Chapter 31

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I didn't normally wake up to breakfast ready for me, and with being pregnant I was pretty sure I was just dreaming about the aroma in my bedroom. "Baby?" I heard Rocky mumble. "Don't sit up. I brought you breakfast."
I opened my eyes slowly and didn't sit up, knowing that my morning sickness was triggered by standing up on an empty stomach. He handed me a piece of toast and I ate it quietly and sat up in bed. "Well, aren't you just the best," I smiled at Rocky as he climbed back in bed next to me. "Where are the kids?"
"Down stairs with Ryland and Karlee. And I can't take credit for the entirety of this breakfast. The book gave me the idea because it's our task for the day. And Ryland made the eggs," he shrugged his shoulders and I kissed his cheek.
"Thank you baby," I smiled to him. "You're the sweetest."
The two of us continued to share our breakfast and eat slowly. "What's our plan for the day?" Rocky looked at me and asked.
"I don't think we have one..." I thought for a moment. "I think it's just to chill. And call that inspector to go look at the house we're thinking of putting an offer in on. Remember?" I smiled at him.
"That's right," he nodded. "We're moving, I guess. Not now, but soon."
"That's so crazy," I shook my head. "We moved in here after we found out I was pregnant with Avelyn... And now the kids are growing up and we're having a fourth baby." My eyes welled up with tears.
"Hey now," Rocky chuckled quietly and put his arm around me. "Baby..." He hushed me and kissed the side of my head. "It's okay. It's gonna be good."
"I know it is," I wiped my eye and looked up at him. "It's just a lot. At once."
"I know it is, Jules..." He set our empty plates on the table next to him and pulled me into his chest. His hand ran softly and comfortingly down my back. His hand found its way under my shirt and rubbed my bare back just how I loved. "I love you," he mumbled to me and pressed his lips to the top of my head.
"I love you too," I looked up at him and kissed him slowly. My eyes trailed from his eyes down to his lips, his neck, and down to his bare chest before I looked up again and giggled.
"What is it?" he said with a smirk.
"It's just..." I shook my head. "You haven't changed in 10 years. You're still just as hot. You're just as charming. You're still the man I fell in love with." I kissed him and lifted one of my legs over his midsection so I was facing right in front of him.
"And every day you remind me why I married you." He kissed me again.
"And that is?" I tilted my head.
"Because you've got a great ass," he shrugged and placed his hands on my ass teasingly.
"You're disgusting," I laughed loudly and leaned down to kiss him. "Let's go see our kids." I moved off of him and hopped off of the bed.
"But, but," he looked at me sadly. "I'm..." He looked down at the blanket and sighed.
"Are you in the mood or something?" I crossed my arms.
"Mhm," he pouted. "Can we at least take a shower?" he asked me.
"Together?" I raised my eyebrows. "We haven't done that in... a long time."
"So let's do it." He winked at me and climbed out of bed to the door. "Ry?" he called out.
"Watch the kids a bit longer, please and thank you," Rocky told him.
"You got it," he replied to us and Rocky kicked the door closed.
I went into the bathroom without a word and turned on the water in the shower. "You know it's probably not a good idea for me to-" I was whisked around and caught Rocky's lips on my own. "That's quite a polite way to tell someone to shut up." I kissed him again and he lifted me onto the bathroom counter. "God damn Rocky... I didn't know you wanted it this badly."
"Something about you straddling me at 9 am just really turned me on," he groaned and kissed down the side of my face.
I chuckled and he pulled the t-shirt I wore off of me. I ran my hands down his bare chest and spread my legs so he could stand in between them. He chuckled and moaned into my mouth while he gripped and pulled at my breasts. "Oh my God, Rocky..." One thing I loved being about pregnant was everything Rocky touched was multiplied by 200.
"God I love it when you're pregnant." He caught on to how I was feeling, too.
I laughed and kissed him thoughtfully when I realized the bathroom was full of steam. I jumped off the counter and watched Rocky undress and get into the shower. I undressed the rest of the way and went in to join him as he was wetting his hair under the water. I sighed and traded places with him and began to wet my hair as well and he watched me. He washed his hair and smirked at my movements in the shower.
So maybe I was trying to turn him on a bit.
He went back under the water and rinsed his hair and I began to wash my body. He looked at me with wide eyes and mumbled, "Please allow me." His hands traveled all over my body and soaped it up while he kissed me.
"Fuck," I hissed and bit my lip. I rinsed my body off and his as well before I began to feel his chest with light hand motions.
His erection pressed against my thigh and I sat down on the high bench to give him better access to me. He moaned and kissed me as he thrust into my slowly. They sped up and slowed with precision that only Rocky could possess. I bit my lip and leaned my head back with a whimper at how amazing he felt.
"Fuck," I moaned and I could already feel myself getting closer and closer. "Mmm..." I breathed heavily and threw my head back as I came onto him.
He groaned and put his mouth on my neck as he thrust quickly so I could ride out my high and he could reach his own. His hip movements slowed and became erratic as he chuckled darkly and whispered, "I love you Juliette."
* * *
"You know I could get used to having a live in babysitter," Rocky said casually as he and I made our way downstairs.
"Oh really, you could?" Ryland handed Mason to me and sassed Rocky. "I'm not even the babysitter."
"Ah," Rocky nodded his head. "Though, you're d-o-i-n-g the babysitter so you share responsibility."
Avie laughed and looked at us. "What does doing the babysitter mean?"
Rocky put his head in his hand and looked at Avie. "Don't repeat that until you're 23."
"Okay," she giggled and turned back to her Disney show.
He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Okay so now we can't spell when both Avie and Carter are in the room."
"Doing isn't even a bad word," Ryland said stupidly and then looked at Karlee and she shook her head.
"Ryland honey. In context, doing is a bad word, really," she shrugged.
"Oh..." He thought for a moment and nodded his head. "I guess so, yeah."
I sat down on the couch next to Carter and looked up at Ryland with his arm around Karlee. "What are you two doing today?"
"I'm not sure," Ryland looked at her. "Babe, what are we doing today?"
"I have to sit for Ellington and your sister tonight. But other than that, I have nothing going on."
"Oh babe, that reminds me, I need to make an appointment with the OB-GYN now," I looked up at Rocky and pointed to him.
"Why did that remind you of that?" he laughed to me and furrowed his brows.
"Because..." I paused. They didn't know Rydel and Ellington were trying to get pregnant. "Because I'm random like that. And it just came to my mind and I need to call them this week." I got out my phone and made a note to call them.
Ryland and Karlee sat down and began to watch the show that was on the TV with the kids. Avie climbed into Ryland's lap and Mason stood up against Karlee's legs and danced to the music on the show. And even with as much trouble as Ryland had caused us, I was more than happy to have the two of them as sixth and seventh editions to our family.

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