rocky responded.

    Rocky: Fuck baby, that's not nice. You have no idea how badly I want you.

    I took pictures of my legs this time, making sure to get the matching underwear in the photo. After picking the best one, I sent it and waited for a response. This time, I got a picture in response as well. He took it from below the table and I could see the distinct bulge that had grown in his jeans. It was captioned.

    Rocky: Look what you do to me. I might have to come home early if you keep this up.

    There was nothing more thrilling than knowing that I was driving him crazy. My words, my pictures, my body. All of this was distracting him from working, and now I was all he could think about. I laid back into my pillows and stared at the photo, trying to think of a response.

    Juliette: Mmm ;) Imagine all the things I could do to make you feel good, baby.

    "Juliette?" I heard Rydel's voice in the hallway. I hadn't bothered to shut my bedroom door when I started all of this. She stood in my doorway and her face turned bright red. "Oh, I'm sorry," she burst out laughing. "Day eight, huh?"
    She turned around in the doorway and faced the hallway while I scrambled to find some clothes. "I'm going to have to change my locks," I joked to lighten the situation as I pulled my jeans and shirt back on.
    "I'm sorry!" she said again. "You look sexy, by the way."
    "Shut up," I laughed. I grabbed the baby monitor and pushed Rydel towards the stairs so we could go sit on the couch in the living room. "How are you?"
    "I'm great. I just had some time so I thought I'd come see how you guys were doing. How's the book treating you?"
    I collapsed onto the couch and sighed happily. "I know it's early in the process," I started, "but I feel so young again. It feels like young love. He's still the Rocky I fell in love with. We just needed some help over this bump I think." I showed her a few of the love notes that I was still keeping in my pocket.
    "That's amazing," she smiled widely. "I'm so happy you guys are working it out. You're my favorite sister-in-law."
    "What about Jenna?!" I laughed.
    "The only person who likes Jenna is Riker," she responded.
    "That's what Ryland said. Oh! And speaking of Ryland --"
    "He's in town?" She pulled out her phone and checked her recent calls. "And he didn't even call me! Typical rich boy. Too busy with his clubs and money and girls."
    "Girls," I repeated, nodding.
    "Anyone I know?" she asked.
    "Unfortunately. He seems pretty taken with Karlee." I watched her face contort as she went through multiple emotions. "Yeah, I know," I groaned.
    "Does he know how--"
    "Yes, he knows. We've lectured him enough about all the consequences. But he seems pretty serious about this one. He's staying at Ross' place for a few weeks."
    "I have to tell Ell about this," she said incredulously, typing away at her phone with incredible speed. As she was typing, my own phone buzzed again.

    Rocky: That's it. I'm coming home. You better still be wearing those underwear when I get there.

Lovesick -- A Rocky Lynch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now