Chapter 7

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I heard Rocky shuffle around and get out of bed before he usually did in the mornings. It was rare when he got up exactly with me and the kids in the early mornings. He usually slept until it was about time to take the kids to school, when he would grab Mason and I would take the kids to school.

"What are you doing up?" I mumbled to him.

"Didn't you read ahead last night?" he asked me, pushing my hair back and kissing my forehead.

I smiled tiredly and sighed. "No, I didn't..."

"I get to be you for today," he told me with a chuckle. "I'll get the kids ready. I'll feed them breakfast, fix their lunch, and take them to school. I'll even bring Mason in the car with me so you get the full experience. Then I saw your grocery list, so I need to go grocery shopping..." He smiled thoughtfully at me. "After last night I figured I'd go the extra mile and do everything today."

"I don't know how much strength I have," I grabbed his hand and pulled him down to my lips, kissing him slowly. "Last night was amazing..."

"I missed it," he whispered against my cheek.

"Me too," I mumbled. The baby monitor beeped and we could hear Mason talking to himself in his crib.

"I'll go get him," Rocky assured me. "Go back to bed." I watched him lazily walk out of our room in only pajama pants and no shirt. Mm.

I struggled to lay there while I heard my house begin to wake itself up."Where's mommy again?" Avie asked.

"Resting," Rocky told her. "I'm gonna take you to school today."

And then I fell back asleep, only to hear the garage door closing and the house grew quiet once again. I dozed in and out of sleep until around 9 am, when I decided to get up and turn on the TV in the living room and clean up from breakfast.

I heard the garage open again and Rocky came in with Mason on his hip. "Hey, hey, hey," he told me as he gave me a kiss. "No dishes." He shook his head. "No laundry, no nothing."

"Oh really?" I asked him. "So as the man of the house of the day, what do I get to do?" I took my baby from him and gave him a kiss on his chubby cheek.

"You get to..." He looked around. "Sit and watch TV and play with the baby."

"Can I take a shower and you watch the baby first?" I asked him.

"Sure," he said. "I just need help bringing in the groceries," he smiled at me.

"How was shopping?" I asked him as I went outside.

"Crazy. I'd never thought it'd be so bad that early in the morning. And the coupons I picked up were expired," he told me almost angrily.

"The wrong pile... Sorry babe," I told him.

"It's fine. I got my way in the end because the cashier felt bad that I was a 'single dad with a baby'," he shook his head. "They assumed I was single because I had a baby. No one would assume you were a single mom!"

"Did you have on your wedding ring?" I asked him as I put the milk in the fridge.

He looked at his hand and shook his head. "Nope. I forgot it."

"There's your problem," I told him. "People assume things." I kissed his cheek and I put Mason in his high chair. "I'm gonna go take a shower."

I walked away from a full, dirty kitchen and a baby to go take a shower. What? I took a long, hot shower just as Rocky would do. I remembered last night. I remembered taking a bath with Rocky for the first time in probably six years. I loved laying against him and I could feel his comfort. His hands roamed my body and I craved the sensation again. We didn't have sex, which was something I wanted more, but we promised we wouldn't until we really felt like we could enjoy it. Not when we were tired, rushed, or busy.

Lovesick -- A Rocky Lynch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now