Chapter 22

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The chaos and chatter coming from downstairs was muffled behind closed doors as I sat on the floor of my bathroom. My strapless navy blue dress was starting to crease and wrinkle from the way I sat, but that didn't matter. I was having a moment of panic.

I've always kept track of my cycle, ever since I was a teenager. It was just something I was taught to do. It was always regular, which is why I was starting to doubt myself. With all of the commotion of the past few weeks, I didn't even realize that my period was late. It was super late. That always meant one thing for me.

But I couldn't be pregnant, could I?

A couple of loud knocks came. "Babe, are you almost ready?" Rocky asked.

I shook my head a few times, as if I were shaking myself out of deep thought. "Just a second," I called back. I stood up and smoothed out my dress, then examined myself in the mirror. Was it just me, or was I glowing? I put on my lipstick and fixed my eyeliner before coming out of the bathroom to see my husband standing tall in a matching navy blue suit. "I'm sorry," I told him. "I hope I didn't keep everyone waiting for too long."

He handed me a pair of heels and took my hand as we walked down to the living room, where all hell had seemingly broke loose. All three of my children were yelling at the top of their lungs. Brooke and Alice were also here, adding to the noise level. Ryland stood in the corner with a look of terror on his face, like he was starting to second guess himself. "Looks like you are going to have a busy night ahead of ya!" Ellington joked.

"I got this," came Ry's confident response, but his face didn't match his tone.

"Maybe Riker could come--" Rydel started. She already had her phone in her hand and her thumb hovering over a contact when she saw me and Rocky coming down. "You guys look so perfect together," she gasped. "Juli, you're glowing!"

My heart nearly stopped. She could see it, too? Maybe it wasn't just me. But this was a subject for later. "You look gorgeous, Del," I told her, bringing her into a tight hug. "So, are we really leaving all five kids alone with Mr. Good Time over here?"

Rydel looked back down at her phone and then slid it back into her clutch. Then she went over to her oldest child, Alice, and whispered something in her ear that I could just barely hear. "Keep an eye on Uncle Ryland," she told her, "and help him if he needs it." Rydel gave both of her girls huge kisses on their foreheads. "Be good, babies," she told both of them. Ellington nodded in agreement, backing up his wife.

"Very good," I told my kids. "Go easy on your uncle." I turned around to Ryland and lowered my voice so only the adults could hear. "And if you pull any shit like you did the other night, you will regret it. Do you understand?"

"No pranks, got it." He waved goodbye as the four of us made our way out the door.

We went to a nice restaurant, which wasn't something any of us did on the regular. Even when Rydel and Ellington went out for their weekly dates, they hardly ever indulged like this. But we decided that it was a special occasion and that we were celebrating. We were celebrating love.

"The book must be working," Ellington commented, "because you two haven't looked like this in years." He took a sip from his wine glass. "I don't know where you got it, Rydel, but I'm starting to think you aren't just joking about the magic."

We all laughed. "What do you mean we haven't 'looked like this'?" Rocky asked.

"You guys look so in love," Rydel sighed with dreamy eyes. "So perfect and in sync."

"Well, thank you," I blushed. Rocky's hand found its way to my thigh under the table and I leaned on his shoulder. "So Rydel, how's the dance studio?"

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