Chapter 23

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Saturday, Rocky woke up before me. He went and got Mason out of his crib and, at some point, I heard the garage door open. I drifted off and the garage door opened again. They were home from wherever he went with them. I could hear him put a Disney movie on for the kids. He came in and kissed my cheek. "Good morning, my sunshine," he told me with a kiss on my cheek.

"Hi," I mumbled quietly. "How are you?"

"I'm fantastic. The kids went with me to get donuts and we went to the grocery store." He sat on the edge of the bed. "How do you do that? It's really hard taking all three of them. But I got stuff to grill hot dogs and burgers for when everyone comes over tonight." He raised his eyebrows, "And I got this." He raised a bag up in the air.

I sat up with a confused look on my face and took the bag from him with excitement. I looked in and saw two pregnancy tests sitting in the bag along with a Snickers Bar -- my favorite thing I never let myself eat. I smiled up at him and giggled. "You really want me to take a test, don't you?"

"I really do, baby," he encouraged. "I think it'd be so fun to know. Even if we don't tell anyone."

"So you're not upset?" I asked him.

"Not in any way. Why?" He grabbed my hand. "We wanted this... Didn't we?"

I sighed and nodded my head. "I knew I did, but we never really... talked about it, I guess." I bit my lip. "It almost worries me, because I drank a lot last weekend..."

"I think it'll be okay. Really baby, it wouldn't make much of a difference," he assured me.

I sighed and looked in the bag again. "Can I at least get my day started and I'll just take them a bit later?"

"No, no take them noowwwwww," Rocky whined. "I wanna know if I'm a daddy again!" He sounded so excited.

"Daddy!" We heard from down stairs. "Masey took my dollyyyy," Avelyn cried out.

Rocky kissed my cheek and rolled his eyes. "Just come down stairs when you want to. I got you a decaf coffee and two donuts."

"Why decaf?" I furrowed my eyebrows and watched him walk through the door.

"Didn't wanna take any chances," he shrugged and smiled. He blew me a kiss and walked out of our room to go tend to our little girl.

"I guess it would be cool to have another little girl," I said to myself. "Although, this is... Quite a surprise." I laughed to myself and went into the bathroom. "And now I'm even talking to myself."

I got myself sort of ready and came down stairs to greet my amazing family. "Mommy!" Avie hugged me tightly and Carter looked up from the couch and smiled at me sweetly. I picked up Mason and he giggled at me and cuddled himself into my chest. Maybe a fourth wouldn't be so bad.

Rocky brought my coffee and donuts to me so we could all watch Peter Pan together and soon enough it was time to put Mason down for his nap. I got the kids helping me do a bit of cleaning around the house. Rocky found me in the laundry room and shut the door behind him. He pressed me against the wall and kissed me until he absolutely had to quit. I giggled and breathed. "What was that for?"

"Today, my dear, is practicing being spontaneous. And I intend to surprise you every time." He kissed me again and opened the door. "Did you take the test yet?" he asked me sweetly.

"Not yet," I told him with a kiss on the cheek. "But I will. I promise," I assured him and walked out with the laundry in my arms.

Rocky was more excited about this than I seemed to be right now. Maybe it was because while he got to be a daddy, I was the one gaining weight, not drinking, and was more tired than I already was.

Lovesick -- A Rocky Lynch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now