Chapter 13

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On Tuesday I picked the kids up from school as normal. Mason was in the back seat talking up a storm as I drove through the car line to meet up with my not-so-little ones. I had almost grown to miss having a tiny baby in the house. Mason was beginning to try to walk on his own.
"Hi Mommy!" Avelyn interrupted my thoughts with her giddy attitude.
"Hi Avie," I smiled at her. "Hi Carter boy, how was school?"
Carter sighed and helped buckle Avie in her seat. "I got beat at soccer today in PE."
"Oh man," I pouted as I watched him buckle himself in. We drove away and I looked into the rear view mirror to check on the littlest one. "Well, Car, anything good happen?"
"I got a 100 on my spelling check," he told me with a happier tone in his voice.
"That's fantastic, my boy! Be sure to tell your dad when we get home. He's going to be so proud of you," I assured him. "How about you, Avelyn? How was school?"
"Bus stop!" she said happily with a giggle.
"Huh?" I laughed at her.
"Puh-Pah- PARK!" she exclaimed.
I furrowed my eyebrows and asked again. "Avie?"
"I'm showing you, Mommy," she explained. "I learned how to sound out the rest of my letters today. I learned C makes the Sss, and the Kuh, sound. I also learned that the C in Carter makes the Kuh sound. And the A in Avelyn can sound like Aa like Apple, or Aye like Apron. But when you say Avelyn it sounds like Ayyeeee Vuh lin," she sounded out proudly.
"Well, that is a lot of information..." I laughed. "So you can recognize them and sound them out to read?" I asked her as we turned into our neighborhood.
"All by myself," she said excitedly.
Carter interjected, "and she's read everything on every sign for over 20 minutes, mom."
"Car, you were the same way when you learned to read and write. You used to spell things out loud all the time," I told him.
"That must have been annoying," he responded.
I pulled into the driveway and we all got out of the car. I grabbed Mason out of his seat and Rocky met us at the back door, pulling the kids into hugs quickly as we came inside. "Hi honey," I smiled at him.
He kissed my cheek and took Mason from me. "My brother asked if we'd have dinner with him tonight..." he looked unsure towards me.
Avie and Carter raced out to the backyard to get out some energy and I went inside to look through their backpacks, "Which brother?"
"Riker..." he said. "I told him I'd talk to you. Jenna and Ian will be there, too. He figured it'd be good to catch up. Even though he lives close, we just never see him."
"Do you wanna go?" I asked him.
"I'd like to go and see him and my nephew, yes," he nodded, "But we can't stay out too late," he said to me and set Mason down on the floor in the living room. He came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I believe I get to give you a massage tonight."
"I believe we both get massages tonight. I'm not just gonna let you keep doing things for me with nothing in return," I told him and lightly kissed his lips. "We're gonna share these."
"I'm not going to object to that," he chuckled and kissed me again. "So we're going to dinner?"
"Yes," I nodded my head. "Yes we are."
* * *
There was a reason we didn't go out often with three young kids. And between us two couples, we had four kids. Ian was 7 years old and he, Carter, and Avie got along well. By the time it was time to order our food, Avelyn had read the entire kids menu over probably six times. Mason was fussy as all get out and just wanted to eat already, but our food was taking longer than expected.
"Well, was there a reason you wanted to go out tonight?" Rocky asked his older brother.
The blond-haired boy wrapped his arm around his dark-haired wife and kissed her head. "I mean I guess so, but we also just really wanted to catch up with you guys. I mean, we never see you. We live so close to each other,"
"I guess life just gets in the way," Jenna chimed in. One of the few things she had said all night. Jenna was sweet, very quiet, and very attached to Riker. She and I hadn't gotten a chance to talk much other than me being a bridesmaid in her wedding because she didn't have many friends. Riker has always said she likes having few friends. Rydel and I would invite her to many of our coffee talks or lunch dates, but she never seemed inclined to join us.
"I guess you knew Ryland's here?" Rocky asked.
"I got a weird phone call from him a few days ago, but I had no clue he was still here," Riker furrowed his brows and nodded.
"Yeah," I laughed. "He was hoping to stay with you guys while he was here, but he showed up in the middle of the day on a Wednesday."
Riker huffed and sipped his drink. "Sounds like Ryland to me... He's certainly the most transient of the five of us."
"Ah, but I think Ross is the most transient of all of us," Rocky pointed out to him. "That guy has an apartment and I bet he's only been in it for a total of a month's time since he began to rent it four years ago."
"I guess you are right... But either way, Ryland never called again. He's still here?" Riker asked.
"Yeah, he's actually staying at Ross' place now. He's got an interest in a girl he's met." Rocky nudged my arm.
"Oh she'll be here today and gone tomorrow..." Riker waved it off as our food came out and I fixed Mason's plate of noodles and small pieces of broccoli. "That's what we're afraid of," I raised my eyebrows at them.
"Why's that?" he asked me when he took a bite.
I looked at Rocky and shook my head. "He's kind of... into our babysitter..." I looked at them oddly.
"Karlee?" Jenna asked curiously. "Rydel gave us her number."
"Yeah, Karlee. I guess if we aren't careful, our babysitter is gonna be a part of the family," I joked, but was slightly scared by it.
"You guys don't wanna use mom as your sitter anymore?" Rocky asked them.
"Well, it's just that, mom's getting a bit older and we don't want her to um..." Riker looked at Jenna and smiled. "It'll be harder for her to deal with our active little dude and the new one on the way," he spoke happily.
I brought my hands up to my mouth. "You guys are having another baby?"
Jenna smiled and nodded her head, looking at Riker who began to speak, "Yeah, she's uh, 12 weeks yesterday."
"Aw," Rocky smiled. "Congrats guys." He chuckled and took a sip of his drink. "One is like none, two is like ten..."
"That's so exciting!" I told Jenna. "When are you due?"
"September," she nodded her head. "I'm excited."
"Well, yay. Maybe you'll want some of our hand-me-downs," I said happily.
"Well, if you guys have any more, we wouldn't want to take away from you," Riker shook his head.
I looked at Rocky and the thought occurred to me for the first time really since Mason was born. What if we had another baby?
Rocky's eyes widened and he nodded. "I think we'll get back to you on that Rike," He laughed and I turned my attention to Mason and Avie.
The rest of dinner was mundane talking between Riker and Rocky and occasionally me. I ended up taking Mason outside because he got loud. Carter came out with me to keep me company. The drive home was quiet as it was past the kids' bedtime. We put them all in bed quickly and Rocky kissed my cheek. "Go get your pajamas on and I'll be in in a moment..."
"Okay," I smiled at him and walked down the hallway to our room. I put my pjs on and brushed my teeth as I heard Rocky come into our room with a smirk on his face. "Hi sweetie," I raised my eyebrows at him.
He went into the bathroom with me and pulled his shirt over his head. He took his pants off and went into our room in nothing but his underwear, turning the lights off in our room and bringing out the candles we loved to use when we were trying to be romantic. He lit them all and looked down at me with a sigh. "Turn over," he commanded.
I did as I was told and he began to rub my shoulders slowly in circles. "Oh God, baby," I moaned. "That feels so good..." I heard him chuckle under his breath and he moved his hands down my spine as I sighed contently. His hands traveled along my back and my shoulders, paying extra attention on the knots that formed from holding Mason every day. After what seemed like hours, and me being damn close to sleeping state, Rocky's hands moved off of me and he kissed my head.
"Your turn," I told him. "Come lay down." He kissed me contently and laid down on his stomach on our bed. I straddled his back side and moved my hands along his back and up to his muscular shoulders.
"Ooo," he moaned and tensed his shoulders up. "That feels amazing."
"Glad to hear it," I whispered and kissed his cheek. I kissed down his shoulders and continued to move my hands against his skin in slow, fluid motions. I listened to the sounds of his contentment and closed my own eyes as I felt us connect in a way we hadn't in a long time. "Are you tired?" I asked him.
In response I got, "I fell asleep... what?" and I giggled.
"Let's go to sleep," I told him sweetly.
"Good idea."
I got up and blew out the candles one by one and climbed back into bed next to my love. "Good night, baby," I whispered.
He snored lightly. I closed my eyes.

Lovesick -- A Rocky Lynch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now