Chapter 27

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"Have a good day at work," I kissed Rocky's cheek. I already missed him being able to be at home.

"Thanks babe. Let me know how the meeting with those parents go and I hate I can't be there." He huffed and rubbed the side of my face. "I'll be texting you throughout the day...Remember?" He smiled at me.

I smiled and nodded at him. "I will, too. I love you."

"I love you," he said back to me and looked at the end of the driveway. "Who's car is that across the street?" He pointed to it.

I shrugged. "I don't know. The neighbors?"

"It wasn't here when I got here last night," he shook his head. "I'm just going crazy. I thought it was... Nevermind. I love you," he smiled and me got in his car to go to work for the day.

I waved goodbye to him and went inside to tend to Mason and his messy breakfast. Our task for today was to tell our spouse we loved each other every time we even thought it. So far in our four hours of being awake, we had said it more times than I could count. It almost gave me something to look forward to -- being able to text Rocky and tell him I love him.

I put Mason in some regular clothes and I knocked on Ryland's door. I hadn't seen him much of the day yesterday and he had texted us that he would be home a bit late and not to wait up. "Ry?" I called to him. "I have that meeting with Carter's teacher and those parents today... Remember?" I waited.

I heard no response and I shifted Mason's weight from one hip to the other and knocked again. "Ryland, you said you'd watch Mase for me and I need to leave soon..."

Ryland opened the door a slight bit and stuck his upper body out. "Uh yeah, when?"

"In like 15 minutes." I stepped back. "Are you naked?"

"Uh yeah, why?" he asked.

"Just..." I paused "Wondering... But, anyways," I shook my head, "I'm leaving and I wanted to make sure you were up."

"Yeah," he nodded his head, "I'm up."

"Why are you acting like you have something to hide?" I put my free hand on my hip and studied his messy hair. "Ryland..." I narrowed my eyes. "Who's in there?"

"Me!" he exclaimed. "Can I at least put some pants on if we're gonna have a conversation?" he laughed softly and smiled.

"Uh, no, I think I'm about done..." I said. "Just be out here in 10, okay?" I nodded skeptically and began to walk away.

"Yep, will do," Ryland assured me and began to close the door.

"And Ryland?"


"Tell Karlee I said hello," I smiled at him.

"Will do," he nodded then realized what had happened. "Oh wait, shit,"

My eyes widened at him. "I knew it!" I pointed to him. "I specifically told you not to bring her here!"

"I just- we, well, I," he tried to explain and looked all around as I stood in front of him.

"You go put some clothes on and get your ass out in the living room in 5 minutes. Tell Karlee she's welcome to stay if she pleases," I snapped at him and turned to walk into the kitchen.

I set Mason on the floor and waited for Ryland to come out here to talk with me. I heard Ryland's door open. "Hey sis, what's up?" Ryland appeared and sat down next to me on the couch.

"Where's Karlee?" I asked him coldly.

"Taking a shower..." he bit his lip.

"Did I or did I not tell you to keep her away from here if you're going to have sex?" I told him.

Lovesick -- A Rocky Lynch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now