Chapter 14

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"Karlee!" I greeted the babysitter with a bit of surprise when I opened the door. We were expecting her, but not for another half hour. Rocky was on the phone with a client and I hadn't finished cleaning up after our early dinner. "You're early!"
    She stepped into the house and hung her sweater up on the free hook. After untying and loosening the laces on her converse, she kicked those to the side next to the rest of the shoes. "I know," she sighed. "I am coming from another job and I didn't know what to do with that extra half hour. I hope that's not a problem."
    I went back into the kitchen and continued to pick up. Karlee lent me a hand. She took some of the plates that still had leftovers on them and scraped them into garbage. "It's not a problem, dear. Just a surprise." I flicked the faucet on and rinsed the dishes before putting them into the dishwasher. "Rocky's probably going to be a few minutes still. How are you?"
    "That's alright," she said. "I'm good! Thanks for asking."
    I wanted desperately to ask her about Ryland. I needed to know how their date was, and if they had plans for more. Ryland seemed to be really taken with her, and I wanted to scope out the situation and see if she felt the same. Not to mention, maybe I could do some damage control. I just didn't know how to bring it up without seeming like I was digging around for information. After all, it really wasn't my place. It turns out that the prolonged awkward silence spoke for itself.
    "You want to know about Ryland, don't you?" she asked with a small laugh. She placed the last dish in the dishwasher and closed it and then went back to wipe the table off.
    "I know it's none of my business, but..." I sat down at the table and motioned to an empty chair. "Just tell me he didn't make a complete fool out of himself."
    Karlee's face turned a light shade of pink and she grinned to herself as she sat down. "Not at all," she said quietly. "He was quite a gentleman, actually. And he's so hot." She gasped and covered her mouth with both hands. "I didn't mean to say that."
    "No, I get it. Trust me." Just then, Rocky walked into the room. He was shoving his wallet and phone into his tight jean pocket. "The charms and good looks run in the family. It's dangerous," I warned her. "So be careful."
    "Are we talking about Ryland?" Rocky joked. "Hey, Karlee. Thanks for coming over tonight." She nodded her head in response. Her skin was finally turning back to a normal color. "All three are upstairs," he told her. "Carter is working on his math homework, and will want you to check it over when he's done. Avie in reading every book in the house to Mason. We shouldn't be gone for very long."
    We had a couple of hours to ourselves before we needed to be home, so we went out for dessert before we took care of the task for the day. In the car, I fiddled with the radio knobs while Rocky drove. "Why are you being so fidgety?" he asked me as he grabbed my hand to steady me. "The kids will be fine."
    "I'm not worried about the kids," I said. "Today's task is just a little...strange, isn't it? How would going to an adult toy store help our relationship?"
    "Don't question the magic book," he said. He brought my hand up to his mouth and placed a sweet kiss on the back of it. "Just have a little fun. I knew I should've had you do a shot before we left the house."
    I honestly had no idea that we lived so close to an adult toy store. It took less than fifteen minutes to get to a small business district outside of town. We drove down the main street until we got to a small building with hardly any cars in the lot. "Is it open?" I asked him, staring out the window. "I don't think it is. We should probably just go to a nice book store or something --"
    "Juliette," he said sternly as he pulled into an empty spot. "We are doing this." With a huff, I got out of the car and stood next to the door until Rocky made his way over to me. He took my hand in his once again and started to pull me along. There was no going back now as we entered the store.
    We had never been to a store like this before. I had only heard stories of friends going on a drunken dare. It was nothing like I imagined. It wasn't as dark or dirty as I was picturing. There were actually a lot of colorful displays and friendly sales people. They were a little too eager to help, so we had to mention more than a couple of times that we were just browsing until they finally got the hint. Eventually, I started to feel brave and wandered away from Rocky. "Juli!" he called over to me after a few minutes. When I turned around, he had brightly colored dildos in each hand. "What if I had dildos for hands?" he joked.
    "Oh my God!" I exclaimed. I covered my face with both hands and laughed, but I was extremely embarrassed. "Put those down!" I could hear him snickering as he placed the toys back on the display and ran over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and walked with me as I looked along the wall. "So, what exactly is the point of this?" I asked him again. "Are we supposed to buy something, or...?"
    Rocky shook his head. "Babe, I think it's just supposed to get us to be open with each other about sex. You're so stiff," he noticed. He rubbed my shoulders firmly. "I remember a time when you wouldn't have batted an eye at this stuff. Did having babies soften you up? I know kinky Jules is hiding in there somewhere." I shrugged and kept my eyes on the displays. We seemed to have made our way over to the bondage section, as we were now looking at an assortment of cuffs and restraints. There were paddles and whips hanging from hooks next to blindfolds. "You want me to tie you up and have my way with you?" he whispered into my ear.
    I picked up a pair of handcuffs. "Who says I want to be tied up? Maybe I was going to tie you up." I glanced up over my shoulder and laughed when I saw his expression. Now he was blushing. "Should we get these?"
    He leaned down for a kiss. "Whatever you want, baby."
    As we made our way over to the register, I saw some male toys. I picked up one of the packages and held it up to show him. "While we're at it, do you want a vibrating cock ring?"
    "Don't push it," he responded.
    "Aww, you're the only one who can make jokes now?" I pouted as I put it back on the hook. Just as he started to pay, I got a text from Karlee.

    Karlee: Avie has a fever. I gave her some children's Tylenol and she's watching Frozen on the couch. It's under control.

    "I think we better go home," I told my husband.

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